digraph g { node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=lightblue, fontname="simsun.ttc", fontsize=14]; edge [fontname="simsun.ttc", fontsize=12]; subgraph cluster_{ label = "" 231[label = "Start "]; } subgraph cluster__plus_myplaces_FavoritesActivity{ label = "_plus_myplaces_FavoritesActivity" 46[label = "behavior = click text = 我的地点 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 47[label = "behavior = click desc = 筛选器 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 48[label = "behavior = click desc = 向上导航 className = android.widget.ImageButton "]; 49[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/statusBarBackground "]; 50[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/tab_title "]; 51[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/tab_title "]; 52[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/empty_state_image_view "]; 53[label = "behavior = click text = 添加并记录轨迹 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 54[label = "behavior = click text = 导入 GPX 文件,或者录制轨迹。 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 55[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/import_button "]; 57[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:string/gpx_add_track "]; 58[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:string/coordinate_input "]; 59[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/toolbar_text "]; 60[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/options_button "]; 61[label = "behavior = click "]; 62[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; 63[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/icon "]; 64[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/lat_side_of_the_world_tv "]; 65[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/south_side_iv "]; 66[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/north_side_iv "]; 67[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/lat_side_of_the_world_tv "]; 68[label = "behavior = click text = 纬度 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 69[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/lat_first_separator_tv "]; 70[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/lat_second_separator_tv "]; 71[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/east_side_iv "]; 72[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/lon_side_of_the_world_tv "]; 73[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/lon_side_of_the_world_tv "]; 74[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/west_side_iv "]; 75[label = "behavior = click text = 经度 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 76[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/lon_first_separator_tv "]; 77[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/lon_second_separator_tv "]; 78[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/point_name_divider "]; 79[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/point_name_keyboard_btn "]; 80[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/markers_recycler_view "]; 81[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/cancel_button "]; 82[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/add_marker_button "]; 83[label = "behavior = sendKeyEvent "]; } subgraph cluster__plus_liveupdates_OsmLiveActivity{ label = "_plus_liveupdates_OsmLiveActivity" 85[label = "behavior = click text = OsmAnd Live className = android.widget.TextView "]; 86[label = "behavior = click text = 2020-03-09 18:30 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 87[label = "behavior = click text = 报告 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 88[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/calendarImageView "]; 89[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text1 "]; 90[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text1 "]; 91[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text1 "]; 92[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/monthDropDownIcon "]; 93[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text1 "]; 94[label = "behavior = click "]; 95[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/regionIconImageView "]; 96[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/clearButton "]; 97[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text1 "]; 98[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text1 "]; 99[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/countryDropDownIcon "]; 100[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text1 "]; 101[label = "behavior = click "]; 102[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/numberOfContributorsIcon "]; 103[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/titleTextView "]; 104[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text1 "]; 105[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text2 "]; 106[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text1 "]; 107[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text2 "]; 108[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text1 "]; 109[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text2 "]; 110[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text1 "]; 111[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text2 "]; 112[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text1 "]; 113[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text2 "]; 114[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text1 "]; 115[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text2 "]; 116[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text1 "]; 117[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text2 "]; 118[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text1 "]; 119[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text2 "]; 120[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text1 "]; 121[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/text2 "]; 122[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/statusBarBackground "]; 123[label = "behavior = sendKeyEvent "]; } subgraph cluster__plus_activities_PluginActivity{ label = "_plus_activities_PluginActivity" 129[label = "behavior = click text = 在线地图 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 130[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_image "]; 131[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_settings "]; 133[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_enable_disable "]; 134[label = "behavior = click text = 描述 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 