ExceptionType.json 7.2 KB

  1. [
  2. {
  3. "name" : "ArithmeticException",
  4. "desc" : "Thrown when the an invalid arithmetic operation is attempted.",
  5. "zh" : "算术异常,尝试执行无效的算术运算时抛出。"
  6. }, {
  7. "name" : "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException",
  8. "desc" : "Thrown when the an array is indexed with a value less than zero, or greater than or equal to the size of the array.",
  9. "zh" : "当数组的索引值小于零或大于或等于数组的大小时,抛出该异常。"
  10. },{
  11. "name" : "ArrayStoreException",
  12. "desc" : "Thrown when a program attempts to store an element of an incompatible type in an array.",
  13. "zh" : "当程序试图在数组中存储不兼容类型的元素时引发。"
  14. },{
  15. "name" : "ClassCastException",
  16. "desc" : "Thrown when a program attempts to cast a an object to a type with which it is not compatible.",
  17. "zh" : "当程序试图将对象强制转换为与其不兼容的类型时引发。"
  18. },{
  19. "name" : "ClassNotFoundException",
  20. "desc" : "Thrown when a class loader is unable to find a class.",
  21. "zh" : "当类加载器找不到该类型时引发。"
  22. },{
  23. "name" : "CloneNotSupportedException",
  24. "desc" : "Thrown when a program attempts to clone an object which does not support the Cloneable interface.",
  25. "zh" : "当程序试图克隆不支持可克隆接口的对象时引发。"
  26. },{
  27. "name" : "EnumConstantNotPresentException",
  28. "desc" : "Thrown if an enum constant does not exist for a particular name.",
  29. "zh" : "如果特定名称不存在枚举常量,则抛出。"
  30. },{
  31. "name" : "IllegalAccessException",
  32. "desc" : "Thrown when a program attempts to access a field or method which is not accessible from the location where the reference is made.",
  33. "zh" : "当程序试图访问从引用位置无法访问的字段或方法时引发。"
  34. },{
  35. "name" : "IllegalArgumentException",
  36. "desc" : "Thrown when a method is invoked with an argument which it can not reasonably deal with.",
  37. "zh" : "当使用无法合理处理的参数调用方法时引发。"
  38. },{
  39. "name" : "IllegalMonitorStateException",
  40. "desc" : "Thrown when a monitor operation is attempted when the monitor is not in the correct state, for example when a thread attempts to exit a monitor which it does not own.",
  41. "zh" : "当监视器没有处于正确状态时,例如当线程试图退出它自己没有的监视器时,尝试监视器操作。"
  42. },{
  43. "name" : "IllegalStateException",
  44. "desc" : "Thrown when an action is attempted at a time when the VM is not in the correct state.",
  45. "zh" : ""
  46. },{
  47. "name" : "IllegalThreadStateException",
  48. "desc" : "Thrown when an operation is attempted which is not possible given the state that the executing thread is in.",
  49. "zh" : "在虚拟机未处于正确状态时尝试操作线程时引发。"
  50. },{
  51. "name" : "IndexOutOfBoundsException",
  52. "desc" : "Thrown when a program attempts to access a value in an indexable collection using a value which is outside of the range of valid indices.",
  53. "zh" : "当程序试图使用超出有效索引范围的值访问可索引集合中的值时引发。"
  54. },{
  55. "name" : "InstantiationException",
  56. "desc" : "Thrown when a program attempts to access a constructor which is not accessible from the location where the reference is made.",
  57. "zh" : "当程序试图访问从引用位置无法访问的构造函数时引发。"
  58. },{
  59. "name" : "InterruptedException",
  60. "desc" : "Thrown when a waiting thread is activated before the condition it was waiting for has been satisfied.",
  61. "zh" : "当等待线程在其等待的条件满足之前被激活时引发。"
  62. },{
  63. "name" : "NegativeArraySizeException",
  64. "desc" : "Thrown when an attempt is made to create an array with a size of less than zero.",
  65. "zh" : "试图创建小于零的数组时引发。"
  66. },{
  67. "name" : "NoSuchFieldException",
  68. "desc" : "Thrown when the VM notices that a program tries to reference, on a class or object, a field that does not exist.",
  69. "zh" : "当VM注意到程序试图在类或对象上引用一个不存在的字段时抛出。"
  70. },{
  71. "name" : "NoSuchMethodException",
  72. "desc" : "Thrown when the VM notices that a program tries to reference, on a class or object, a method that does not exist.",
  73. "zh" : "当VM注意到程序试图在类或对象上引用不存在的方法时抛出。"
  74. },{
  75. "name" : "NullPointerException",
  76. "desc" : "Thrown when a program tries to access a field or method of an object or an element of an array when there is no instance or array to use, that is if the object or array points to null. It also occurs in some other, less obvious circumstances, like a throw e statement where the Throwable reference is null.",
  77. "zh" : "当没有要使用的实例或数组(即对象或数组指向空值)时,当程序试图访问对象或数组元素的字段或方法时抛出。它也出现在其他一些不太明显的情况下,比如Throwable引用为空的throw e语句。"
  78. },{
  79. "name" : "NumberFormatException",
  80. "desc" : "Thrown when an invalid value is passed to a string-to-number conversion method.",
  81. "zh" : "将无效值传递给字符串到数字转换方法时引发。"
  82. },{
  83. "name" : "ReflectiveOperationException",
  84. "desc" : "Superclass of exceptions related to reflection.",
  85. "zh" : "与反射相关的异常的超类。"
  86. },{
  87. "name" : "RuntimeException",
  88. "desc" : "RuntimeException is the superclass of all classes that represent exceptional conditions which occur as a result of executing an application in the VM. Unlike checked exceptions (exceptions where the type doesn't extend RuntimeException or Error), the compiler does not require code to handle runtime exceptions.",
  89. "zh" : "RuntimeException是所有类的超类,这些类表示由于在VM中执行应用程序而发生的异常情况。与选中的异常(类型不扩展RuntimeException或Error的异常)不同,编译器不需要代码来处理运行时异常"
  90. },{
  91. "name" : "SecurityException",
  92. "desc" : "Thrown when a security manager check fails.",
  93. "zh" : "当安全管理器检查失败时引发。"
  94. },{
  95. "name" : "StringIndexOutOfBoundsException",
  96. "desc" : "Thrown when the a string is indexed with a value less than zero, or greater than or equal to the size of the array.",
  97. "zh" : "当a字符串的索引值小于零或大于或等于数组大小时引发。"
  98. },{
  99. "name" : "TypeNotPresentException",
  100. "desc" : "Thrown when a program tries to access a class, interface, enum or annotation type through a string that contains the type's name and the type cannot be found. This exception is an unchecked alternative to ClassNotFoundException.",
  101. "zh" : "当程序试图通过包含类型名称和类型的字符串访问类、接口、枚举或批注类型时引发。此异常是ClassNotFoundException的未经检查的替代项"
  102. },{
  103. "name" : "UnsupportedOperationException",
  104. "desc" : "Thrown when an unsupported operation is attempted.",
  105. "zh" : "尝试不支持的操作时引发。"
  106. }
  107. ]