index.html 18 KB

  1. <!doctype html>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="utf-8">
  5. <title>报告模板上传</title>
  6. <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
  7. <style>
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  297. 80% {
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  335. padding: 8px 15px;
  336. font-size: 12px;
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  341. -webkit-transform: translateY(15px);
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  405. <body>
  406. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
  407. <div class="upload">
  408. <div class="upload-files">
  409. <header>
  410. <p>
  411. <i class="fa fa-cloud-upload" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  412. <span class="up">up</span>
  413. <span class="load">load</span>
  414. </p>
  415. </header>
  416. <div class="body" id="drop">
  417. <i class="fa fa-file-text-o pointer-none" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  418. <!-- <p class="pointer-none"><b>拖放到这里</b> files here <br /> or <a href="" id="triggerFile">浏览</a>开始上传</p>-->
  419. <p class="pointer-none"><b>拖放到这里</b> files here <br /> or <a href="" id="triggerFile">浏览</a>开始上传</p>
  420. <input type="file" id="file" multiple />
  421. </div>
  422. <footer>
  423. <div class="divider">
  424. <span><AR>FILES</AR></span>
  425. </div>
  426. <div class="list-files">
  427. <!-- template -->
  428. </div>
  429. <button class="importar" onclick="UpladFile()">UPDATE FILES</button>
  430. <!-- <button class="importar" onclick="cancleUploadFile()">CALCLE FILES</button>-->
  431. </footer>
  432. </div>
  433. </div>
  434. <script type="application/javascript">
  435. //上传文件方法
  436. var xhr;
  437. function UpladFile() {
  438. var fileObj = document.getElementById("file").files[0]; // js 获取文件对象
  439. // var url = "" + "/generalReportTemplate"; // 接收上传文件的后台地址
  440. var url = "" + "/api/report/generalReportTemplate"; // 接收上传文件的后台地址
  441. var form = new FormData(); // FormData 对象
  442. form.append("file", fileObj); // 文件对象
  443. xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // XMLHttpRequest 对象
  444."post", url, true); //post方式,url为服务器请求地址,true 该参数规定请求是否异步处理。
  445. xhr.onload = uploadComplete; //请求完成
  446. xhr.onerror = uploadFailed; //请求失败
  447. xhr.send(form); //开始上传,发送form数据
  448. }
  449. //上传成功响应
  450. function uploadComplete(evt) {
  451. //服务断接收完文件返回的结果
  452. // console.log(;
  453. // var data = JSON.parse(;
  454. // console.log(data);
  455. // if (data.success) {
  456. //
  457. // } else {
  458. // alert("上传失败!");
  459. // }
  460. alert("上传成功!");
  461. }
  462. //上传失败
  463. function uploadFailed(evt) {
  464. alert("上传失败!");
  465. }
  466. </script>
  467. <script type="text/javascript">
  468. //DOM
  469. const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document);
  470. //APP
  471. let App = {};
  472. App.init = (function() {
  473. //Init
  474. function handleFileSelect(evt) {
  475. const files =; // FileList object
  476. //files template
  477. let template = `${Object.keys(files)
  478. .map(file => `<div class="file file--${file}">
  479. <div class="name"><span>${files[file].name}</span></div>
  480. <div class="progress active"></div>
  481. <div class="done">
  482. <a href="" target="_blank">
  483. <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000">
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  485. </svg>
  486. </a>
  487. </div>
  488. </div>`)
  489. .join("")}`;
  490. $("#drop").classList.add("hidden");
  491. $("footer").classList.add("hasFiles");
  492. $(".importar").classList.add("active");
  493. setTimeout(() => {
  494. $(".list-files").innerHTML = template;
  495. }, 1000);
  496. Object.keys(files).forEach(file => {
  497. let load = 2000 + file * 2000; // fake load
  498. setTimeout(() => {
  499. $(`.file--${file}`).querySelector(".progress").classList.remove("active");
  500. $(`.file--${file}`).querySelector(".done").classList.add("anim");
  501. }, load);
  502. });
  503. }
  504. // trigger input
  505. $("#triggerFile").addEventListener("click", evt => {
  506. evt.preventDefault();
  507. $("input[type=file]").click();
  508. });
  509. // drop events
  510. $("#drop").ondragleave = evt => {
  511. $("#drop").classList.remove("active");
  512. evt.preventDefault();
  513. };
  514. $("#drop").ondragover = $("#drop").ondragenter = evt => {
  515. $("#drop").classList.add("active");
  516. evt.preventDefault();
  517. };
  518. $("#drop").ondrop = evt => {
  519. var files = evt.dataTransfer.files; // FileList object
  520. //files template
  521. let template = `${Object.keys(files)
  522. .map(file => `<div class="file file--${file}">
  523. <div class="name"><span>${files[file].name}</span></div>
  524. <div class="progress active"></div>
  525. <div class="done">
  526. <a href="" target="_blank">
  527. <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000">
  528. <g><path id="path" d="M500,10C229.4,10,10,229.4,10,500c0,270.6,219.4,490,490,490c270.6,0,490-219.4,490-490C990,229.4,770.6,10,500,10z M500,967.7C241.7,967.7,32.3,758.3,32.3,500C32.3,241.7,241.7,32.3,500,32.3c258.3,0,467.7,209.4,467.7,467.7C967.7,758.3,758.3,967.7,500,967.7z M748.4,325L448,623.1L301.6,477.9c-4.4-4.3-11.4-4.3-15.8,0c-4.4,4.3-4.4,11.3,0,15.6l151.2,150c0.5,1.3,1.4,2.6,2.5,3.7c4.4,4.3,11.4,4.3,15.8,0l308.9-306.5c4.4-4.3,4.4-11.3,0-15.6C759.8,320.7,752.7,320.7,748.4,325z"</g>
  529. </svg>
  530. </a>
  531. </div>
  532. </div>`)
  533. .join("")}`;
  534. $("#drop").classList.add("hidden");
  535. $("footer").classList.add("hasFiles");
  536. $(".importar").classList.add("active");
  537. setTimeout(() => {
  538. $(".list-files").innerHTML = template;
  539. }, 1000);
  540. Object.keys(files).forEach(file => {
  541. let load = 2000 + file * 2000; // fake load
  542. setTimeout(() => {
  543. $(`.file--${file}`).querySelector(".progress").classList.remove("active");
  544. $(`.file--${file}`).querySelector(".done").classList.add("anim");
  545. }, load);
  546. });
  547. $("input[type=file]").files = evt.dataTransfer.files;
  548. var fileObj = document.getElementById("file").files[0];
  549. evt.preventDefault();
  550. // $("input[type=file]").files = evt.dataTransfer.files[0];
  551. // $("footer").classList.add("hasFiles");
  552. // $("#drop").classList.remove("active");
  553. // evt.preventDefault();
  554. };
  555. //upload more
  556. $(".importar").addEventListener("click", () => {
  557. $(".list-files").innerHTML = "";
  558. $("footer").classList.remove("hasFiles");
  559. $(".importar").classList.remove("active");
  560. setTimeout(() => {
  561. $("#drop").classList.remove("hidden");
  562. }, 500);
  563. });
  564. // input change
  565. $("input[type=file]").addEventListener("change", handleFileSelect);
  566. })();
  567. </script>
  568. </body>
  569. </html>