67 KB

  1. digraph g {
  2. node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=lightblue, fontname="simsun.ttc", fontsize=14];
  3. edge [fontname="simsun.ttc", fontsize=12];
  4. subgraph cluster_{
  5. label = ""
  6. 231[label = "Start "];
  7. }
  8. subgraph cluster__plus_myplaces_FavoritesActivity{
  9. label = "_plus_myplaces_FavoritesActivity"
  10. 46[label = "behavior = click
  11. arg = null
  12. index = -1
  13. id =
  14. text = 我的地点
  15. className = android.widget.TextView
  16. desc =
  17. packageName =
  18. "];
  19. 47[label = "behavior = click
  20. arg = null
  21. index = -1
  22. id =
  23. text =
  24. className = android.widget.TextView
  25. desc = 筛选器
  26. packageName =
  27. "];
  28. 48[label = "behavior = click
  29. arg = null
  30. index = -1
  31. id =
  32. text =
  33. className = android.widget.ImageButton
  34. desc = 向上导航
  35. packageName =
  36. "];
  37. 49[label = "behavior = click
  38. arg = null
  39. index = -1
  40. id = android:id/statusBarBackground
  41. text =
  42. className = android.view.View
  43. desc =
  44. packageName =
  45. "];
  46. 50[label = "behavior = click
  47. arg = null
  48. index = -1
  49. id = net.osmand:id/tab_title
  50. text = 收藏
  51. className = android.widget.TextView
  52. desc =
  53. packageName =
  54. "];
  55. 51[label = "behavior = click
  56. arg = null
  57. index = -1
  58. id = net.osmand:id/tab_title
  59. text = 我的足迹
  60. className = android.widget.TextView
  61. desc =
  62. packageName =
  63. "];
  64. 52[label = "behavior = click
  65. arg = null
  66. index = -1
  67. id = net.osmand:id/empty_state_image_view
  68. text =
  69. className = android.widget.ImageView
  70. desc =
  71. packageName =
  72. "];
  73. 53[label = "behavior = click
  74. arg = null
  75. index = -1
  76. id =
  77. text = 添加并记录轨迹
  78. className = android.widget.TextView
  79. desc =
  80. packageName =
  81. "];
  82. 54[label = "behavior = click
  83. arg = null
  84. index = -1
  85. id =
  86. text = 导入 GPX 文件,或者录制轨迹。
  87. className = android.widget.TextView
  88. desc =
  89. packageName =
  90. "];
  91. 55[label = "behavior = click
  92. arg = null
  93. index = -1
  94. id = net.osmand:id/import_button
  95. text = 导入
  96. className = android.widget.Button
  97. desc =
  98. packageName =
  99. "];
  100. 57[label = "behavior = click
  101. arg = null
  102. index = -1
  103. id = net.osmand:string/gpx_add_track
  104. text =
  105. className = android.widget.TextView
  106. desc = 添加轨迹
  107. packageName =
  108. "];
  109. 58[label = "behavior = click
  110. arg = null
  111. index = -1
  112. id = net.osmand:string/coordinate_input
  113. text =
  114. className = android.widget.TextView
  115. desc = 坐标输入
  116. packageName =
  117. "];
  118. 59[label = "behavior = click
  119. arg = null
  120. index = -1
  121. id = net.osmand:id/toolbar_text
  122. text = 添加点
  123. className = android.widget.TextView
  124. desc =
  125. packageName =
  126. "];
  127. 60[label = "behavior = click
  128. arg = null
  129. index = -1
  130. id = net.osmand:id/options_button
  131. text = 选项
  132. className = android.widget.TextView
  133. desc =
  134. packageName =
  135. "];
  136. 61[label = "behavior = click
  137. arg = null
  138. index = -1
  139. id =
  140. text =
  141. className = android.view.View
  142. desc =
  143. packageName =
  144. "];
  145. 62[label = "behavior = click
  146. arg = null
  147. index = -1
  148. id = net.osmand:id/title
  149. text = 选项
  150. className = android.widget.TextView
  151. desc =
  152. packageName =
  153. "];
  154. 63[label = "behavior = click
  155. arg = null
  156. index = -1
  157. id = net.osmand:id/icon
  158. text =
  159. className = android.widget.ImageView
  160. desc =
  161. packageName =
  162. "];
  163. 64[label = "behavior = click
  164. arg = null
  165. index = -1
  166. id = net.osmand:id/lat_side_of_the_world_tv
  167. text = 北
  168. className = android.widget.TextView
  169. desc =
  170. packageName =
  171. "];
  172. 65[label = "behavior = click
  173. arg = null
  174. index = -1
  175. id = net.osmand:id/south_side_iv
  176. text =
  177. className = android.widget.ImageView
  178. desc =
  179. packageName =
  180. "];
  181. 66[label = "behavior = click
  182. arg = null
  183. index = -1
  184. id = net.osmand:id/north_side_iv
  185. text =
  186. className = android.widget.ImageView
  187. desc =
  188. packageName =
  189. "];
  190. 67[label = "behavior = click
  191. arg = null
  192. index = -1
  193. id = net.osmand:id/lat_side_of_the_world_tv
  194. text = 南
  195. className = android.widget.TextView
  196. desc =
  197. packageName =
  198. "];
  199. 68[label = "behavior = click
  200. arg = null
  201. index = -1
  202. id =
  203. text = 纬度
  204. className = android.widget.TextView
  205. desc =
  206. packageName =
  207. "];
  208. 69[label = "behavior = click
  209. arg = null
  210. index = -1
  211. id = net.osmand:id/lat_first_separator_tv
  212. text = °
  213. className = android.widget.TextView
  214. desc =
  215. packageName =
  216. "];
  217. 70[label = "behavior = click
  218. arg = null
  219. index = -1
  220. id = net.osmand:id/lat_second_separator_tv
  221. text = .
  222. className = android.widget.TextView
  223. desc =
  224. packageName =
  225. "];
  226. 71[label = "behavior = click
  227. arg = null
  228. index = -1
  229. id = net.osmand:id/east_side_iv
  230. text =
  231. className = android.widget.ImageView
  232. desc =
  233. packageName =
  234. "];
  235. 72[label = "behavior = click
  236. arg = null
  237. index = -1
  238. id = net.osmand:id/lon_side_of_the_world_tv
  239. text = 西
  240. className = android.widget.TextView
  241. desc =
  242. packageName =
  243. "];
  244. 73[label = "behavior = click
  245. arg = null
  246. index = -1
  247. id = net.osmand:id/lon_side_of_the_world_tv
  248. text = 东
  249. className = android.widget.TextView
  250. desc =
  251. packageName =
  252. "];
  253. 74[label = "behavior = click
  254. arg = null
  255. index = -1
  256. id = net.osmand:id/west_side_iv
  257. text =
  258. className = android.widget.ImageView
  259. desc =
  260. packageName =
  261. "];
  262. 75[label = "behavior = click
  263. arg = null
  264. index = -1
  265. id =
  266. text = 经度
  267. className = android.widget.TextView
  268. desc =
  269. packageName =
  270. "];
  271. 76[label = "behavior = click
  272. arg = null
  273. index = -1
  274. id = net.osmand:id/lon_first_separator_tv
  275. text = °
  276. className = android.widget.TextView
  277. desc =
  278. packageName =
  279. "];
  280. 77[label = "behavior = click
  281. arg = null
  282. index = -1
  283. id = net.osmand:id/lon_second_separator_tv
  284. text = .
  285. className = android.widget.TextView
  286. desc =
  287. packageName =
  288. "];
  289. 78[label = "behavior = click
  290. arg = null
  291. index = -1
  292. id = net.osmand:id/point_name_divider
  293. text =
  294. className = android.view.View
  295. desc =
  296. packageName =
  297. "];
  298. 79[label = "behavior = click
  299. arg = null
  300. index = -1
  301. id = net.osmand:id/point_name_keyboard_btn
  302. text =
  303. className = android.widget.ImageView
  304. desc =
  305. packageName =
  306. "];
  307. 80[label = "behavior = click
  308. arg = null
  309. index = -1
  310. id = net.osmand:id/markers_recycler_view
  311. text =
  312. className =
  313. desc =
  314. packageName =
  315. "];
  316. 81[label = "behavior = click
  317. arg = null
  318. index = -1
  319. id = net.osmand:id/cancel_button
  320. text = 取消
  321. className = android.widget.TextView
  322. desc =
  323. packageName =
  324. "];
  325. 82[label = "behavior = click
  326. arg = null
  327. index = -1
  328. id = net.osmand:id/add_marker_button
  329. text = 添加
  330. className = android.widget.TextView
  331. desc =
  332. packageName =
  333. "];
  334. 83[label = "behavior = sendKeyEvent
  335. arg = [4]
  336. index = -1
  337. id =
  338. text =
  339. className =
  340. desc =
  341. packageName =
  342. "];
  343. }
  344. subgraph cluster__plus_liveupdates_OsmLiveActivity{
  345. label = "_plus_liveupdates_OsmLiveActivity"
  346. 85[label = "behavior = click
  347. arg = null
  348. index = -1
  349. id =
  350. text = OsmAnd Live
  351. className = android.widget.TextView
  352. desc =
  353. packageName =
  354. "];
  355. 86[label = "behavior = click
  356. arg = null
  357. index = -1
  358. id =
  359. text = 2020-03-09 18:30
  360. className = android.widget.TextView
  361. desc =
  362. packageName =
  363. "];
  364. 87[label = "behavior = click
  365. arg = null
  366. index = -1
  367. id =
  368. text = 报告
  369. className = android.widget.TextView
  370. desc =
  371. packageName =
  372. "];
  373. 88[label = "behavior = click
  374. arg = null
  375. index = -1
  376. id = net.osmand:id/calendarImageView
  377. text =
  378. className = android.widget.ImageView
  379. desc =
  380. packageName =
  381. "];
  382. 89[label = "behavior = click
  383. arg = null
  384. index = -1
  385. id = android:id/text1
  386. text = 三月 2020
  387. className = android.widget.CheckedTextView
  388. desc =
  389. packageName =
  390. "];
  391. 90[label = "behavior = click
  392. arg = null
  393. index = -1
  394. id = android:id/text1
  395. text = 三月 2020
  396. className = android.widget.TextView
  397. desc =
  398. packageName =
  399. "];
  400. 91[label = "behavior = click
  401. arg = null
  402. index = -1
  403. id = android:id/text1
  404. text = 二月 2020
  405. className = android.widget.CheckedTextView
  406. desc =
  407. packageName =
  408. "];
  409. 92[label = "behavior = click
  410. arg = null
  411. index = -1
  412. id = net.osmand:id/monthDropDownIcon
  413. text =
  414. className = android.widget.ImageView
  415. desc =
  416. packageName =
  417. "];
  418. 93[label = "behavior = click
  419. arg = null
  420. index = -1
  421. id = android:id/text1
  422. text = 十二月 2019
  423. className = android.widget.CheckedTextView
  424. desc =
  425. packageName =
  426. "];
  427. 94[label = "behavior = click
  428. arg = null
  429. index = -1
  430. id =
  431. text =
  432. className = android.view.View
  433. desc =
  434. packageName =
  435. "];
  436. 95[label = "behavior = click
  437. arg = null
  438. index = -1
  439. id = net.osmand:id/regionIconImageView
  440. text =
  441. className = android.widget.ImageView
  442. desc =
  443. packageName =
  444. "];
  445. 96[label = "behavior = click
  446. arg = null
  447. index = -1
  448. id = net.osmand:id/clearButton
  449. text =
  450. className = android.widget.ImageButton
  451. desc = 关闭
  452. packageName =
  453. "];
  454. 97[label = "behavior = click
  455. arg = null
  456. index = -1
  457. id = android:id/text1
  458. text = 世界
  459. className = android.widget.TextView
  460. desc =
  461. packageName =
  462. "];
  463. 98[label = "behavior = click
  464. arg = null
  465. index = -1
  466. id = android:id/text1
  467. text = 阿尔巴尼亚
  468. className = android.widget.TextView
  469. desc =
  470. packageName =
  471. "];
  472. 99[label = "behavior = click
  473. arg = null
  474. index = -1
  475. id = net.osmand:id/countryDropDownIcon
  476. text =
  477. className = android.widget.ImageView
  478. desc =
  479. packageName =
  480. "];
  481. 100[label = "behavior = click
  482. arg = null
  483. index = -1
  484. id = android:id/text1
  485. text = 阿尔及利亚
  486. className = android.widget.TextView
  487. desc =
  488. packageName =
  489. "];
  490. 101[label = "behavior = click
  491. arg = null
  492. index = -1
  493. id =
  494. text =
  495. className = android.widget.ImageView
  496. desc =
  497. packageName =
  498. "];
  499. 102[label = "behavior = click
  500. arg = null
  501. index = -1
  502. id = net.osmand:id/numberOfContributorsIcon
  503. text =
  504. className = android.widget.ImageView
  505. desc =
  506. packageName =
  507. "];
  508. 103[label = "behavior = click
  509. arg = null
  510. index = -1
  511. id = net.osmand:id/titleTextView
  512. text = OSM 编辑排名
  513. className = android.widget.TextView
  514. desc =
  515. packageName =
  516. "];
  517. 104[label = "behavior = click
  518. arg = null
  519. index = -1
  520. id = android:id/text1
  521. text = webdruide
  522. className = android.widget.TextView
  523. desc =
  524. packageName =
  525. "];
  526. 105[label = "behavior = click
  527. arg = null
  528. index = -1
  529. id = android:id/text2
  530. text = 编辑数 516,排名 1,总计编辑 14248
  531. className = android.widget.TextView
  532. desc =
  533. packageName =
  534. "];
  535. 106[label = "behavior = click
  536. arg = null
  537. index = -1
  538. id = android:id/text1
  539. text = egmont
  540. className = android.widget.TextView
  541. desc =
  542. packageName =
  543. "];
  544. 107[label = "behavior = click
  545. arg = null
  546. index = -1
  547. id = android:id/text2
  548. text = 编辑数 320,排名 1,总计编辑 384
  549. className = android.widget.TextView
  550. desc =
  551. packageName =
  552. "];
  553. 108[label = "behavior = click
  554. arg = null
  555. index = -1
  556. id = android:id/text1
  557. text = dromedar61
  558. className = android.widget.TextView
  559. desc =
  560. packageName =
  561. "];
  562. 109[label = "behavior = click
  563. arg = null
  564. index = -1
  565. id = android:id/text2
  566. text = 编辑数 256,排名 1,总计编辑 284
  567. className = android.widget.TextView
  568. desc =
  569. packageName =
  570. "];
  571. 110[label = "behavior = click
  572. arg = null
  573. index = -1
  574. id = android:id/text1
  575. text = numide
  576. className = android.widget.TextView
  577. desc =
  578. packageName =
  579. "];
  580. 111[label = "behavior = click
  581. arg = null
  582. index = -1
  583. id = android:id/text2
  584. text = 编辑数 177,排名 1,总计编辑 178
  585. className = android.widget.TextView
  586. desc =
  587. packageName =
  588. "];
  589. 112[label = "behavior = click
  590. arg = null
  591. index = -1
  592. id = android:id/text1
  593. text = BalconesEscarpment
  594. className = android.widget.TextView
  595. desc =
  596. packageName =
  597. "];
  598. 113[label = "behavior = click
  599. arg = null
  600. index = -1
  601. id = android:id/text2
  602. text = 编辑数 163,排名 2,总计编辑 430
  603. className = android.widget.TextView
  604. desc =
  605. packageName =
  606. "];
  607. 114[label = "behavior = click
  608. arg = null
  609. index = -1
  610. id = android:id/text1
  611. text = AyersRock
  612. className = android.widget.TextView
  613. desc =
  614. packageName =
  615. "];
  616. 115[label = "behavior = click
  617. arg = null
  618. index = -1
  619. id = android:id/text2
  620. text = 编辑数 49,排名 2,总计编辑 343
  621. className = android.widget.TextView
  622. desc =
  623. packageName =
  624. "];
  625. 116[label = "behavior = click
  626. arg = null
  627. index = -1
  628. id = android:id/text1
  629. text = ملسبكو
  630. className = android.widget.TextView
  631. desc =
  632. packageName =
  633. "];
  634. 117[label = "behavior = click
  635. arg = null
  636. index = -1
  637. id = android:id/text2
  638. text = 编辑数 34,排名 2,总计编辑 51
  639. className = android.widget.TextView
  640. desc =
  641. packageName =
  642. "];
  643. 118[label = "behavior = click
  644. arg = null
  645. index = -1
  646. id = android:id/text1
  647. text = Algebre gama
  648. className = android.widget.TextView
  649. desc =
  650. packageName =
  651. "];
  652. 119[label = "behavior = click
  653. arg = null
  654. index = -1
  655. id = android:id/text2
  656. text = 编辑数 33,排名 2,总计编辑 39
  657. className = android.widget.TextView
  658. desc =
  659. packageName =
  660. "];
  661. 120[label = "behavior = click
  662. arg = null
  663. index = -1
  664. id = android:id/text1
  665. text = yellow_car47
  666. className = android.widget.TextView
  667. desc =
  668. packageName =
  669. "];
  670. 121[label = "behavior = click
  671. arg = null
  672. index = -1
  673. id = android:id/text2
  674. text = 编辑数 28,排名 3,总计编辑 311
  675. className = android.widget.TextView
  676. desc =
  677. packageName =
  678. "];
  679. 122[label = "behavior = click
  680. arg = null
  681. index = -1
  682. id = android:id/statusBarBackground
  683. text =
  684. className = android.view.View
  685. desc =
  686. packageName =
  687. "];
  688. 123[label = "behavior = sendKeyEvent
  689. arg = [4]
  690. index = -1
  691. id =
  692. text =
  693. className =
  694. desc =
  695. packageName =
  696. "];
  697. }
  698. subgraph cluster__plus_activities_PluginActivity{
  699. label = "_plus_activities_PluginActivity"
  700. 129[label = "behavior = click
  701. arg = null
  702. index = -1
  703. id =
  704. text = 在线地图
  705. className = android.widget.TextView
  706. desc =
  707. packageName =
  708. "];
  709. 130[label = "behavior = click
  710. arg = null
  711. index = -1
  712. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_image
  713. text =
  714. className = android.widget.ImageView
  715. desc =
  716. packageName =
  717. "];
  718. 131[label = "behavior = click
  719. arg = null
  720. index = -1
  721. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_settings
  722. text = 设置
  723. className = android.widget.Button
  724. desc =
  725. packageName =
  726. "];
  727. 133[label = "behavior = click
  728. arg = null
  729. index = -1
  730. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_enable_disable
  731. text = 已启用
  732. className = android.widget.ToggleButton
  733. desc =
  734. packageName =
  735. "];
  736. 134[label = "behavior = click
  737. arg = null
  738. index = -1
  739. id =
  740. text = 描述
  741. className = android.widget.TextView
  742. desc =
  743. packageName =
  744. "];
  745. 135[label = "behavior = click
  746. arg = null
  747. index = -1
  748. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_description
  749. text = 有了这个插件,您可以访问多种类型的网上(所谓的图砖或网格)地图,从默认的 OpenStreetMap 图砖(如 Mapnik)到卫星图像和特殊用途的图层,比如天气地图、气候地图、地质地图、地形阴影层等。
  750. 这些地图可以用来作为主要的(基本)地图,以便在 OsmAnd 地图屏幕上显示,或作为上层又或另外基本地图的底层(如 OsmAnd 标准的离线地图)。为了使任何的底层地图可以看见,OsmAnd 矢量地图可以容易的根据需要透过 '组态地图' 菜单来隐藏某些构成。
  751. 地图图砖可以直接透过在线数据源获得,或者可以使用准备好的脱机地图(手动复制到 OsmAnd 的数据文件夹中) 作为一个 SQLite 数据库,可以透过各种的第三方地图编制工具产生。
  752. className = android.widget.TextView
  753. desc =
  754. packageName =
  755. "];
  756. 136[label = "behavior = click
  757. arg = null
  758. index = -1
  759. id = android:id/statusBarBackground
  760. text =
  761. className = android.view.View
  762. desc =
  763. packageName =
  764. "];
  765. 137[label = "behavior = sendKeyEvent
  766. arg = [4]
  767. index = -1
  768. id =
  769. text =
  770. className =
  771. desc =
  772. packageName =
  773. "];
  774. }
  775. subgraph cluster__DocumentsActivity{
  776. label = "_DocumentsActivity"
  777. 56[label = "behavior = sendKeyEvent
  778. arg = [4]
  779. index = -1
  780. id =
  781. text =
  782. className =
  783. desc =
  784. packageName =
  785. "];
  786. }
  787. subgraph cluster__plus_activities_PluginsActivity{
  788. label = "_plus_activities_PluginsActivity"
  789. 126[label = "behavior = click
  790. arg = null
  791. index = -1
  792. id =
  793. text = 插件
  794. className = android.widget.TextView
  795. desc =
  796. packageName =
  797. "];
  798. 127[label = "behavior = click
  799. arg = null
  800. index = -1
  801. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_logo
  802. text =
  803. className = android.widget.ImageButton
  804. desc = 启用
  805. packageName =
  806. "];
  807. 128[label = "behavior = click
  808. arg = null
  809. index = -1
  810. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_name
  811. text = 在线地图
  812. className = android.widget.TextView
  813. desc = 在线地图 已查
  814. packageName =
  815. "];
  816. 138[label = "behavior = click
  817. arg = null
  818. index = -1
  819. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_description
  820. text = 有了这个插件,您可以访问多种类型的网上(所谓的图砖或网格)地图,从默认的 OpenStreetMap 图砖(如 Mapnik)到卫星图像和特殊用途的图层,比如天气地图、气候地图、地质地图、地形阴影层等。
  821. 这些地图可以用来作为主要的(基本)地图,以便在 OsmAnd 地图屏幕上显示,或作为上层又或另外基本地图的底层(如 OsmAnd 标准的离线地图)。为了使任何的底层地图可以看见,OsmAnd 矢量地图可以容易的根据需要透过 '组态地图' 菜单来隐藏某些构成。
  822. 地图图砖可以直接透过在线数据源获得,或者可以使用准备好的脱机地图(手动复制到 OsmAnd 的数据文件夹中) 作为一个 SQLite 数据库,可以透过各种的第三方地图编制工具产生。
  823. className = android.widget.TextView
  824. desc =
  825. packageName =
  826. "];
  827. 139[label = "behavior = click
  828. arg = null
  829. index = -1
  830. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_options
  831. text =
  832. className = android.widget.ImageButton
  833. desc = 更多…
  834. packageName =
  835. "];
  836. 140[label = "behavior = click
  837. arg = null
  838. index = -1
  839. id = net.osmand:id/title
  840. text = 启用
  841. className = android.widget.TextView
  842. desc =
  843. packageName =
  844. "];
  845. 141[label = "behavior = click
  846. arg = null
  847. index = -1
  848. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_name
  849. text = 旅行记录
  850. className = android.widget.TextView
  851. desc = 旅行记录 已查
  852. packageName =
  853. "];
  854. 142[label = "behavior = click
  855. arg = null
  856. index = -1
  857. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_description
  858. text = 这个插件在地图屏幕上,并手动轻击 GPX 记录小工具,以启动去录制和保存您轨迹的功能,或是自动记录您所有的导航路线到 GPX 文件。
  859. 录制的轨迹可以与您的朋友共享或用作为 OSM 的贡献。运动选手可以使用录制的轨迹,监看他们的训练。一些基本的轨迹分析,可以直接在 OsmAnd 进行,如一圈的时间、平均速度等,而轨迹当然也可于事后在专门的第三方分析工具解析。
  860. className = android.widget.TextView
  861. desc =
  862. packageName =
  863. "];
  864. 143[label = "behavior = click
  865. arg = null
  866. index = -1
  867. id = net.osmand:id/title
  868. text = 禁用
  869. className = android.widget.TextView
  870. desc =
  871. packageName =
  872. "];
  873. 144[label = "behavior = click
  874. arg = null
  875. index = -1
  876. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_logo
  877. text =
  878. className = android.widget.ImageButton
  879. desc = 未安装
  880. packageName =
  881. "];
  882. 145[label = "behavior = click
  883. arg = null
  884. index = -1
  885. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_name
  886. text = 等高线插件
  887. className = android.widget.TextView
  888. desc = 等高线插件 未查
  889. packageName =
  890. "];
  891. 146[label = "behavior = click
  892. arg = null
  893. index = -1
  894. id =
  895. text =
  896. className = android.widget.FrameLayout
  897. desc =
  898. packageName =
  899. "];
  900. 147[label = "behavior = click
  901. arg = null
  902. index = -1
  903. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_name
  904. text = 航海地图视图
  905. className = android.widget.TextView
  906. desc = 航海地图视图 未查
  907. packageName =
  908. "];
  909. 148[label = "behavior = click
  910. arg = null
  911. index = -1
  912. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_description
  913. text = 这个插件丰富了 OsmAnd 地图和导航应用,也为了划船、帆船、与其他类型的水上运动,产生了航海地图。
  914. 一个为 OsmAnd 附加的特有地图,将提供用于所有内陆近岸航行的航海导航标志和图表符号。每个导航标志描述提供需识别出它们和它们含义的详细信息(类别、形状、颜色、串行、参考等)。
  915. 要返回到 OsmAnd 惯用的地图模式,再次取消这个插件的启动,或“配置地图”下的“地图样式”,在这两者中的任何一个的更改都可轻易的回复。
  916. className = android.widget.TextView
  917. desc =
  918. packageName =
  919. "];
  920. 149[label = "behavior = click
  921. arg = null
  922. index = -1
  923. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_name
  924. text = 滑雪地图浏览
  925. className = android.widget.TextView
  926. desc = 滑雪地图浏览 未查
  927. packageName =
  928. "];
  929. 150[label = "behavior = click
  930. arg = null
  931. index = -1
  932. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_description
  933. text = 此插件为 OsmAnd 所安置,让您在全球滑雪斜坡、越野滑雪、阿尔卑斯山的滑雪路线、缆车和滑雪缆车上的详细信息了若指掌。以颜色编码显示路线和滑雪道的困难度,并且在特殊的“冬季”地图样式描画出,哪个在冬季景观变成雪色。
  934. 启动此预览,会更改地图样式到“冬季和滑雪”,显示出冬季的条件下,所有的景观特征。此查看可以在这里经由再次取消启动,或通过“配置地图”下的“地图样式”这两者中任何一个的更改而恢复它。
  935. className = android.widget.TextView
  936. desc =
  937. packageName =
  938. "];
  939. 151[label = "behavior = click
  940. arg = null
  941. index = -1
  942. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_name
  943. text = 音频/视频笔记
  944. className = android.widget.TextView
  945. desc = 音频/视频笔记 已查
  946. packageName =
