123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640 |
- # -*-coding:UTF-8-*-
- import csv
- from itertools import *
- import keras
- import json
- import networkx as nx
- import sys
- # sys.path.append("../")
- import os
- sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")))
- from scripts.logger.lemon_logger import Logger
- from scripts.tools.mutator_selection_logic import Roulette, MCMC
- from scripts.mutation.model_mutation_generators import *
- import argparse
- import ast
- import numpy as np
- from scripts.mutation.mutation_utils import *
- import pickle
- from scripts.tools import utils
- from scripts.tools.utils import ModelUtils
- import shutil
- import re
- import datetime
- import configparser
- import warnings
- import math
- lines = 0
- # np.random.seed(20200501)
- warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
- os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "2"
- os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID"
- os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = ""
- import psutil
- def partially_nan_or_inf(predictions, bk_num): # 检查是否无穷大或空
- """
- Check if there is NAN in the result
- """
- def get_nan_num(nds):
- _nan_num = 0
- for nd in nds:
- if np.isnan(nd).any() or np.isinf(nd).any():
- _nan_num += 1
- return _nan_num
- if len(predictions) == bk_num:
- for input_predict in zip(*predictions):
- nan_num = get_nan_num(input_predict)
- if 0 < nan_num < bk_num:
- return True
- else:
- continue
- return False
- else:
- raise Exception("wrong backend amounts")
- def get_selector_by_startegy_name(mutator_s, mutant_s):
- mutant_strategy_dict = {"ROULETTE": Roulette}
- mutator_strategy_dict = {"MCMC": MCMC}
- return mutator_strategy_dict[mutator_s], mutant_strategy_dict[mutant_s]
- def save_mutate_history(selector, invalid_history: dict, mutant_history: list):
- mutator_history_path = os.path.join(experiment_dir, "mutator_history.csv")
- mutant_history_path = os.path.join(experiment_dir, "mutant_history.txt")
- with open(mutator_history_path, "w+") as fw:
- fw.write("Name,Success,Invalid,Total\n")
- for op in invalid_history.keys():
- mtrs = selector.mutators[op]
- invalid_cnt = invalid_history[op]
- fw.write(
- "{},{},{},{}\n".format(
- op, mtrs.delta_bigger_than_zero, invalid_cnt, mtrs.total
- )
- )
- with open(mutant_history_path, "w+") as fw:
- for mutant in mutant_history:
- fw.write("{}\n".format(mutant))
- def is_nan_or_inf(t):
- if math.isnan(t) or math.isinf(t):
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def continue_checker(**run_stat): # 判断算法是否满足退出条件
- start_time = run_stat["start_time"]
- time_limitation = run_stat["time_limit"]
- cur_counters = run_stat["cur_counters"]
- counters_limit = run_stat["counters_limit"]
- s_mode = run_stat["stop_mode"]
- # if timing
- # 时间限制
- if s_mode == "TIMING":
- hours, minutes, seconds = utils.ToolUtils.get_HH_mm_ss(
- datetime.datetime.now() - start_time
- )
- total_minutes = hours * 60 + minutes
- mutate_logger.info(
- f"INFO: Mutation progress: {total_minutes}/{time_limitation} Minutes!"
- )
- if total_minutes < time_limitation:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- # if counters
- # 次数限制,size(models)<N
- elif s_mode == "COUNTER":
- if cur_counters < counters_limit:
- mutate_logger.info(
- "INFO: Mutation progress {}/{}".format(cur_counters + 1, counters_limit)
- )
- return True
- else:
- return False
- else:
- raise Exception(f"Error! Stop Mode {s_mode} not Found!")
