application.yml 2.8 KB

  1. spring:
  2. profiles:
  3. active: report-server-dev
  4. # active: report-server-online
  5. datasource:
  6. driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  7. # url: jdbc:mysql://
  8. # username: mooctest
  9. # password: secr3t!
  10. # Keep the connection alive if idle for a long time (needed in production)
  11. testWhileIdle: true
  12. validationQuery: SELECT 1
  13. # Show or not log for each sql query
  14. jpa:
  15. show-sql: true
  16. # Hibernate ddl auto (create, create-drop, update)
  17. hibernate:
  18. ddl-auto: validate
  19. update
  20. # Naming strategy
  21. naming-strategy: org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy
  22. # The SQL dialect makes Hibernate generate better SQL for the chosen database
  23. properties.hibernate.dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
  24. servlet:
  25. multipart:
  26. max-file-size: 1000MB
  27. max-request-size: 1000MB
  28. oss:
  29. accessKeyId: LTAI4FdrT3HsfdR5edBVN7ws
  30. accessKeySecret: yroxrpm46DzTyzHrLBZzS3MRNIicP6
  31. endPoint:
  32. bucketName: mooctest-share
  33. sleep: 0
  34. # 配置输出日志
  35. logging:
  36. level:
  37. TRACE
  38. org.springframework.http.server.reactive: DEBUG
  39. org.springframework.web.reactive: DEBUG
  40. reactor.ipc.netty: DEBUG
  41. #开启端点
  42. management:
  43. endpoints:
  44. web:
  45. exposure:
  46. include: '*'
  47. security:
  48. enabled: false
  49. ---
  50. # 报告服务开发环境
  51. spring:
  52. profiles: report-server-dev
  53. datasource:
  54. url: jdbc:mysql://
  55. username: root
  56. password: 123456
  57. order.autoReport.upload.path: /Users/guochao/Desktop/project/enterprise-mooctest-site/var/www/reportFile/
  58. order.autoReport.builder.copyPath: /Users/guochao/Desktop/project/enterprise-mooctest-site/var/www/reportBuilder/
  59. order.autoReport.service.path: /Users/guochao/Desktop/project/enterprise-mooctest-site/projects/mooctest-report-template/
  60. order.autoReport.service.template.path: /Users/guochao/Desktop/project/enterprise-mooctest-site/projects/mooctest-report-template/
  61. static.resource.autoReport.url: /reportFile/
  62. order.vulReport.json.upload.path: /src/json/
  63. host.ip:
  64. ---
  65. # 报告服务线上环境
  66. spring:
  67. profiles: report-server-online
  68. datasource:
  69. url: jdbc:mysql://
  70. username: root
  71. password: 123456
  72. static.resource.autoReport.url: /reportFile/
  73. order.autoReport.upload.path: /var/www/reportFile/
  74. order.autoReport.service.path: /root/mooctest-report-template/
  75. order.autoReport.service.template.path: /root/mooctest-report-template/
  76. order.autoReport.builder.copyPath: /var/www/reportBuilder/
  77. order.vulReport.json.upload.path: /src/json/
  78. host.ip: