support to use as an event trigger condition--openscenarioparams
argument to overwrite global ParameterDeclaration
Additional Scenarios:
Added Construction setup scenario.
Fixed LaneOffset (+ vs. -) for OpenSCENARIO
Fixed RelativeLanePosition for OpenSCENARIO causing exception when using ds != 0
Fixed bug at the Getting Started docs which caused an import error
Fixed neverending lane change maneuver in OpenSCENARIO
Fixed bug causing the spawning of an actor with request_new_actor
to never activate the autopilot.
Fixed handling of evaluation criteria in OpenSCENARIO (using a delay value of .0 caused an exception)
Extended SimpleVehicleController (OSC) to handle traffic lights
Generalized visualizer attached to OSC controllers
Fixed bug at the Getting Started docs which caused an import error
Improved the watchdog. It can now be paused, resumed and uses the same thread, instead of opening and closing new ones each frame.
Added simple-watchdog-timer
library to the requirements, as it is used by the new watchdog. This requires Python 3.x from now on!
Extended CarlaDataProvider's spawning functions to allow filtering the safer blueprint, and optionally tick the server
Improved cleanup handling to resolve memory leak issues and resolve timeouts
Updated GameTime.restart() at srunner/scenariomanager/ to also reset the frame number
Fixed failing to run with port argument
Fixed exception when using OSC scenarios without EnvironmentAction inside Storyboard-Init
Fixed bug causing the TrafficManager to not be correctly updated at asynchronous simualtions
Fixed shutdown issue in ScenarioRunner causing to not switch to asynchronous mode
Fixed OSC TeleportAction within Story
Fixed runtime exception on RouteScenario without an agent parameter
Fixed bug causing the InTimeToArrivalToVehicle atomic to crash if one of the actors was a a static object
Fixed writing result files when using OpenSCENARIO under Windows (CARLA: prefix is removed from the filename)
Added check to ensure OSC names (for story/act/maneuver) are unique
Very important: CarlaActorPool has been removed and all its functions moved to the CarlaDataProvider:
Added new environment variables needed. They can be seen at (Docs/
Improved the visual display of the information from the output and file arguments.
Routes are now deterministic in regards to the spawning scenarios when more than one are at the same location
The BackgroundActivity functionality has been unchanged but some tweaks have been made, fixing a previous patch. As a result, the amount parameter at ActorConfigurationData has been removed.
Remade how ScenarioRunner reads the scenarios files. It now reads all scenarios inside the srunner/scenarios folder without needing to import them. Scenarios outside that folder will still need the --additionalScenario argument.
The new weather parameters (related to fog) are now correctly read when running scenarios outside routes.
Enable weather animation during scenario execution (requires ephem pip package)
Changed manual control to be in par with the CARLA version. Among others, added vehicle lights, recording and some new sensors
Removed unsupported scenarios (ChallengeBasic and BackgroundActivity, VehicleTurnLeftAtJunction)
Added a new metrics module, which gives access to all the information about a scenario in order to allow the user to extract any desired information about the simulation. More information here
Removed the default randomness at the ControlLoss scenario
OpenSCENARIO support:
Fixed bug causing the rotate_point function inside RunningRedLightTest to not function properly.
Exposed traffic manager port flag to enable the execution of multiple scenarios on a single machine.
Important All challenge related content has been removed. This functionality has been improved and is now part of the Leaderboard. As a consequence:
The path to the route and scenario descriptions has changed from .../challenge to .../data
Fixed spawning bugs for scenario DynamicObjectCrossing when it is part of a route
Fixed spawning bugs for scenarios VehicleTurningRight, VehicleTurningLeft when they are part of a route
Fixed bug causing the GPS coordinates given to the agents to be wrongly calculated
Fixed bug when setting up actors in batch causing to ignore the spawn points given.
Fixed bug where CollisionTest was counting as multiple hits collisions that displaced the actor for a long distance.
Fixed bug causing the simulation to end after running in synchronous mode
Fixed bug when using the WaypointFollower atomic to create new LocalPlanners for on-the-fly created actors (#502)
Fixed bug causing the scenarios to run faster than real time.