- def calc_inner_div(model):
- graph = nx.DiGraph()
- for layer in model.layers:
- graph.add_node(layer.name)
- for inbound_node in layer._inbound_nodes:
- if inbound_node.inbound_layers:
- for parent_layer in inbound_node.inbound_layers:
- graph.add_edge(parent_layer.name, layer.name)
- longest_path = nx.dag_longest_path(graph)
- return len(longest_path) / len(graph)
- def _generate_and_predict(
- res_dict, filename, mutate_num, mutate_ops, test_size, exp, backends
- ):
- # 主算法函数
- """
- Generate models using mutate operators and store them
- """
- mutate_op_history = {k: 0 for k in mutate_ops}
- mutate_op_invalid_history = {k: 0 for k in mutate_ops}
- mutant_history = []
- # get mutator selection strategy
- if "svhn" in exp or "fashion2" in exp:
- origin_model_name = "{}_origin0.hdf5".format(exp)
- else:
- origin_model_name = "{}_origin0.h5".format(exp)
- # 初始种子模型列表Ms初始时只有这一个模型
- root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
- origin_save_path = os.path.join(mut_dir, origin_model_name)
- mutator_selector_func, mutant_selector_func = get_selector_by_startegy_name(
- mutator_strategy, mutant_strategy
- )
- # [origin_model_name] means seed pool only contains initial model at beginning.
- mutator_selector, mutant_selector = mutator_selector_func(
- mutate_ops
- ), mutant_selector_func([origin_model_name], capacity=mutate_num + 1)
- # MCMC,Roulette
- shutil.copy(src=filename, dst=origin_save_path)
- origin_model_status, res_dict, accumulative_inconsistency, _ = get_model_prediction(
- res_dict, origin_save_path, origin_model_name, exp, test_size, backends
- )
- if not origin_model_status:
- mutate_logger.error(
- f"Origin model {exp} crashed on some backends! LEMON would skip it"
- )
- sys.exit(-1)
- last_used_mutator = None
- last_inconsistency = accumulative_inconsistency # ACC
- mutant_counter = 0
- start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
- order_inconsistency_dict = {}
- run_stat = {
- "start_time": start_time,
- "time_limit": time_limit,
- "cur_counters": mutant_counter,
- "counters_limit": mutate_num,
- "stop_mode": stop_mode,
- }
- # 满足限制条件就继续循环
- while continue_checker(**run_stat):
- global model_num
- if model_num == mutate_num:
- break
- picked_seed = utils.ToolUtils.select_mutant(
- mutant_selector
- ) # 轮盘赌选择种子模型(伪代码3-14行)
- selected_op = utils.ToolUtils.select_mutator(
- mutator_selector, last_used_mutator=last_used_mutator
- ) # 蒙特卡洛选择变异算子(伪代码15-20行)
- mutate_op_history[selected_op] += 1
- last_used_mutator = selected_op
- mutator = mutator_selector.mutators[selected_op] # 变异算子对象
- mutant = mutant_selector.mutants[picked_seed] # 种子模型对象
- if "svhn" in picked_seed or "fashion2" in picked_seed:
- new_seed_name = "{}-{}{}.hdf5".format(
- picked_seed[:-5], selected_op, mutate_op_history[selected_op]
- )
- else:
- new_seed_name = "{}-{}{}.h5".format(
- picked_seed[:-3], selected_op, mutate_op_history[selected_op]
- ) # 生成新模型
- # seed name would not be duplicate
- if new_seed_name not in mutant_selector.mutants.keys():
- # 对应伪代码22行,因为种子模型是以当前选择的种子模型和变异算子命名的,所以重名就表示这个模型已经存在了
- new_seed_path = os.path.join(mut_dir, new_seed_name)
- picked_seed_path = os.path.join(mut_dir, picked_seed)
- mutate_st = datetime.datetime.now()
- model_mutation_generators = (