  947. "];
  948. 152[label = "behavior = click
  949. arg = null
  950. index = -1
  951. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_description
  952. text = 音频/视频附注插件组件提供的功能,在旅程中取得的音频/照相/视频之注解,使用在地图画面上的按钮,或地图上任何的位置直接显示上下文菜单。
  953. className = android.widget.TextView
  954. desc =
  955. packageName =
  956. "];
  957. 153[label = "behavior = click
  958. arg = null
  959. index = -1
  960. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_name
  961. text = 泊车位置
  962. className = android.widget.TextView
  963. desc = 泊车位置 未查
  964. packageName =
  965. "];
  966. 154[label = "behavior = click
  967. arg = null
  968. index = -1
  969. id = net.osmand:id/plugin_description
  970. text = 停车位置插件让你记住你的车停在哪里,还有多少泊车时间 (如果有时间限制)。
  971. 位置和时间上均可见 OsmAnd 操控板在地图屏幕上的小部件。警报可以作为提醒添加到 Android 的日历。
  972. className = android.widget.TextView
  973. desc =
  974. packageName =
  975. "];
  976. 155[label = "behavior = click
  977. arg = null
  978. index = -1
  979. id = android:id/statusBarBackground
  980. text =
  981. className = android.view.View
  982. desc =
  983. packageName =
  984. "];
  985. 156[label = "behavior = sendKeyEvent
  986. arg = [4]
  987. index = -1
  988. id =
  989. text =
  990. className =
  991. desc =
  992. packageName =
  993. "];
  994. }
  995. subgraph cluster__plus_activities_HelpActivity{
  996. label = "_plus_activities_HelpActivity"
  997. 158[label = "behavior = click
  998. arg = null
  999. index = -1
  1000. id =
  1001. text = 帮助
  1002. className = android.widget.TextView
  1003. desc =
  1004. packageName =
  1005. "];
  1006. 159[label = "behavior = click
  1007. arg = null
  1008. index = -1
  1009. id = net.osmand:id/title
  1010. text = 使用 OsmAnd 第一步
  1011. className = android.widget.TextView
  1012. desc =
  1013. packageName =
  1014. "];
  1015. 160[label = "behavior = click
  1016. arg = null
  1017. index = -1
  1018. id = net.osmand:id/title
  1019. text = 初次使用
  1020. className = android.widget.TextView
  1021. desc =
  1022. packageName =
  1023. "];
  1024. 161[label = "behavior = click
  1025. arg = null
  1026. index = -1
  1027. id =
  1028. text =
  1029. className = android.widget.ImageButton
  1030. desc = 向上导航
  1031. packageName =
  1032. "];
  1033. 162[label = "behavior = click
  1034. arg = null
  1035. index = -1
  1036. id = android:id/statusBarBackground
  1037. text =
  1038. className = android.view.View
  1039. desc =
  1040. packageName =
  1041. "];
  1042. 163[label = "behavior = click
  1043. arg = null
  1044. index = -1
  1045. id = net.osmand:id/title
  1046. text = 导航
  1047. className = android.widget.TextView
  1048. desc =
  1049. packageName =
  1050. "];
  1051. 164[label = "behavior = click
  1052. arg = null
  1053. index = -1
  1054. id = How_to_use_navigation
  1055. text =
  1056. className = android.view.View
  1057. desc = How to use navigation
  1058. packageName =
  1059. "];
  1060. 165[label = "behavior = click
  1061. arg = null
  1062. index = -1
  1063. id =
  1064. text =
  1065. className = android.view.View
  1066. desc = •
  1067. packageName =
  1068. "];
  1069. 166[label = "behavior = click
  1070. arg = null
  1071. index = -1
  1072. id =
  1073. text =
  1074. className = android.view.View
  1075. desc = Navigation profiles
  1076. packageName =
  1077. "];
  1078. 167[label = "behavior = click
  1079. arg = null
  1080. index = -1
  1081. id =
  1082. text =
  1083. className = android.view.View
  1084. desc = Voice guidance
  1085. packageName =
  1086. "];
  1087. 168[label = "behavior = click
  1088. arg = null
  1089. index = -1
  1090. id =
  1091. text =
  1092. className = android.view.View
  1093. desc = Navigation settings
  1094. packageName =
  1095. "];
  1096. 169[label = "behavior = click
  1097. arg = null
  1098. index = -1
  1099. id =
  1100. text =
  1101. className = android.view.View
  1102. desc = Navigation services
  1103. packageName =
  1104. "];
  1105. 170[label = "behavior = click
  1106. arg = null
  1107. index = -1
  1108. id =
  1109. text =
  1110. className = android.view.View
  1111. desc = ◦
  1112. packageName =
  1113. "];
  1114. 171[label = "behavior = click
  1115. arg = null
  1116. index = -1
  1117. id =
  1118. text =
  1119. className = android.view.View
  1120. desc = How to avoid certain roads
  1121. packageName =
  1122. "];
  1123. 172[label = "behavior = click
  1124. arg = null
  1125. index = -1
  1126. id =
  1127. text =
  1128. className = android.view.View
  1129. desc = How to add/remove waypoints
  1130. packageName =
  1131. "];
  1132. 173[label = "behavior = click
  1133. arg = null
  1134. index = -1
  1135. id =
  1136. text =
  1137. className = android.view.View
  1138. desc = How to pause, resume or stop navigation
  1139. packageName =
  1140. "];
  1141. 174[label = "behavior = click
  1142. arg = null
  1143. index = -1
  1144. id =
  1145. text =
  1146. className = android.view.View
  1147. desc = How to view POI along the road
  1148. packageName =
  1149. "];
  1150. 175[label = "behavior = click
  1151. arg = null
  1152. index = -1
  1153. id =
  1154. text =
  1155. className = android.view.View
  1156. desc = How to save navigation route as GPX file (only for Android version)
  1157. packageName =
  1158. "];
  1159. 176[label = "behavior = click
  1160. arg = null
  1161. index = -1
  1162. id =
  1163. text =
  1164. className = android.view.View
  1165. desc = The navigation function allows you to reach your destination easily using voice guidance (optional).
  1166. packageName =
  1167. "];
  1168. 177[label = "behavior = click
  1169. arg = null
  1170. index = -1
  1171. id =
  1172. text =
  1173. className = android.view.View
  1174. desc = To start the navigation, you need to use the navigation button on the map screen. Next, you'll need to set the starting point and the destination. As for the starting point, you can choose your current location, Favorite location, select a point on the map or use an address. You can also set a starting point by long tapping on the map and choosing 'Directions from' in the menu box. To navigate to a point, just press the navigation button in its context menu. As soon as your points are selected, the app will create a route and will start guiding you after you tap Go.
  1175. packageName =
  1176. "];
  1177. 178[label = "behavior = click
  1178. arg = null
  1179. index = -1
  1180. id =
  1181. text =
  1182. className = android.view.View
  1183. desc = When the navigation is running, you can press the home button. You will get the message 'OsmAnd is running in the background'. This means that even if you turn the screen off or exit the active app window, you'll still get voice prompts. For version 3.2 and elder (since version 3.3, this feature has been removed as requested by Google) you can also choose to switch the screen on only before turns. To do that, go to Settings — Navigation Settings — 'Turn screen on' and set for how long you'd like to keep the screen on. For instance, if you pick 10 seconds, the screen will be on for 10 seconds on the turn and then switch off again till the next turn.
  1184. packageName =
  1185. "];
  1186. 179[label = "behavior = click
  1187. arg = null
  1188. index = -1
  1189. id =
  1190. text =
  1191. className = android.widget.Image
  1192. desc = (Image not available offline)
  1193. packageName =
  1194. "];
  1195. 180[label = "behavior = click
  1196. arg = null
  1197. index = -1
  1198. id =
  1199. text =
  1200. className = android.view.View
  1201. desc = Various profiles are available for building a route in OsmAnd, which take into account the specificity of the vehicle and traffic conditions. To display the required navigation profiles in the navigation menu, go to the main menu in Settings - OsmAnd development - App Profiles. Now all the necessary profiles are in the menu Navigation in the form of graphic symbols. Profile' routes are calculated according to the traffic rules, weights and etc., and will help you reach your destination taking into account your way of movement. To choose the navigation mode, just go to the navigation settings bar.
  1202. packageName =
  1203. "];
  1204. 181[label = "behavior = click
  1205. arg = null
  1206. index = -1
  1207. id =
  1208. text =
  1209. className = android.view.View
  1210. desc = You can get voice prompts as you move. To get them in your language, go to Settings - General - 'Voice prompts' and choose the language you prefer or press Install more to install the one you need. If you'd like your music to pause when the prompt is announced, please go to Settings - 'Navigation settings' and enable 'Pause music' option.