135[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_description "]; 136[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/statusBarBackground "]; 137[label = "behavior = sendKeyEvent "]; } subgraph cluster__DocumentsActivity{ label = "_DocumentsActivity" 56[label = "behavior = sendKeyEvent "]; } subgraph cluster__plus_activities_PluginsActivity{ label = "_plus_activities_PluginsActivity" 126[label = "behavior = click text = 插件 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 127[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_logo "]; 128[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_name "]; 138[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_description "]; 139[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_options "]; 140[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; 141[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_name "]; 142[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_description "]; 143[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; 144[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_logo "]; 145[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_name "]; 146[label = "behavior = click "]; 147[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_name "]; 148[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_description "]; 149[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_name "]; 150[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_description "]; 151[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_name "]; 152[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_description "]; 153[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_name "]; 154[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/plugin_description "]; 155[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/statusBarBackground "]; 156[label = "behavior = sendKeyEvent "]; } subgraph cluster__plus_activities_HelpActivity{ label = "_plus_activities_HelpActivity" 158[label = "behavior = click text = 帮助 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 159[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; 160[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; 161[label = "behavior = click desc = 向上导航 className = android.widget.ImageButton "]; 162[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/statusBarBackground "]; 163[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; 164[label = "behavior = click id = How_to_use_navigation "]; 165[label = "behavior = click desc = • className = android.view.View "]; 166[label = "behavior = click desc = Navigation profiles className = android.view.View "]; 167[label = "behavior = click desc = Voice guidance className = android.view.View "]; 168[label = "behavior = click desc = Navigation settings className = android.view.View "]; 169[label = "behavior = click desc = Navigation services className = android.view.View "]; 170[label = "behavior = click desc = ◦ className = android.view.View "]; 171[label = "behavior = click desc = How to avoid certain roads className = android.view.View "]; 172[label = "behavior = click desc = How to add/remove waypoints className = android.view.View "]; 173[label = "behavior = click desc = How to pause, resume or stop navigation className = android.view.View "]; 174[label = "behavior = click desc = How to view POI along the road className = android.view.View "]; 175[label = "behavior = click desc = How to save navigation route as GPX file (only for Android version) className = android.view.View "]; 176[label = "behavior = click desc = The navigation function allows you to reach your destination easily using voice guidance (optional). className = android.view.View "]; 177[label = "behavior = click desc = To start the navigation, you need to use the navigation button on the map screen. Next, you'll need to set the starting point and the destination. As for the starting point, you can choose your current location, Favorite location, select a point on the map or use an address. You can also set a starting point by long tapping on the map and choosing 'Directions from' in the menu box. To navigate to a point, just press the navigation button in its context menu. As soon as your points are selected, the app will create a route and will start guiding you after you tap Go. className = android.view.View "]; 178[label = "behavior = click desc = When the navigation is running, you can press the home button. You will get the message 'OsmAnd is running in the background'. This means that even if you turn the screen off or exit the active app window, you'll still get voice prompts. For version 3.2 and elder (since version 3.3, this feature has been removed as requested by Google) you can also choose to switch the screen on only before turns. To do that, go to Settings — Navigation Settings — 'Turn screen on' and set for how long you'd like to keep the screen on. For instance, if you pick 10 seconds, the screen will be on for 10 seconds on the turn and then switch off again till the next turn. className = android.view.View "]; 179[label = "behavior = click desc = (Image not available offline) className = android.widget.Image "]; 180[label = "behavior = click desc = Various profiles are available for building a route in OsmAnd, which take into account the specificity of the vehicle and traffic conditions. To display the required navigation profiles in the navigation menu, go to the main menu in Settings - OsmAnd development - App Profiles. Now all the necessary profiles are in the menu Navigation in the form of graphic symbols. Profile' routes are calculated according to the traffic rules, weights and etc., and will help you reach your destination taking into account your way of movement. To choose the navigation mode, just go to the navigation settings bar. className = android.view.View "]; 181[label = "behavior = click desc = You can get voice prompts as you move. To get them in your language, go to Settings - General - 'Voice prompts' and choose the language you prefer or press Install more to install the one you need. If you'd like your music to pause when the prompt is announced, please go to Settings - 'Navigation settings' and enable 'Pause music' option. className = android.view.View "]; 182[label = "behavior = click desc = How to mute voice prompts className = android.view.View "]; 183[label = "behavior = click desc = You can mute the voice prompts if you do not need them at the moment. To mute voice prompts, just go to