- root_dir + "/scripts/mutation/model_mutation_generators.py"
- )
- mutate_status = os.system(
- "{}/lemon/bin/python -u {} --model {} "
- "--mutate_op {} --save_path {} --mutate_ratio {}".format(
- python_prefix,
- model_mutation_generators,
- picked_seed_path,
- selected_op,
- new_seed_path,
- flags.mutate_ratio,
- )
- )
- # 使用变异算子进行变异(伪代码21行)
- mutate_et = datetime.datetime.now()
- mutate_dt = mutate_et - mutate_st
- h, m, s = utils.ToolUtils.get_HH_mm_ss(mutate_dt)
- mutate_logger.info(
- "INFO:Mutate Time Used on {} : {}h, {}m, {}s".format(
- selected_op, h, m, s
- )
- )
- # mutation status code is successful
- if mutate_status == 0: # 变异执行完成
- mutant.selected += 1
- mutator.total += 1
- # execute this model on all platforms
- predict_status, res_dict, accumulative_inconsistency, model_outputs = (
- get_model_prediction(
- res_dict, new_seed_path, new_seed_name, exp, test_size, backends
- )
- )
- # 计算ACC(m)
- if predict_status:
- mutant_history.append(new_seed_name)
- # 伪代码23-25行
- print("type:", type(model_outputs))
- print("model_outputs:", model_outputs)
- if utils.ModelUtils.is_valid_model(
- inputs_backends=model_outputs, backends_nums=len(backends)
- ):
- delta = (
- accumulative_inconsistency - last_inconsistency
- ) # 也就是ACC(m)-ACC(s)
- # 下面两个if好像没什么用,因为mutator字典里只有MCMC,mutant字典里只有ROULETTE
- if mutator_strategy == "MCMC":
- mutator.delta_bigger_than_zero = (
- mutator.delta_bigger_than_zero + 1
- if delta > 0
- else mutator.delta_bigger_than_zero
- )
- if mutant_strategy == "ROULETTE" and delta > 0:
- # when size >= capacity:
- # random_mutant & Roulette would drop one and add new one
- if mutant_selector.is_full():
- mutant_selector.pop_one_mutant()
- mutant_selector.add_mutant(
- new_seed_name
- ) # 如果放大了不一致程度,即ACC(m)>=ACC(s),就加入到种子模型集合里
- last_inconsistency = accumulative_inconsistency # 29行
- mutate_logger.info(
- "SUCCESS:{} pass testing!".format(new_seed_name)
- )
- mutant_counter += 1
- else:
- mutate_op_invalid_history[selected_op] += 1
- mutate_logger.error("Invalid model Found!")
- else:
- mutate_logger.error("Crashed or NaN model Found!")
- else:
- mutate_logger.error(
- "Exception raised when mutate {} with {}".format(
- picked_seed, selected_op
- )
- )
- mutate_logger.info("Mutated op used history:")
- mutate_logger.info(mutate_op_history)
- mutate_logger.info("Invalid mutant generated history:")
- mutate_logger.info(mutate_op_invalid_history)
- run_stat["cur_counters"] = mutant_counter
- save_mutate_history(mutator_selector, mutate_op_invalid_history, mutant_history)
- # calc_cov = CoverageCalculatornew(all_json_path, api_config_pool_path)
- # lines = 0
- # for file in os.listdir(folder_path):
- # if file == 'total.json': continue
- # file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file)
- # calc_cov.load_json(file_path)
- # with open(file_path, 'r') as sub_json:
- # sub_info = json.load(sub_json)
- # outer_div = len(tar_set - set(sub_info['layer_type']))
- # input_cov, config_cov, api_cov, op_type_cov, op_num_cov, edge_cov = calc_cov.cal_coverage()
- # with open(output_path, 'a+', newline='') as fi:
- # writer = csv.writer(fi)
- # head = ['Layer Input Coverage', 'Layer Parameter Diversity', 'Layer Sequence Diversity',
- # 'Operator Type Coverage', 'Operator Num Coverage', 'Edge Coverage', 'Accumulative inconsistency']