  1211. packageName =
  1212. "];
  1213. 182[label = "behavior = click
  1214. arg = null
  1215. index = -1
  1216. id =
  1217. text =
  1218. className = android.view.View
  1219. desc = How to mute voice prompts
  1220. packageName =
  1221. "];
  1222. 183[label = "behavior = click
  1223. arg = null
  1224. index = -1
  1225. id =
  1226. text =
  1227. className = android.view.View
  1228. desc = You can mute the voice prompts if you do not need them at the moment. To mute voice prompts, just go to Settings - General - 'Voice guidance' and select 'Do not use'. Select one of the languages to restore voice navigation. You can also build a route, then tap the Settings button and turn 'Sound' option off. The navigation itself will work as usual.
  1229. packageName =
  1230. "];
  1231. 184[label = "behavior = click
  1232. arg = null
  1233. index = -1
  1234. id =
  1235. text =
  1236. className = android.view.View
  1237. desc = What are TTS and pre-recorded voice prompts
  1238. packageName =
  1239. "];
  1240. 185[label = "behavior = click
  1241. arg = null
  1242. index = -1
  1243. id =
  1244. text =
  1245. className = android.view.View
  1246. desc = There are two types of voices in OsmAnd: TTS or text-to-speech generated voice prompts and those created from pre-recorded voices. You can switch between them to pick the type that's more comfortable to you. TTS is preferable as it functions in a more flexible way. Choose the voice prompt type you like in Settings — General — Voice prompts — 'Install more'. There, you'll see two groups of voice prompts and will be able to pick the option you prefer.
  1247. packageName =
  1248. "];
  1249. 186[label = "behavior = click
  1250. arg = null
  1251. index = -1
  1252. id =
  1253. text =
  1254. className = android.view.View
  1255. desc = Please read more about setting up voice navigation here:
  1256. packageName =
  1257. "];
  1258. 187[label = "behavior = click
  1259. arg = null
  1260. index = -1
  1261. id =
  1262. text =
  1263. className = android.view.View
  1264. desc = Setting voice navigation
  1265. packageName =
  1266. "];
  1267. 188[label = "behavior = click
  1268. arg = null
  1269. index = -1
  1270. id =
  1271. text =
  1272. className = android.view.View
  1273. desc = .
  1274. packageName =
  1275. "];
  1276. 189[label = "behavior = click
  1277. arg = null
  1278. index = -1
  1279. id =
  1280. text =
  1281. className = android.view.View
  1282. desc = In OsmAnd navigation settings, you can choose the service to calculate your navigation route. The services offered are
  1283. packageName =
  1284. "];
  1285. 190[label = "behavior = click
  1286. arg = null
  1287. index = -1
  1288. id =
  1289. text =
  1290. className = android.view.View
  1291. desc = OsmAnd (offline)
  1292. packageName =
  1293. "];
  1294. 191[label = "behavior = click
  1295. arg = null
  1296. index = -1
  1297. id =
  1298. text =
  1299. className = android.view.View
  1300. desc = Straight line
  1301. packageName =
  1302. "];
  1303. 192[label = "behavior = click
  1304. arg = null
  1305. index = -1
  1306. id =
  1307. text =
  1308. className = android.view.View
  1309. desc = The Straight line option connects your waypoints with a line: it can be used for general trip planning when you do not need a detailed route. Other services have their own algorithms of route calculation, you can test them to see which one meets your needs.
  1310. packageName =
  1311. "];
  1312. 193[label = "behavior = click
  1313. arg = null
  1314. index = -1
  1315. id =
  1316. text =
  1317. className = android.view.View
  1318. desc = You can improve your trip by using specific options of the trip. Tap the Settings button in the navigation window. There, you'll be able to choose Avoid toll roads/unpaved roads/ferries/motorways/border crossing or choose the shortest way. Also, you'll be able to select a GPX route to follow. If you have even more specific requirements to routing, for instance, you want to set your vehicle's height or weight, you can find them in the Navigation settings menu. The route calculator will automatically exclude the roads that do not allow the vehicles with the parameters you set.
  1319. packageName =
  1320. "];
  1321. 194[label = "behavior = click
  1322. arg = null
  1323. index = -1
  1324. id = How_to_avoid_certain_roads
  1325. text =
  1326. className = android.view.View
  1327. desc = How to avoid certain roads
  1328. packageName =
  1329. "];
  1330. 195[label = "behavior = click
  1331. arg = null
  1332. index = -1
  1333. id =
  1334. text =
  1335. className = android.view.View
  1336. desc = You can customize your route to avoid certain streets or types of roads. To do that, just create a navigation route as usual, then enter the navigation settings in your navigation context menu. You can choose to avoid toll roads, unpaved roads, ferries, shuttle train, motorways and border crossing or select a fuel-efficient way. Check the options you prefer. You can also avoid a certain street. Maybe there are construction works or a traffic jam or anything that makes you want to avoid that section of the road. Just tap Avoid roads - 'Select on map' in the same menu (Navigation context menu - Settings). To use the excluded streets next time, please go to navigation context menu, press the Settings button, select 'Avoid roads' and remove them from the list.
  1337. packageName =
  1338. "];
  1339. 196[label = "behavior = click
  1340. arg = null
  1341. index = -1
  1342. id = How_to_add_remove_waypoints
  1343. text =
  1344. className = android.view.View
  1345. desc = How to add/remove waypoints
  1346. packageName =
  1347. "];
  1348. 197[label = "behavior = click
  1349. arg = null
  1350. index = -1
  1351. id =
  1352. text =
  1353. className = android.view.View
  1354. desc = To add or remove waypoints, you need to long-tap on the map after the route is calculated, tap Directions > 'Add as last intermediate destination' or you can tap on the flag button in the navigation context menu and choose Options > Add waypoint. Add multiple waypoints one by one, if needed.
  1355. packageName =
  1356. "];
  1357. 198[label = "behavior = click
  1358. arg = null
  1359. index = -1
  1360. id =
  1361. text =
  1362. className = android.view.View
  1363. desc = To remove a waypoint, just make a long tap on it and choose 'Remove'. You can also tap the flag button in the navigation context menu to remove or rearrange waypoints by moving them up or down the list (use the (≡) button to move waypoints or press 'X' to remove them). In the same menu, you can turn POI and Favorites viewing on or off, as well as select which traffic warnings you'll need. (Remove the warnings you do not need by pressing 'X').
  1364. packageName =
  1365. "];
  1366. 199[label = "behavior = click
  1367. arg = null
  1368. index = -1
  1369. id = How_to_pause_resume_stop_navigation
  1370. text =
  1371. className = android.view.View
  1372. desc = How to pause, resume or stop navigation
  1373. packageName =
  1374. "];
  1375. 200[label = "behavior = click
  1376. arg = null
  1377. index = -1
  1378. id =
  1379. text =
  1380. className = android.view.View
  1381. desc = Need to pause your navigation to make a quick stop? That's easy. To pause, resume or stop your navigation completely, go to your dashboard and press the button on your navigation menu next to the Destination info. To stop it, tap on the screen during navigation and pressing the 'x' icon in the context menu.
  1382. packageName =
  1383. "];
  1384. 201[label = "behavior = click
  1385. arg = null
  1386. index = -1
  1387. id = How_to_view_POI_along_the_road
  1388. text =
  1389. className = android.view.View
  1390. desc = How to view POI along the road
  1391. packageName =
  1392. "];
  1393. 202[label = "behavior = click
  1394. arg = null
  1395. index = -1
  1396. id =
  1397. text =
  1398. className = android.view.View
  1399. desc = You can choose to view points of interest along your route. To do that, please create a new route, then hit the flag icon to see the waypoints menu. Then turn on POI. You'll be able to select the type of POI you'd like to see and also set the radius of search. For example, if you choose 150m and tourism, you'll see all tourist attractions in the radius of 150m around your calculated route. Use the 'X' buttons to remove POI you won't need.
  1400. packageName =
  1401. "];
  1402. 203[label = "behavior = click
  1403. arg = null
  1404. index = -1
  1405. id = Save_navigation_route_GPX_file
  1406. text =
  1407. className = android.view.View
  1408. desc = How to save navigation route as GPX file (only for Android version)
  1409. packageName =
  1410. "];
  1411. 204[label = "behavior = click
  1412. arg = null
  1413. index = -1
  1414. id =
  1415. text =
  1416. className = android.view.View
  1417. desc = You can build a route and save it as a GPX file to use it later. This way, you won't have to wait for the route to be calculated and will have a reliable navigation source. To save your current navigation route as a GPX file, go to the navigation menu, then tap the information menu. Tap Save button in the upper right corner and name your GPX track to save it. To use it for navigation, please go to Configure map menu - GPX Track - select your track and press OK. You'll see the track on the map. Then press the navigation button. When asked whether you want to use this track for navigation, press Yes.