Settings - General - 'Voice guidance' and select 'Do not use'. Select one of the languages to restore voice navigation. You can also build a route, then tap the Settings button and turn 'Sound' option off. The navigation itself will work as usual. className = android.view.View "]; 184[label = "behavior = click desc = What are TTS and pre-recorded voice prompts className = android.view.View "]; 185[label = "behavior = click desc = There are two types of voices in OsmAnd: TTS or text-to-speech generated voice prompts and those created from pre-recorded voices. You can switch between them to pick the type that's more comfortable to you. TTS is preferable as it functions in a more flexible way. Choose the voice prompt type you like in Settings — General — Voice prompts — 'Install more'. There, you'll see two groups of voice prompts and will be able to pick the option you prefer. className = android.view.View "]; 186[label = "behavior = click desc = Please read more about setting up voice navigation here: className = android.view.View "]; 187[label = "behavior = click desc = Setting voice navigation className = android.view.View "]; 188[label = "behavior = click desc = . className = android.view.View "]; 189[label = "behavior = click desc = In OsmAnd navigation settings, you can choose the service to calculate your navigation route. The services offered are className = android.view.View "]; 190[label = "behavior = click desc = OsmAnd (offline) className = android.view.View "]; 191[label = "behavior = click desc = Straight line className = android.view.View "]; 192[label = "behavior = click desc = The Straight line option connects your waypoints with a line: it can be used for general trip planning when you do not need a detailed route. Other services have their own algorithms of route calculation, you can test them to see which one meets your needs. className = android.view.View "]; 193[label = "behavior = click desc = You can improve your trip by using specific options of the trip. Tap the Settings button in the navigation window. There, you'll be able to choose Avoid toll roads/unpaved roads/ferries/motorways/border crossing or choose the shortest way. Also, you'll be able to select a GPX route to follow. If you have even more specific requirements to routing, for instance, you want to set your vehicle's height or weight, you can find them in the Navigation settings menu. The route calculator will automatically exclude the roads that do not allow the vehicles with the parameters you set. className = android.view.View "]; 194[label = "behavior = click id = How_to_avoid_certain_roads "]; 195[label = "behavior = click desc = You can customize your route to avoid certain streets or types of roads. To do that, just create a navigation route as usual, then enter the navigation settings in your navigation context menu. You can choose to avoid toll roads, unpaved roads, ferries, shuttle train, motorways and border crossing or select a fuel-efficient way. Check the options you prefer. You can also avoid a certain street. Maybe there are construction works or a traffic jam or anything that makes you want to avoid that section of the road. Just tap Avoid roads - 'Select on map' in the same menu (Navigation context menu - Settings). To use the excluded streets next time, please go to navigation context menu, press the Settings button, select 'Avoid roads' and remove them from the list. className = android.view.View "]; 196[label = "behavior = click id = How_to_add_remove_waypoints "]; 197[label = "behavior = click desc = To add or remove waypoints, you need to long-tap on the map after the route is calculated, tap Directions > 'Add as last intermediate destination' or you can tap on the flag button in the navigation context menu and choose Options > Add waypoint. Add multiple waypoints one by one, if needed. className = android.view.View "]; 198[label = "behavior = click desc = To remove a waypoint, just make a long tap on it and choose 'Remove'. You can also tap the flag button in the navigation context menu to remove or rearrange waypoints by moving them up or down the list (use the (≡) button to move waypoints or press 'X' to remove them). In the same menu, you can turn POI and Favorites viewing on or off, as well as select which traffic warnings you'll need. (Remove the warnings you do not need by pressing 'X'). className = android.view.View "]; 199[label = "behavior = click id = How_to_pause_resume_stop_navigation "]; 200[label = "behavior = click desc = Need to pause your navigation to make a quick stop? That's easy. To pause, resume or stop your navigation completely, go to your dashboard and press the button on your navigation menu next to the Destination info. To stop it, tap on the screen during navigation and pressing the 'x' icon in the context menu. className = android.view.View "]; 201[label = "behavior = click id = How_to_view_POI_along_the_road "]; 202[label = "behavior = click desc = You can choose to view points of interest along your route. To do that, please create a new route, then hit the flag icon to see the waypoints menu. Then turn on POI. You'll be able to select the type of POI you'd like to see and also set the radius of search. For example, if you choose 150m and tourism, you'll see all tourist attractions in the radius of 150m around your calculated route. Use the 'X' buttons to remove POI you won't need. className = android.view.View "]; 203[label = "behavior = click id = Save_navigation_route_GPX_file "]; 204[label = "behavior = click desc = You can build a route and save it as a GPX file to use it later. This way, you won't have to wait for the route to be calculated and will have a reliable navigation source. To save your current navigation route as a GPX file, go to the navigation menu, then tap the information menu. Tap Save button in the upper right corner and name your GPX track to save it. To use it for navigation, please go to Configure map menu - GPX Track - select your track and press OK. You'll see the track on the map. Then press the navigation button. When asked whether you want to use this track for navigation, press Yes. className = android.view.View "]; 205[label = "behavior = sendKeyEvent "]; } subgraph cluster__plus_profiles_SettingsProfileActivity{ label = "_plus_profiles_SettingsProfileActivity" 208[label = "behavior = click text = App profiles className = android.widget.TextView "]; 209[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/icon "]; } subgraph