- # if not lines:
- # writer.writerow(head)
- # lines += 1
- # printlist = [input_cov, config_cov, api_cov, op_type_cov, op_num_cov, edge_cov,
- # acc[lines]]
- # writer.writerow(printlist)
- return res_dict
- def generate_metrics_result(res_dict, predict_output, model_idntfr): # 计算ACC
- mutate_logger.info("Generating Metrics Result")
- accumulative_incons = 0
- backends_pairs_num = 0
- # Compare results pair by pair
- for pair in combinations(predict_output.items(), 2): # 每一对库
- backends_pairs_num += 1
- backend1, backend2 = pair
- bk_name1, prediction1 = backend1
- bk_name2, prediction2 = backend2
- bk_pair = "{}_{}".format(bk_name1, bk_name2)
- for metrics_name, metrics_result_dict in res_dict.items():
- metrics_func = utils.MetricsUtils.get_metrics_by_name(metrics_name) # 计算
- # metrics_results in list type
- metrics_results = metrics_func(
- prediction1, prediction2, y_test[: flags.test_size]
- )
- # 一共test_size个数据集,所以metrics_result是长度为test_size的预测结果列表
- # ACC -> float: The sum of all inputs under all backends
- accumulative_incons += sum(metrics_results) # ACC=∑
- for input_idx, delta in enumerate(metrics_results):
- delta_key = "{}_{}_{}_input{}".format(
- model_idntfr, bk_name1, bk_name2, input_idx
- )
- metrics_result_dict[delta_key] = delta
- mutate_logger.info(f"Accumulative Inconsistency: {accumulative_incons}")
- return res_dict, accumulative_incons
- def generate_gini_result(predict_output, backends):
- gini_res = {bk: 0 for bk in backends}
- for pair in predict_output.items():
- bk_name, prediction = pair
- gini_res[bk_name] = utils.MetricsUtils.get_gini_mean(prediction)
- return gini_res
- def generate_theta(predict_output, backends):
- theta_res = {bk: 0 for bk in backends}
- for pair in predict_output.items():
- bk_name, prediction = pair
- theta_res[bk_name] = utils.MetricsUtils.get_theta_mean(
- prediction, y_test[: flags.test_size]
- )
- return theta_res
- model_num = 0
- def get_model_prediction(res_dict, model_path, model_name, exp, test_size, backends):
- # 计算ACC
- """
- Get model prediction on different backends and calculate distance by metrics
- """
- root_dir = model_path.split("origin_model")[0]
- npy_path = (
- root_dir + "res.npy"
- ) # 保存模型预测结果的路径,patch_prediction_extractor.py中的44行改成一样的路径
- predict_output = {b: [] for b in backends}
- model_idntfr = model_name[:-3]
- all_backends_predict_status = True
- for bk in backends:
- python_bin = f"{python_prefix}/{bk}/bin/python"
- predict_st = datetime.datetime.now()
- # 使用不同的库进行预测
- pre_status_bk = os.system(
- f"{python_bin} -u -m patch_prediction_extractor --backend {bk} "
- f"--exp {exp} --test_size {test_size} --model {model_path} "
- f"--config_name {flags.config_name}"
- )
- predict_et = datetime.datetime.now()
- predict_td = predict_et - predict_st
- h, m, s = utils.ToolUtils.get_HH_mm_ss(predict_td)
- mutate_logger.info(
- "Prediction Time Used on {} : {}h, {}m, {}s".format(bk, h, m, s)
- )
- # If no exception is thrown,save prediction result
- if pre_status_bk == 0: # 预测执行成功,保存结果
- # data = pickle.loads(redis_conn.hget("prediction_{}".format(model_name), bk))
- data = np.load(npy_path)
- predict_output[bk] = data
- # print(data)
- # record the crashed backend
- else:
- all_backends_predict_status = False