Removed perform_carla_tick() function at CarlaDataProvider, which was a workaround for world.tick()
OpenSCENARIO support:
Added initial support for Catalogs (Vehicle, Pedestrian, Environment, Maneuver, and and MiscObject types only)
Fixed #471: Handling of weather parameter (cloudyness -> cloudiness adaption)
Fixed #472: Spawning issue of pedestrians in OpenSCENARIO
Fixed #374: Usage of evaluation critieria with multiple ego vehicles in OpenSCENARIO
Fixed #459: Add initial support for Catalogs (Vehicle, Pedestrian, Environment, Maneuver, and and MiscObject types only)
Fixed wrong StandStill behavior which return SUCCESS immediatly on a standing actor
Fixed scenario bug causing junction related scenarios (4, 7, 8 and 9) to not spawn due to lane changes.
Added watchdog to ScenarioManager to handle timeouts and CARLA crashes
Added timeout for CARLA tick() calls to avoid blocking CARLA server calls
This is the first release to work with CARLA 0.9.7 (not the patch versions 0.9.7.x)
Extended OpenScenario support:
Actor physics can now be set via Object Properties ()
Fixed wrong handling of OpenSCENARIO ConditionGroups, which should be handled as parallel composites, not sequences
Fixed #443: Repetitions in OpenSCENARIO were not properly working
Fixed bug causing RunningStopTest atomic criteria to trigger when lane changing near a STOP signal
Fixed bug causing RunningRedLightTest atomic criteria to occasionally not trigger
Fixed bug causing occasional frame_errors
Fixed #426: Avoid underground vehicles fall forever by disabling physics when spawning underground.
Fixed #427: Removed unnecessary warnings when using get_next_traffic_light() with non-cached locations
Fixed missing ego_vehicle: compare actor IDs instead of object in CarlaDataProvider in get_velocity, get_transform and get_location
Avoided use of '' as walker type in DynamicObjectCrossing scenario
Fixed WaypointFollower behavior to use m/s instead of km/h
Fixed starting position of VehicleTurnLeft/Right scenarios
Fixed spawn_point modification inside CarlaActorPool.setup_actor()
Fixed result of DrivenDistanceTest
Fixed exception in manual_control on fps visualization
Cleanup of pylint errors for all autonomous agents
Fixed randomness of route-based scenarios
Fixed usage of radians instead of degrees for OpenSCENARIO
Fixed ActorTransformSetter behavior to avoid vehicles not reaching the desired transform
Fixed spawning of debris for ControlLoss scenario (Scenario01)
Fixed CTRL+C termination of ScenarioRunner
Increased speed of actor initialization by using CARLA batch mode and buffering CARLA blueprint library
Split of behaviors into behaviors and conditions
Moved atomics into new submodule scenarioatomics
Updated documentation for all behaviors, conditions and test criteria
Refactoring of scenario configurations and parsers
Extended WaypointFollower atomic behavior to be able to use the current actor speed
Removed usage of 'import *' to have cleaner Python imports
Removed broad-except and bare-except where possible
Python-Scenarios: Removed obsolete categories
ScenarioRunner: Removed scenario dictonary, use imports directly
CarlaDataProvider: Simplified update_light_states() to remove code duplication
Timer: class TimeOut() is derived from SimulationTimeCondition() to avoid code duplication
Moved backported py_trees classes and methods to tools/ to avoid code duplication
Adaptions to CARLA API Changes
This is the first release to work with CARLA 0.9.6
This is the last release that works with CARLA 0.9.5
Atomic behaviors:
Added behavior to activate/deactivate autopilot
Fixed WaypointFollower initialization
This is the first release to work with CARLA 0.9.5
Added NHTSA Traffic Scenarios
SignalizedJunctionLeftTurn : hero vehicle is turning left at signalized intersection, cuts across the path of another vehicle coming straight crossing from an opposite direction.
Fixed SteerVehicle atomic behavior to keep vehicle velocity
Reworked scenario execution
Updated NHTSA Traffic Scenarios
This release is designed to work with CARLA 0.9.2