cluster__plus_download_DownloadActivity{ label = "_plus_download_DownloadActivity" 20[label = "behavior = click text = 地图 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 21[label = "behavior = click desc = 刷新 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 22[label = "behavior = click desc = 搜索 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 23[label = "behavior = click desc = 向上导航 className = android.widget.ImageButton "]; 24[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/tab_title "]; 25[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:string/shared_string_refresh "]; 26[label = "behavior = click text = 免费版 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 27[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; 28[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/header_img "]; 29[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/header_title "]; 30[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/header_descr "]; 31[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/header_div "]; 32[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/img "]; 33[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; 34[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/div "]; 35[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; 36[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; 37[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; 38[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; 39[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; 40[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/buttons_div "]; 41[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/card_button_subtitle "]; 42[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/statusBarBackground "]; 43[label = "behavior = sendKeyEvent "]; } subgraph cluster__plus_rastermaps_SettingsRasterMapsActivity{ label = "_plus_rastermaps_SettingsRasterMapsActivity" 132[label = "behavior = click desc = 向上导航 className = android.widget.ImageButton "]; } subgraph cluster__plus_activities_MapActivity{ label = "_plus_activities_MapActivity" 0[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/MapHudButtonsOverlayQuickActions "]; 1[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/map_layers_button "]; 2[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/map_search_button "]; 3[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/map_menu_button "]; 4[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/map_route_info_button "]; 5[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/map_ruler_text "]; 6[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/map_ruler_image "]; 7[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/map_my_location_button "]; 8[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/map_zoom_in_button "]; 9[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/map_zoom_out_button "]; 10[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/MapView "]; 11[label = "behavior = click "]; 12[label = "behavior = click "]; 13[label = "behavior = click "]; 14[label = "behavior = click text = 在没有互联网连接的情况下,取得指引与探索新地点 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 15[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/start_button "]; 16[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/skip_button "]; 17[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/statusBarBackground "]; 18[label = "behavior = sendKeyEvent "]; 19[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/button1 "]; 44[label = "behavior = click id = android:id/button2 "]; 45[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; 84[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; 124[label = "behavior = swipe "]; 125[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; 157[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; 206[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/bg_circle "]; 207[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/title "]; } subgraph cluster__plus_profiles_EditProfileActivity{ label = "_plus_profiles_EditProfileActivity" 210[label = "behavior = click text = 开车 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 211[label = "behavior = click desc = 删除 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 212[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/mode_icon "]; 213[label = "behavior = click text = Base profile className = android.widget.TextView "]; 214[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/mode_title "]; 215[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/type_down_arrow2 "]; 216[label = "behavior = click "]; 217[label = "behavior = click "]; 218[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/text_field_boxes_label "]; 219[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/bg_bottom_line "]; 220[label = "behavior = click "]; 221[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/text_field_boxes_label "]; 222[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/type_down_arrow "]; 223[label = "behavior = click text = Icon className = android.widget.TextView "]; 224[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/profile_icon_img "]; 225[label = "behavior = click text = 颜色 className = android.widget.TextView "]; 226[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/color_sample_img "]; 227[label = "behavior = click text = You can add your own modified version of the file routing.xml in ..osmand/routing className = android.widget.TextView "]; 228[label = "behavior = click text = Set up profile className = android.widget.TextView "]; 229[label = "behavior = click text = The profile keeps its own settings className = android.widget.TextView "]; 230[label = "behavior = click id = net.osmand:id/profile_config_icon "]; } 0->1; 1->2; 2->3; 3->4; 3->45; 3->84; 3->124; 3->206; 4->5; 5->5; 5->6; 6->7; 7->8; 8->9; 9->10; 10->11; 11->11; 11->12; 12->13; 12->16; 13->14; 13->15; 13->17; 14->13; 15->12; 15->16; 16->13; 16->19; 16->44; 17->18; 18->18; 19->20; 20->21; 21->22; 22->23; 23->24; 24->25; 25->26; 26->27; 27->28; 28->29; 29->30; 30->31; 31->32; 32->33; 32->34; 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198->179; 199->200; 200->179; 201->202; 202->179; 203->204; 204->179; 205->205; 206->207; 207->208; 208->209; 209->210; 210->211; 211->212; 212->213; 213->214; 214->215; 215->216; 216->217; 216->218; 216->228; 217->216; 217->223; 217->225; 218->219; 219->220; 219->222; 220->221; 221->219; 222->217; 223->224; 224->217; 225->226; 226->227; 227->216; 228->229; 229->230; 230->18; 231->0; }