- mutate_logger.error(
- "{} crash on backend {} when predicting ".format(model_name, bk)
- )
- status = False
- accumulative_incons = None
- # run ok on all platforms
- if (
- all_backends_predict_status
- ): # 所有的库都执行成功且保存了结果,判断结果中是否有错误
- predictions = list(predict_output.values())
- res_dict, accumulative_incons = generate_metrics_result(
- res_dict=res_dict, predict_output=predict_output, model_idntfr=model_idntfr
- )
- # 计算ACC(用于衡量预测结果的不一致程度)
- # gini_res = generate_gini_result(predict_output=predict_output, backends=backends)
- # theta = generate_theta(predict_output=predict_output, backends=backends)
- # import csv
- # csvfile = open(r"D:\lemon_outputs\result\mobilenet.1.00.224-imagenet\tensorflow\5.csv", 'a+',newline='')
- # write=csv.writer(csvfile)
- # write.writerow([accumulative_incons, gini_res['tensorflow'], theta['tensorflow']])
- # csvfile.close()
- #
- # csvfile = open(r"D:\lemon_outputs\result\mobilenet.1.00.224-imagenet\mxnet\5.csv", 'a+',newline='')
- # write=csv.writer(csvfile)
- # write.writerow([accumulative_incons, gini_res['mxnet'], theta['mxnet']])
- # csvfile.close()
- # 计算gini
- # If all backends are working fine, check if there exists NAN or INF in the result
- # `accumulative_incons` is nan or inf --> NaN or INF in results
- if is_nan_or_inf(accumulative_incons):
- # has NaN on partial backends
- if partially_nan_or_inf(predictions, len(backends)):
- nan_model_path = os.path.join(nan_dir, f"{model_idntfr}_NaN_bug.h5")
- mutate_logger.error("Error: Found one NaN bug. move NAN model")
- # has NaN on all backends --> not a NaN bug
- else:
- nan_model_path = os.path.join(
- nan_dir, f"{model_idntfr}_NaN_on_all_backends.h5"
- )
- mutate_logger.error(
- "Error: Found one NaN Model on all libraries. move NAN model"
- )
- shutil.move(model_path, nan_model_path)
- else: # No NaN or INF on any backend
- print(model_path)
- for bk in backends:
- python_bin = f"{python_prefix}/{bk}/bin/python"
- os.system(
- f"{python_bin} -u -m model_to_txt --backend {bk} --model_path {model_path} --root_dir {root_dir}"
- )
- # if 'svhn' in model_name or 'fashion2' in model_name:
- # file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, model_path.split("\\")[-1][:-5] + '.json')
- # else:
- # file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, model_path.split("\\")[-1][:-3] + '.json')
- # union_json(file_path, all_json_path)
- # model_now = keras.models.load_model(model_path, custom_objects=custom_objects())
- # inner_div[model_num] = calc_inner_div(model_now)
- # with open(file_path, 'r') as sub_json:
- # sub_info = json.load(sub_json)
- # if len(set(sub_info['layer_type'])) > len(tar_set):
- # tar_set = set(sub_info['layer_type'])
- mutate_logger.info("Saving prediction")
- with open(
- "{}/prediction_{}.pkl".format(inner_output_dir, model_idntfr), "wb+"
- ) as f:
- pickle.dump(predict_output, file=f)
- status = True
- # save crashed model
- else:
- mutate_logger.error("Error: move crash model")
- crash_model_path = os.path.join(crash_dir, model_name)
- shutil.move(model_path, crash_model_path)
- return status, res_dict, accumulative_incons, predict_output
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- starttime = datetime.datetime.now()
- """
- Parser of command args.
