@@ -0,0 +1,906 @@
+package net.mooctest.www.android_auto_test.Scripts;
+import com.google.gson.Gson;
+import com.sinaapp.msdxblog.apkUtil.entity.ApkInfo;
+import io.appium.java_client.TouchAction;
+import io.appium.java_client.android.AndroidDriver;
+import io.appium.java_client.android.AndroidTouchAction;
+import io.appium.java_client.android.nativekey.AndroidKey;
+import io.appium.java_client.android.nativekey.KeyEvent;
+import io.appium.java_client.touch.TapOptions;
+import io.appium.java_client.touch.WaitOptions;
+import io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.PointOption;
+import net.mooctest.www.android_auto_test.common.constant.Consts;
+import net.mooctest.www.android_auto_test.models.Action;
+import net.mooctest.www.android_auto_test.models.Activity;
+import net.mooctest.www.android_auto_test.models.Component;
+import net.mooctest.www.android_auto_test.models.IgnoreComponent;
+import net.mooctest.www.android_auto_test.utils.*;
+import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
+import org.openqa.selenium.*;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.time.Duration;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.*;
+ * @author henrylee
+ */
+public class DefaultScript extends AbstractBaseScript {
+ public static final String TAG = Thread.currentThread() .getStackTrace()[1].getClassName();
+ private String udid;
+ private AndroidDriver driver;
+ private ApkInfo apkInfo;
+ private String traceId;
+ private BufferedWriter scriptWriter;
+ private BufferedWriter myTestLogWriter;
+ private BufferedWriter actionWriter;
+ private List<Activity> activityList = new ArrayList<>();
+ private List<String> fatherComponentList = new ArrayList<>();
+ private HashMap<String, IgnoreComponent> ignoreMap;
+ private boolean hasTakenScreenshot = false;
+ public DefaultScript(String udid, AndroidDriver driver, ApkInfo apkInfo, String traceId) {
+ this.traceId = traceId;
+ this.udid = udid;
+ this.driver = driver;
+ this.apkInfo = apkInfo;
+ }
+ private void initWriter(File testScript, File testAction, File myTestLog){
+ try {
+ scriptWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(testScript,true));
+ myTestLogWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(myTestLog,true));
+ actionWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(testAction, true));
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e);
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void prepare(){
+ File myTestLog = new File(AddressUtil.getMyTestLogPath(traceId, udid));
+ File testScript = new File(AddressUtil.getTestScript(traceId, udid));
+ File testAction = new File(AddressUtil.getTestAction(traceId, udid));
+ FileUtil.newFiles(Arrays.asList(myTestLog, testAction, testScript));
+ initWriter(testScript, testAction, myTestLog);
+ File pageXmlDir = new File(AddressUtil.getPageXmlDir(traceId, udid));
+ File pageSourceDir = new File(AddressUtil.getPageSourceDir(traceId, udid));
+ File pageImgDir = new File(AddressUtil.getPageImgDir(traceId, udid));
+ FileUtil.newDirs(Arrays.asList(pageXmlDir, pageImgDir, pageSourceDir));
+ loadConfiguration();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void run(){
+ PrintUtil.print("Mock run!", TAG, udid);
+ String rootActivity = "root";
+ DFS(rootActivity, 0);
+ }
+ * 深度优先遍历APP
+ * @param depth 遍历深度
+ */
+ private void DFS(String fatherActivity, int depth){
+ if (this.stopFlag){
+ return;
+ }
+ handleAndroidAlertOnLaunch();
+ threadSleep(2);
+ List<Component> componentList = getCurrentClickableComList(depth, true);
+ if (componentList.size() == 0){
+ handleNoClickableComWhenFirstLaunch(componentList, depth);
+ }
+ componentList = getCurrentClickableComList(depth, false);
+ boolean isOutOfAppPackage = isOutOfAppPackage(componentList, depth);
+ if (isOutOfAppPackage){
+ PrintUtil.print("Have tried 2 times, still not in appPackage", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ PrintUtil.print("Change isEnd to true", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ this.endScript();
+ return;
+ } else if (driver.currentActivity().equals(fatherActivity)){
+ return;
+ }
+ String currentActivityName = driver.currentActivity();
+ int currentHash = driver.getPageSource().hashCode();
+ int index = activityIndexOfActivityList(currentActivityName);
+ if (index < 0){
+ threadSleep(2);