  1418. packageName =
  1419. "];
  1420. 205[label = "behavior = sendKeyEvent
  1421. arg = [4]
  1422. index = -1
  1423. id =
  1424. text =
  1425. className =
  1426. desc =
  1427. packageName =
  1428. "];
  1429. }
  1430. subgraph cluster__plus_profiles_SettingsProfileActivity{
  1431. label = "_plus_profiles_SettingsProfileActivity"
  1432. 208[label = "behavior = click
  1433. arg = null
  1434. index = -1
  1435. id =
  1436. text = App profiles
  1437. className = android.widget.TextView
  1438. desc =
  1439. packageName =
  1440. "];
  1441. 209[label = "behavior = click
  1442. arg = null
  1443. index = -1
  1444. id = net.osmand:id/icon
  1445. text =
  1446. className = android.widget.ImageView
  1447. desc =
  1448. packageName =
  1449. "];
  1450. }
  1451. subgraph cluster__plus_download_DownloadActivity{
  1452. label = "_plus_download_DownloadActivity"
  1453. 20[label = "behavior = click
  1454. arg = null
  1455. index = -1
  1456. id =
  1457. text = 地图
  1458. className = android.widget.TextView
  1459. desc =
  1460. packageName =
  1461. "];
  1462. 21[label = "behavior = click
  1463. arg = null
  1464. index = -1
  1465. id =
  1466. text =
  1467. className = android.widget.TextView
  1468. desc = 刷新
  1469. packageName =
  1470. "];
  1471. 22[label = "behavior = click
  1472. arg = null
  1473. index = -1
  1474. id =
  1475. text =
  1476. className = android.widget.TextView
  1477. desc = 搜索
  1478. packageName =
  1479. "];
  1480. 23[label = "behavior = click
  1481. arg = null
  1482. index = -1
  1483. id =
  1484. text =
  1485. className = android.widget.ImageButton
  1486. desc = 向上导航
  1487. packageName =
  1488. "];
  1489. 24[label = "behavior = click
  1490. arg = null
  1491. index = -1
  1492. id = net.osmand:id/tab_title
  1493. text = 本地
  1494. className = android.widget.TextView
  1495. desc =
  1496. packageName =
  1497. "];
  1498. 25[label = "behavior = click
  1499. arg = null
  1500. index = -1
  1501. id = net.osmand:string/shared_string_refresh
  1502. text =
  1503. className = android.widget.TextView
  1504. desc = 刷新
  1505. packageName =
  1506. "];
  1507. 26[label = "behavior = click
  1508. arg = null
  1509. index = -1
  1510. id =
  1511. text = 免费版
  1512. className = android.widget.TextView
  1513. desc =
  1514. packageName =
  1515. "];
  1516. 27[label = "behavior = click
  1517. arg = null
  1518. index = -1
  1519. id = net.osmand:id/title
  1520. text = Choose plan
  1521. className = android.widget.TextView
  1522. desc =
  1523. packageName =
  1524. "];
  1525. 28[label = "behavior = click
  1526. arg = null
  1527. index = -1
  1528. id = net.osmand:id/header_img
  1529. text =
  1530. className = android.widget.ImageView
  1531. desc =
  1532. packageName =
  1533. "];
  1534. 29[label = "behavior = click
  1535. arg = null
  1536. index = -1
  1537. id = net.osmand:id/header_title
  1538. text = OsmAnd Live
  1539. className = android.widget.TextView
  1540. desc =
  1541. packageName =
  1542. "];
  1543. 30[label = "behavior = click
  1544. arg = null
  1545. index = -1
  1546. id = net.osmand:id/header_descr
  1547. text = OsmAnd 实时订阅
  1548. className = android.widget.TextView
  1549. desc =
  1550. packageName =
  1551. "];
  1552. 31[label = "behavior = click
  1553. arg = null
  1554. index = -1
  1555. id = net.osmand:id/header_div
  1556. text =
  1557. className = android.view.View
  1558. desc =
  1559. packageName =
  1560. "];
  1561. 32[label = "behavior = click
  1562. arg = null
  1563. index = -1
  1564. id = net.osmand:id/img
  1565. text =
  1566. className = android.widget.ImageView
  1567. desc =
  1568. packageName =
  1569. "];
  1570. 33[label = "behavior = click
  1571. arg = null
  1572. index = -1
  1573. id = net.osmand:id/title
  1574. text = Hourly map updates
  1575. className = android.widget.TextView
  1576. desc =
  1577. packageName =
  1578. "];
  1579. 34[label = "behavior = click
  1580. arg = null
  1581. index = -1
  1582. id = net.osmand:id/div
  1583. text =
  1584. className = android.view.View
  1585. desc =
  1586. packageName =
  1587. "];
  1588. 35[label = "behavior = click
  1589. arg = null
  1590. index = -1
  1591. id = net.osmand:id/title
  1592. text = 离线维基百科
  1593. className = android.widget.TextView
  1594. desc =
  1595. packageName =
  1596. "];
  1597. 36[label = "behavior = click
  1598. arg = null
  1599. index = -1
  1600. id = net.osmand:id/title
  1601. text = Wikivoyage 离线
  1602. className = android.widget.TextView
  1603. desc =
  1604. packageName =
  1605. "];
  1606. 37[label = "behavior = click
  1607. arg = null
  1608. index = -1
  1609. id = net.osmand:id/title
  1610. text = Contour lines & Hillshade maps
  1611. className = android.widget.TextView
  1612. desc =
  1613. packageName =
  1614. "];
  1615. 38[label = "behavior = click
  1616. arg = null
  1617. index = -1
  1618. id = net.osmand:id/title
  1619. text = 航海等深线
  1620. className = android.widget.TextView
  1621. desc =
  1622. packageName =
  1623. "];
  1624. 39[label = "behavior = click
  1625. arg = null
  1626. index = -1
  1627. id = net.osmand:id/title
  1628. text = Unlock all OsmAnd features
  1629. className = android.widget.TextView
  1630. desc =
  1631. packageName =
  1632. "];
  1633. 40[label = "behavior = click
  1634. arg = null
  1635. index = -1
  1636. id = net.osmand:id/buttons_div
  1637. text =
  1638. className = android.view.View
  1639. desc =
  1640. packageName =
  1641. "];
  1642. 41[label = "behavior = click
  1643. arg = null
  1644. index = -1
  1645. id = net.osmand:id/card_button_subtitle
  1646. text = 选择适合您的付款周期:
  1647. className = android.widget.TextView
  1648. desc =
  1649. packageName =
  1650. "];
  1651. 42[label = "behavior = click
  1652. arg = null
  1653. index = -1
  1654. id = android:id/statusBarBackground
  1655. text =
  1656. className = android.view.View
  1657. desc =
  1658. packageName =
  1659. "];
  1660. 43[label = "behavior = sendKeyEvent
  1661. arg = [4]
  1662. index = -1
  1663. id =
  1664. text =
  1665. className =
  1666. desc =
  1667. packageName =
  1668. "];
  1669. }
  1670. subgraph cluster__plus_rastermaps_SettingsRasterMapsActivity{
  1671. label = "_plus_rastermaps_SettingsRasterMapsActivity"
  1672. 132[label = "behavior = click
  1673. arg = null
  1674. index = -1
  1675. id =
  1676. text =
  1677. className = android.widget.ImageButton
  1678. desc = 向上导航
  1679. packageName =
  1680. "];
  1681. }
  1682. subgraph cluster__plus_activities_MapActivity{
  1683. label = "_plus_activities_MapActivity"
  1684. 0[label = "behavior = click
  1685. arg = null
  1686. index = -1
  1687. id = net.osmand:id/MapHudButtonsOverlayQuickActions
  1688. text =
  1689. className = android.widget.FrameLayout
  1690. desc =
  1691. packageName =
  1692. "];
  1693. 1[label = "behavior = click
  1694. arg = null
  1695. index = -1
  1696. id = net.osmand:id/map_layers_button
  1697. text =
  1698. className = android.widget.ImageButton
  1699. desc = 配置地图
  1700. packageName =
  1701. "];
  1702. 2[label = "behavior = click
  1703. arg = null
  1704. index = -1
  1705. id = net.osmand:id/map_search_button
  1706. text =
  1707. className = android.widget.ImageButton
  1708. desc = 搜索
  1709. packageName =
  1710. "];
  1711. 3[label = "behavior = click
  1712. arg = null
  1713. index = -1
  1714. id = net.osmand:id/map_menu_button
  1715. text =
  1716. className = android.widget.ImageButton
  1717. desc = 返回菜单
  1718. packageName =
  1719. "];
