import Vue from 'vue' import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils' import CoreuiVue from '@coreui/vue' import Alerts from '@/views/notifications/Alerts' Vue.use(CoreuiVue) describe('Alerts.vue', () => { it('has a name', () => { expect('Alerts') }) it('has a created hook', () => { expect(typeof'function') }) it('sets the correct default data', () => { expect(typeof'function') }) it('is Vue instance', () => { const wrapper = shallowMount(Alerts) expect(wrapper.vm).toBeTruthy() }) it('is Alerts', () => { const wrapper = shallowMount(Alerts) expect(wrapper.findComponent(Alerts)).toBeTruthy() }) test('renders correctly', () => { const wrapper = shallowMount(Alerts) expect(wrapper.element).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('should have methods', () => { expect(typeof Alerts.methods.showAlert ).toEqual('function') expect(Alerts.methods.showAlert()).toBeUndefined() expect(typeof Alerts.methods.countDownChanged ).toEqual('function') expect(Alerts.methods.countDownChanged(10)).toBeUndefined() expect(typeof Alerts.methods.showDismissibleAlerts ).toEqual('function') expect(Alerts.methods.showDismissibleAlerts()).toBeUndefined() }) })