+ takeScreenShotAndSavePageImg();
+ savePageXml();
+ Activity currentActivity = new Activity(currentActivityName, fatherActivity, currentHash, componentList);
+ activityList.add(currentActivity);
+ index = activityList.size() - 1;
+ }else {
+ Activity activity = activityList.get(index);
+ String oldFather = activity.getFatherActivity();
+ if (!oldFather.equals(fatherActivity)){
+ String msg = String.format("Previous Activity is %s, but %s's father is %s, change father.", fatherActivity, currentActivityName, oldFather);
+ PrintUtil.print(msg, TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_GREEN);
+ activity.setFatherActivity(fatherActivity);
+ }
+ int oldHash = activity.getHash();
+ if (oldHash != currentHash){
+ activity.setHash(currentHash);
+ List<Component> oldComponent = activity.getComList();
+ componentList = setTestedComInList(oldComponent, componentList);
+ activity.setComList(componentList);
+ }
+ }
+ Activity activity4Test = activityList.get(index);
+ if (activity4Test.isDone()){
+ PrintUtil.print("Going to return because this page is over", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ returnPrevActivity();
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int comIndex=0;comIndex<componentList.size();++comIndex){
+ if (this.stopFlag){
+ return;
+ }
+ PrintUtil.print(String.format("%s's index is %s/%s.", currentActivityName, comIndex, componentList.size()), TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ Component component = componentList.get(comIndex);
+ if(judgeTestedComponent(component) || judgeIgnoreComponent(component)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (component.getFatherComponent() != null){
+ executeClickFatherComponent(component.getFatherComponent());
+ }
+ String locator = component.getLocator();
+ if (locator == null){
+ continue;
+ }
+ WebElement elementForTest = null;
+ PrintUtil.print("Try to locate " + locator, TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ try {
+ if(locator.startsWith("//")) {
+ elementForTest = driver.findElementByXPath(locator);
+ }
+ else {
+ elementForTest = driver.findElementById(locator);
+ }
+ }catch(Exception exception){
+ PrintUtil.print("Can't locate component " + component.getLocator(), TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_RED);
+ handleAndroidAlert();
+ continue;
+ }
+ component.setHasBeenTested(true);
+ if (judgeFatherComponent(component, currentActivityName)){
+ executeClick(component, elementForTest);
+ List<Component> comListAfterClickFatherCom = getCurrentClickableComList(depth, true);
+ for(int i = 0;i < comListAfterClickFatherCom.size();i++){
+ if(!componentList.contains(comListAfterClickFatherCom.get(i))){
+ comListAfterClickFatherCom.get(i).setFatherComponent(component);
+ }
+ }
+ componentList = setTestedComInList(componentList, comListAfterClickFatherCom);
+ PrintUtil.print("After set father component", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_GREEN);
+ printComponentList(componentList);
+ executeKeyEvent("Click Return button because handled father components", AndroidKey.BACK);
+ comIndex = -1;
+ activityList.get(index).setComList(componentList);
+ continue;
+ }
+ String fatherOfCurrentActivity = activity4Test.getFatherActivity();
+ if (component.getClassname().contains("EditText")){
+ executeInput(component, elementForTest);
+ }else {
+ executeClick(component, elementForTest);
+ if(stopFlag) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(driver.currentActivity().equals(".ui.video.VideoPlayerActivity")){
+ if(!hasTakenScreenshot){
+ takeScreenShotAndSavePageImg();
+ hasTakenScreenshot = true;
+ }
+ executeKeyEvent("Click Return button cause only enter VideoPlayerActivity", AndroidKey.BACK);
+ }
+ handleAndroidAlert();
+ headleAndroidMessage();
+ String activityAfterClick = driver.currentActivity();
+ int pageHashAfterClick = driver.getPageSource().hashCode();
+ if(stopFlag) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pageHashAfterClick == currentHash){
+ PrintUtil.print("The page has not changed", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_GREEN);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (activityAfterClick.equals(currentActivityName)){
+ PrintUtil.print("The UI components have changed", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_GREEN);
+ List<Component> comListAfterClick = getCurrentClickableComList(depth, true);