  1720. 4[label = "behavior = click
  1721. arg = null
  1722. index = -1
  1723. id = net.osmand:id/map_route_info_button
  1724. text =
  1725. className = android.widget.ImageButton
  1726. desc = 路线
  1727. packageName =
  1728. "];
  1729. 5[label = "behavior = click
  1730. arg = null
  1731. index = -1
  1732. id = net.osmand:id/map_ruler_text
  1733. text = 500 千米
  1734. className = android.widget.TextView
  1735. desc =
  1736. packageName =
  1737. "];
  1738. 6[label = "behavior = click
  1739. arg = null
  1740. index = -1
  1741. id = net.osmand:id/map_ruler_image
  1742. text =
  1743. className = android.widget.ImageView
  1744. desc =
  1745. packageName =
  1746. "];
  1747. 7[label = "behavior = click
  1748. arg = null
  1749. index = -1
  1750. id = net.osmand:id/map_my_location_button
  1751. text =
  1752. className = android.widget.ImageButton
  1753. desc = 位置尚不清楚
  1754. packageName =
  1755. "];
  1756. 8[label = "behavior = click
  1757. arg = null
  1758. index = -1
  1759. id = net.osmand:id/map_zoom_in_button
  1760. text =
  1761. className = android.widget.ImageButton
  1762. desc = 放大
  1763. packageName =
  1764. "];
  1765. 9[label = "behavior = click
  1766. arg = null
  1767. index = -1
  1768. id = net.osmand:id/map_zoom_out_button
  1769. text =
  1770. className = android.widget.ImageButton
  1771. desc = 缩小
  1772. packageName =
  1773. "];
  1774. 10[label = "behavior = click
  1775. arg = null
  1776. index = -1
  1777. id = net.osmand:id/MapView
  1778. text =
  1779. className = android.view.View
  1780. desc = 地图
  1781. packageName =
  1782. "];
  1783. 11[label = "behavior = click
  1784. arg = null
  1785. index = -1
  1786. id =
  1787. text =
  1788. className = android.widget.FrameLayout
  1789. desc =
  1790. packageName =
  1791. "];
  1792. 12[label = "behavior = click
  1793. arg = null
  1794. index = -1
  1795. id =
  1796. text =
  1797. className = android.widget.ImageView
  1798. desc =
  1799. packageName =
  1800. "];
  1801. 13[label = "behavior = click
  1802. arg = null
  1803. index = -1
  1804. id =
  1805. text =
  1806. className = android.view.View
  1807. desc =
  1808. packageName =
  1809. "];
  1810. 14[label = "behavior = click
  1811. arg = null
  1812. index = -1
  1813. id =
  1814. text = 在没有互联网连接的情况下,取得指引与探索新地点
  1815. className = android.widget.TextView
  1816. desc =
  1817. packageName =
  1818. "];
  1819. 15[label = "behavior = click
  1820. arg = null
  1821. index = -1
  1822. id = net.osmand:id/start_button
  1823. text = 使用入门
  1824. className = android.widget.Button
  1825. desc =
  1826. packageName =
  1827. "];
  1828. 16[label = "behavior = click
  1829. arg = null
  1830. index = -1
  1831. id = net.osmand:id/skip_button
  1832. text = 跳过
  1833. className = android.widget.Button
  1834. desc =
  1835. packageName =
  1836. "];
  1837. 17[label = "behavior = click
  1838. arg = null
  1839. index = -1
  1840. id = android:id/statusBarBackground
  1841. text =
  1842. className = android.view.View
  1843. desc =
  1844. packageName =
  1845. "];
  1846. 18[label = "behavior = sendKeyEvent
  1847. arg = [4]
  1848. index = -1
  1849. id =
  1850. text =
  1851. className =
  1852. desc =
  1853. packageName =
  1854. "];
  1855. 19[label = "behavior = click
  1856. arg = null
  1857. index = -1
  1858. id = android:id/button1
  1859. text = 选择
  1860. className = android.widget.Button
  1861. desc =
  1862. packageName =
  1863. "];
  1864. 44[label = "behavior = click
  1865. arg = null
  1866. index = -1
  1867. id = android:id/button2
  1868. text = 跳过
  1869. className = android.widget.Button
  1870. desc =
  1871. packageName =
  1872. "];
  1873. 45[label = "behavior = click
  1874. arg = null
  1875. index = -1
  1876. id = net.osmand:id/title
  1877. text = 我的地点
  1878. className = android.widget.TextView
  1879. desc =
  1880. packageName =
  1881. "];
  1882. 84[label = "behavior = click
  1883. arg = null
  1884. index = -1
  1885. id = net.osmand:id/title
  1886. text = OsmAnd Live
  1887. className = android.widget.TextView
  1888. desc =
  1889. packageName =
  1890. "];
  1891. 124[label = "behavior = swipe
  1892. arg = [100, 500, 100, 100, 500]
  1893. index = -1
  1894. id =
  1895. text =
  1896. className =
  1897. desc =
  1898. packageName =
  1899. "];
  1900. 125[label = "behavior = click
  1901. arg = null
  1902. index = -1
  1903. id = net.osmand:id/title
  1904. text = 插件
  1905. className = android.widget.TextView
  1906. desc =
  1907. packageName =
  1908. "];
  1909. 157[label = "behavior = click
  1910. arg = null
  1911. index = -1
  1912. id = net.osmand:id/title
  1913. text = 帮助
  1914. className = android.widget.TextView
  1915. desc =
  1916. packageName =
  1917. "];
  1918. 206[label = "behavior = click
  1919. arg = null
  1920. index = -1
  1921. id = net.osmand:id/bg_circle
  1922. text =
  1923. className = android.widget.FrameLayout
  1924. desc =
  1925. packageName =
  1926. "];
  1927. 207[label = "behavior = click
  1928. arg = null
  1929. index = -1
  1930. id = net.osmand:id/title
  1931. text = 管理
  1932. className = android.widget.TextView
  1933. desc =
  1934. packageName =
  1935. "];
  1936. }
  1937. subgraph cluster__plus_profiles_EditProfileActivity{
  1938. label = "_plus_profiles_EditProfileActivity"
  1939. 210[label = "behavior = click
  1940. arg = null
  1941. index = -1
  1942. id =
  1943. text = 开车
  1944. className = android.widget.TextView
  1945. desc =
  1946. packageName =
  1947. "];
  1948. 211[label = "behavior = click
  1949. arg = null
  1950. index = -1
  1951. id =
  1952. text =
  1953. className = android.widget.TextView
  1954. desc = 删除
  1955. packageName =
  1956. "];
  1957. 212[label = "behavior = click
  1958. arg = null
  1959. index = -1
  1960. id = net.osmand:id/mode_icon
  1961. text =
  1962. className = android.widget.ImageView
  1963. desc =
  1964. packageName =
  1965. "];
  1966. 213[label = "behavior = click
  1967. arg = null
  1968. index = -1
  1969. id =
  1970. text = Base profile
  1971. className = android.widget.TextView
  1972. desc =
  1973. packageName =
  1974. "];
  1975. 214[label = "behavior = click
  1976. arg = null
  1977. index = -1
  1978. id = net.osmand:id/mode_title
  1979. text = 开车
  1980. className = android.widget.TextView
  1981. desc =
  1982. packageName =
  1983. "];
  1984. 215[label = "behavior = click
  1985. arg = null
  1986. index = -1
  1987. id = net.osmand:id/type_down_arrow2
  1988. text =
  1989. className = android.widget.ImageView
  1990. desc =
  1991. packageName =
  1992. "];
  1993. 216[label = "behavior = click
  1994. arg = null
  1995. index = -1
  1996. id =
  1997. text =
  1998. className = android.widget.ImageView
  1999. desc =
  2000. packageName =
  2001. "];
  2002. 217[label = "behavior = click
  2003. arg = null
  2004. index = -1
  2005. id =
  2006. text =
  2007. className = android.view.View
  2008. desc =
  2009. packageName =
  2010. "];
  2011. 218[label = "behavior = click
  2012. arg = null
  2013. index = -1
  2014. id = net.osmand:id/text_field_boxes_label
  2015. text = Profile name
  2016. className = android.widget.TextView
  2017. desc =
  2018. packageName =
  2019. "];
  2020. 219[label = "behavior = click
  2021. arg = null
  2022. index = -1
  2023. id = net.osmand:id/bg_bottom_line
  2024. text =
  2025. className = android.widget.FrameLayout
  2026. desc =
  2027. packageName =
  2028. "];
  2029. 220[label = "behavior = click
  2030. arg = null
  2031. index = -1