- It could make mutate_lemon.py run independently without relying on mutation_executor.py
- """
- parse = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parse.add_argument(
- "--is_mutate",
- type=ast.literal_eval,
- default=False,
- help="parameter to determine mutation option",
- )
- parse.add_argument(
- "--mutate_op",
- type=str,
- nargs="+",
- choices=[
- "WS",
- "GF",
- "NEB",
- "NAI",
- "NS",
- "ARem",
- "ARep",
- "LA",
- "LC",
- "LR",
- "LS",
- "MLA",
- ],
- help="parameter to determine mutation option",
- )
- parse.add_argument(
- "--model", type=str, help="relative path of model file(from root dir)"
- )
- parse.add_argument(
- "--output_dir", type=str, help="relative path of output dir(from root dir)"
- )
- parse.add_argument("--backends", type=str, nargs="+", help="list of backends")
- parse.add_argument(
- "--mutate_num",
- type=int,
- help="number of variant models generated by each mutation operator",
- )
- parse.add_argument("--mutate_ratio", type=float, help="ratio of mutation")
- parse.add_argument("--exp", type=str, help="experiments identifiers")
- parse.add_argument("--test_size", type=int, help="amount of testing image")
- parse.add_argument("--config_name", type=str, help="config name")
- flags, unparsed = parse.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:])
- warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
- lemon_cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
- # lemon_cfg.read(f".\config\{flags.config_name}")
- cfg_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()), "config", flags.config_name)
- lemon_cfg.read(cfg_path)
- # lemon_cfg.read(f"config/demo.conf")
- time_limit = lemon_cfg["parameters"].getint("time_limit")
- mutator_strategy = lemon_cfg["parameters"].get("mutator_strategy").upper()
- mutant_strategy = lemon_cfg["parameters"].get("mutant_strategy").upper()
- stop_mode = lemon_cfg["parameters"].get("stop_mode").upper()
- alpha = lemon_cfg["parameters"].getfloat("alpha")
- mutate_logger = Logger()
- # pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host=lemon_cfg['redis']['host'], port=lemon_cfg['redis']['port'],
- # db=lemon_cfg['redis'].getint('redis_db'))
- # redis_conn = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool)
- # for k in redis_conn.keys():
- # if flags.exp in k.decode("utf-8"):
- # redis_conn.delete(k)
- # exp : like lenet5-mnist
- experiment_dir = os.path.join(flags.output_dir, flags.exp)
- mut_dir = os.path.join(experiment_dir, "mut_model")
- crash_dir = os.path.join(experiment_dir, "crash")
- nan_dir = os.path.join(experiment_dir, "nan")
- inner_output_dir = os.path.join(experiment_dir, "inner_output")
- metrics_result_dir = os.path.join(experiment_dir, "metrics_result")
- x, y = utils.DataUtils.get_data_by_exp(flags.exp) # 从conf文件中读取数据并转换形式
- x_test, y_test = x[: flags.test_size], y[: flags.test_size]
- pool_size = lemon_cfg["parameters"].getint("pool_size")
- python_prefix = lemon_cfg["parameters"]["python_prefix"].rstrip("\\")
- try: # 执行算法
- metrics_list = lemon_cfg["parameters"]["metrics"].split(" ") # D_MAD
- lemon_results = {k: dict() for k in metrics_list}
- lemon_results = _generate_and_predict(
- lemon_results,
- flags.model,
- flags.mutate_num,
- flags.mutate_op,
- flags.test_size,
- flags.exp,
- flags.backends,
- )
- with open(
- "{}/{}_lemon_results.pkl".format(experiment_dir, flags.exp), "wb+"
- ) as f:
- pickle.dump(lemon_results, file=f)
- utils.MetricsUtils.generate_result_by_metrics(
- metrics_list, lemon_results, metrics_result_dir, flags.exp
- )
- except Exception as e:
- mutate_logger.exception(sys.exc_info())
- from keras import backend as K
- K.clear_session()
- endtime = datetime.datetime.now()
- time_delta = endtime - starttime
- h, m, s = utils.ToolUtils.get_HH_mm_ss(time_delta)
- mutate_logger.info(
- "Mutation process is done: Time used: {} hour,{} min,{} sec".format(h, m, s)
- )