+ if (comListAfterClick.hashCode() == componentList.hashCode()){
+ PrintUtil.print("The component list hash code has not changed, continue to test current comList", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ } else {
+ componentList = setTestedComInList(componentList, comListAfterClick);
+ comIndex = -1;
+ activityList.get(index).setComList(componentList);
+ activityList.get(index).setHash(pageHashAfterClick);
+ }
+ printComponentList(componentList);
+ continue;
+ }
+ PrintUtil.print("The page has changed", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_GREEN);
+ PrintUtil.print("Current activity is " + activityAfterClick, TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_GREEN);
+ if(activityAfterClick.equals(fatherOfCurrentActivity)){
+ PrintUtil.print("I'm going to return because of my dad.\r\n", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(stopFlag) {
+ return;
+ }
+ DFS(currentActivityName, depth+1);
+ if(stopFlag) {
+ return;
+ }
+ PrintUtil.print("Has returned", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ headleAndroidMessage();
+ boolean outOfAppPackageFlag = judgeOutOfAppPackage(componentList);
+ if(outOfAppPackageFlag) {
+ PrintUtil.print("Change isEnd to true because not in AppPackage", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ stopFlag = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ try{
+ PrintUtil.print("Current activity is " + driver.currentActivity(), TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ }catch(Exception e){
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e);
+ return;
+ }
+ List<Component> comListAfterReturn = getCurrentClickableComList(depth, true);
+ if(componentList.hashCode() != comListAfterReturn.hashCode()){
+ PrintUtil.print("Update the activity's component , because current comList is different with before", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ componentList = setTestedComInList(componentList, comListAfterReturn);
+ comIndex = -1;
+ activityList.get(index).setComList(comListAfterReturn);
+ activityList.get(index).setHash(driver.currentActivity().hashCode());
+ printComponentList(componentList);
+ }
+ PrintUtil.print("After return, current index is " + comIndex + "/" + componentList.size(), TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ }
+ }
+ PrintUtil.print("Going to return because this page has done.\r\n", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ activityList.get(index).setDone(true);
+ returnPrevActivity();
+ }
+ private List<Component> getCurrentClickableComList(int i, boolean printFlag){
+ String pageSource = driver.getPageSource();
+ String path = savePageSource(i, pageSource);
+ ParseXml xmlParser = new ParseXml();
+ List<Component> comList = xmlParser.run(path);
+ if (comList.size() == 0){
+ comList = getCurrentComList(i);
+ }
+ if(printFlag){
+ printComponentList(comList);
+ }
+ return comList;
+ }
+ private List<Component> getCurrentComList(int depth){
+ List<Component> comList = parseAndSavePageSource(depth);
+ printComponentList(comList);
+ return comList;
+ }
+ private void executeInput(Component component, WebElement element){
+ String inputValue = null;
+ PrintUtil.print("This is an editText , trying to find input value", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ InputFinder finder = new InputFinder();
+ try {
+ inputValue = finder.getInputValue(AddressUtil.getHumanScriptPath(),component.getResource_id());
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ PrintUtil.print("Find input value error!", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_RED);
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ if(inputValue != null){
+ PrintUtil.print("Input " + component.getLocator() + " use vaule " + inputValue, TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_GREEN);
+ String activityBeforeAction = driver.currentActivity();
+ String timeBeforeAction = DeviceUtil.getDeviceTime(udid);
+ element.sendKeys(inputValue);
+ String timeAfterAction = DeviceUtil.getDeviceTime(udid);
+ String activityAfterAction = driver.currentActivity();
+ try {
+ String type = "INPUT";
+ String msg = "Input " + component.getLocator() + " use vaule " + inputValue;
+ if(!component.getLocator().contains("bounds")) {
+ msg = msg + ", bounds: \'" + component.getBounds() + "\'";
+ }