  2032. id =
  2033. text =
  2034. className = android.widget.FrameLayout
  2035. desc =
  2036. packageName =
  2037. "];
  2038. 221[label = "behavior = click
  2039. arg = null
  2040. index = -1
  2041. id = net.osmand:id/text_field_boxes_label
  2042. text = 导航类型
  2043. className = android.widget.TextView
  2044. desc =
  2045. packageName =
  2046. "];
  2047. 222[label = "behavior = click
  2048. arg = null
  2049. index = -1
  2050. id = net.osmand:id/type_down_arrow
  2051. text =
  2052. className = android.widget.ImageView
  2053. desc =
  2054. packageName =
  2055. "];
  2056. 223[label = "behavior = click
  2057. arg = null
  2058. index = -1
  2059. id =
  2060. text = Icon
  2061. className = android.widget.TextView
  2062. desc =
  2063. packageName =
  2064. "];
  2065. 224[label = "behavior = click
  2066. arg = null
  2067. index = -1
  2068. id = net.osmand:id/profile_icon_img
  2069. text =
  2070. className = android.widget.ImageView
  2071. desc =
  2072. packageName =
  2073. "];
  2074. 225[label = "behavior = click
  2075. arg = null
  2076. index = -1
  2077. id =
  2078. text = 颜色
  2079. className = android.widget.TextView
  2080. desc =
  2081. packageName =
  2082. "];
  2083. 226[label = "behavior = click
  2084. arg = null
  2085. index = -1
  2086. id = net.osmand:id/color_sample_img
  2087. text =
  2088. className = android.widget.ImageView
  2089. desc =
  2090. packageName =
  2091. "];
  2092. 227[label = "behavior = click
  2093. arg = null
  2094. index = -1
  2095. id =
  2096. text = You can add your own modified version of the file routing.xml in ..osmand/routing
  2097. className = android.widget.TextView
  2098. desc =
  2099. packageName =
  2100. "];
  2101. 228[label = "behavior = click
  2102. arg = null
  2103. index = -1
  2104. id =
  2105. text = Set up profile
  2106. className = android.widget.TextView
  2107. desc =
  2108. packageName =
  2109. "];
  2110. 229[label = "behavior = click
  2111. arg = null
  2112. index = -1
  2113. id =
  2114. text = The profile keeps its own settings
  2115. className = android.widget.TextView
  2116. desc =
  2117. packageName =
  2118. "];
  2119. 230[label = "behavior = click
  2120. arg = null
  2121. index = -1
  2122. id = net.osmand:id/profile_config_icon
  2123. text =
  2124. className = android.widget.ImageView
  2125. desc =
  2126. packageName =
  2127. "];
  2128. }
  2129. 0->1;
  2130. 1->2;
  2131. 2->3;
  2132. 3->4;
  2133. 3->45;
  2134. 3->84;
  2135. 3->124;
  2136. 3->206;
  2137. 4->5;
  2138. 5->5;
  2139. 5->6;
  2140. 6->7;
  2141. 7->8;
  2142. 8->9;
  2143. 9->10;
  2144. 10->11;
  2145. 11->11;
  2146. 11->12;
  2147. 12->13;
  2148. 12->16;
  2149. 13->14;
  2150. 13->15;
  2151. 13->17;
  2152. 14->13;
  2153. 15->12;
  2154. 15->16;
  2155. 16->13;
  2156. 16->19;
  2157. 16->44;
  2158. 17->18;
  2159. 18->18;
  2160. 19->20;
  2161. 20->21;
  2162. 21->22;
  2163. 22->23;
  2164. 23->24;
  2165. 24->25;
  2166. 25->26;
  2167. 26->27;
  2168. 27->28;
  2169. 28->29;
  2170. 29->30;
  2171. 30->31;
  2172. 31->32;
  2173. 32->33;
  2174. 32->34;
  2175. 32->35;
  2176. 32->36;
  2177. 32->37;
  2178. 32->38;
  2179. 32->39;
  2180. 33->34;
  2181. 34->32;
  2182. 35->34;
  2183. 36->34;
  2184. 37->34;
  2185. 38->34;
  2186. 39->40;
  2187. 40->41;
  2188. 41->42;
  2189. 42->43;
  2190. 43->43;
  2191. 44->3;
  2192. 45->46;
  2193. 46->47;
  2194. 47->48;
  2195. 48->49;
  2196. 49->50;
  2197. 50->51;
  2198. 51->52;
  2199. 52->53;
  2200. 53->54;
  2201. 54->55;
  2202. 55->56;
  2203. 56->57;
  2204. 56->58;
  2205. 57->56;
  2206. 58->59;
  2207. 59->60;
  2208. 60->61;
  2209. 61->62;
  2210. 61->82;
  2211. 62->63;
  2212. 63->64;
  2213. 64->65;
  2214. 65->66;
  2215. 66->67;
  2216. 67->68;
  2217. 68->69;
  2218. 69->70;
  2219. 70->71;
  2220. 71->72;
  2221. 72->73;
  2222. 73->74;
  2223. 74->75;
  2224. 75->76;
  2225. 76->77;
  2226. 77->78;
  2227. 78->79;
  2228. 79->80;
  2229. 80->81;
  2230. 81->61;
  2231. 82->83;
  2232. 83->83;
  2233. 84->85;
  2234. 85->86;
  2235. 86->87;
  2236. 87->88;
  2237. 87->97;
  2238. 88->89;
  2239. 89->90;
  2240. 90->91;
  2241. 91->92;
  2242. 92->93;
  2243. 93->94;
  2244. 94->95;
  2245. 94->101;
  2246. 95->96;
  2247. 96->87;
  2248. 97->97;
  2249. 97->98;
  2250. 98->99;
  2251. 99->100;
  2252. 100->101;
  2253. 101->94;
  2254. 101->102;
  2255. 101->122;
  2256. 102->103;
  2257. 103->104;
  2258. 104->105;
  2259. 105->106;
  2260. 106->107;
  2261. 107->108;
  2262. 108->109;
  2263. 109->110;
  2264. 110->111;
  2265. 111->112;
  2266. 112->113;
  2267. 113->114;
  2268. 114->115;
  2269. 115->116;
  2270. 116->117;
  2271. 117->118;
  2272. 118->119;
  2273. 119->120;
  2274. 120->121;
  2275. 121->101;
  2276. 122->123;
  2277. 123->123;
  2278. 124->125;
  2279. 124->157;
  2280. 125->126;
  2281. 126->127;
  2282. 127->128;
  2283. 127->141;
  2284. 127->151;
  2285. 128->129;
  2286. 129->130;
  2287. 130->131;
  2288. 131->132;
  2289. 132->133;
  2290. 133->134;
  2291. 134->135;
  2292. 135->136;
  2293. 136->137;
  2294. 137->138;
  2295. 137->139;
  2296. 137->142;
  2297. 137->148;
  2298. 137->150;
  2299. 137->152;
  2300. 137->154;
  2301. 138->137;
  2302. 139->140;
  2303. 139->143;
  2304. 139->146;
  2305. 140->127;
  2306. 141->137;
  2307. 142->137;
  2308. 143->144;
  2309. 144->145;
  2310. 144->147;
  2311. 144->149;
  2312. 144->153;
  2313. 145->137;
  2314. 146->144;
  2315. 146->127;
  2316. 146->155;
  2317. 147->137;
  2318. 148->137;
  2319. 149->137;
  2320. 150->137;
  2321. 151->137;
  2322. 152->137;
  2323. 153->137;
  2324. 154->137;
  2325. 155->156;
  2326. 157->158;
  2327. 158->159;
  2328. 159->160;
  2329. 160->161;
  2330. 161->162;
  2331. 162->163;
  2332. 163->164;
  2333. 164->165;
  2334. 165->166;
  2335. 165->167;
  2336. 165->168;
  2337. 165->169;
  2338. 165->190;
  2339. 165->191;
  2340. 166->164;
  2341. 166->165;
  2342. 166->180;
  2343. 167->165;
  2344. 167->181;
  2345. 168->165;
  2346. 168->193;
  2347. 169->170;
  2348. 169->189;
  2349. 170->171;
  2350. 170->172;
  2351. 170->173;
  2352. 170->174;
  2353. 170->175;
  2354. 171->170;
  2355. 172->170;
  2356. 173->170;
  2357. 174->170;
  2358. 175->176;
  2359. 176->177;
  2360. 177->178;
  2361. 178->179;
  2362. 179->179;
  2363. 179->166;
  2364. 179->167;
  2365. 179->182;
  2366. 179->184;
  2367. 179->194;
  2368. 179->196;
  2369. 179->199;
  2370. 179->201;
  2371. 179->203;
  2372. 179->205;
  2373. 180->179;
  2374. 181->179;
  2375. 182->183;
  2376. 183->179;
  2377. 184->185;
  2378. 185->186;
  2379. 186->187;
  2380. 187->188;
  2381. 188->169;
  2382. 189->165;
  2383. 190->165;
  2384. 191->192;
  2385. 192->168;
  2386. 193->179;
  2387. 194->195;
  2388. 195->179;
  2389. 196->197;
  2390. 197->198;
  2391. 198->179;
  2392. 199->200;
  2393. 200->179;
  2394. 201->202;
  2395. 202->179;
  2396. 203->204;
  2397. 204->179;
  2398. 205->205;
  2399. 206->207;
  2400. 207->208;
  2401. 208->209;
  2402. 209->210;
  2403. 210->211;
  2404. 211->212;
  2405. 212->213;
  2406. 213->214;
  2407. 214->215;
  2408. 215->216;
  2409. 216->217;
  2410. 216->218;
  2411. 216->228;
  2412. 217->216;
  2413. 217->223;
  2414. 217->225;
  2415. 218->219;
  2416. 219->220;
  2417. 219->222;
  2418. 220->221;
  2419. 221->219;
  2420. 222->217;
  2421. 223->224;
  2422. 224->217;
  2423. 225->226;
  2424. 226->227;
  2425. 227->216;
  2426. 228->229;
  2427. 229->230;
  2428. 230->18;
  2429. 231->0;
  2430. }