+ recordAction(new Action(timeBeforeAction, timeAfterAction, type, msg, activityBeforeAction, activityAfterAction));
+ String locator = component.getLocator();
+ if(locator.startsWith("//")) {
+ scriptWriter.write("driver.findElementByXPath(\"" + locator + "\").sendKeys(\"" + inputValue + "\");\n");
+ } else {
+ scriptWriter.write("driver.findElementById(\"" + locator + "\").sendKeys(\"" + inputValue + "\");\n");
+ }
+ scriptWriter.flush();
+ } catch (IOException e1) {
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e1);
+ e1.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }else {PrintUtil.print("Can't find input value for this editText", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_RED);}
+ }
+ private void executeClick(Component component, WebElement element){
+ String locator = component.getLocator();
+ PrintUtil.print("Click component " + locator, TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_GREEN);
+ String activityBeforeAction = driver.currentActivity();
+ String timeBeforeAction = DeviceUtil.getDeviceTime(udid);
+ String componentType = component.getClassname();
+ if (!componentType.contains("TextView")){
+ element.click();
+ } else {
+ Point p = element.getLocation();
+ int x = p.x + element.getSize().getWidth() / 2;
+ int y = p.y + element.getSize().getHeight() / 4;
+ new TouchAction<>(driver).tap(PointOption.point(x, y)).perform();
+ }
+ String timeAfterAction = DeviceUtil.getDeviceTime(udid);
+ threadSleep(6);
+ String activityAfterAction = driver.currentActivity();
+ try {
+ String type = "CLICK";
+ String msg = "Click widget " + locator;
+ if(!locator.contains("bounds")) {
+ msg = msg + ", bounds: \'" + component.getBounds() + "\'";
+ }
+ recordAction(new Action(timeBeforeAction, timeAfterAction, type, msg, activityBeforeAction, activityAfterAction));
+ if(locator.startsWith("//")) {
+ scriptWriter.write("driver.findElementByXPath(\"" + locator + "\").click();\n");
+ } else {
+ scriptWriter.write("driver.findElementById(\"" + locator + "\").click();\n");
+ }
+ scriptWriter.flush();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e);
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ private void executeSwipe(){
+ int screenWidth = driver.manage().window().getSize().width;
+ int screenHeight = driver.manage().window().getSize().height;
+ int startx = screenWidth * 3 / 4;
+ int starty = screenHeight / 3;
+ int endx = screenWidth / 4;
+ int endy = starty;
+ try {
+ threadSleep(1);
+ String activityBeforeAction = driver.currentActivity();
+ String timeBeforeAction = DeviceUtil.getDeviceTime(udid);
+ AndroidTouchAction touchAction = new AndroidTouchAction(driver);
+ touchAction.press(PointOption.point(startx, starty))
+ .waitAction(WaitOptions.waitOptions(Duration.ofMillis(200)))
+ .moveTo(PointOption.point(endx, endy))
+ .release().perform();
+ String timeAfterAction = DeviceUtil.getDeviceTime(udid);
+ threadSleep(3);
+ String activityAfterAction = driver.currentActivity();
+ String type = "SWIPE";
+ String msg = String.format("startX: %s, startY: %s, endX: %s, endY: %s, duration: 500ms", startx, starty, endx, endy);
+ recordAction(new Action(timeBeforeAction, timeAfterAction, type, msg, activityBeforeAction, activityAfterAction));
+ String script = String.format("AndroidTouchAction touchAction = new AndroidTouchAction(driver);\n" +
+ " touchAction.press(PointOption.point(%s, %s))\n" +
+ " .waitAction(WaitOptions.waitOptions(Duration.ofMillis(%s)))\n" +
+ " .moveTo(PointOption.point(%s, %s))\n" +
+ " .release().perform();", startx, starty, endx, endy, 500);
+ scriptWriter.write(script);
+ scriptWriter.flush();
+ } catch (InvalidElementStateException e){
+ PrintUtil.print("WTF How to solve this exception!", TAG);
+ } catch (Exception e1) {
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e1);
+ e1.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ private void executeKeyEvent(String msg, AndroidKey androidKey){
+ String activityBeforeAction;
+ String activityAfterAction;
+ String timeBeforeAction;
+ String timeAfterAction;
+ try{
+ PrintUtil.print(msg, TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_GREEN);
+ activityBeforeAction = driver.currentActivity();
+ timeBeforeAction = DeviceUtil.getDeviceTime(udid);
+ driver.pressKey(new KeyEvent(androidKey));
+ timeAfterAction = DeviceUtil.getDeviceTime(udid);
+ threadSleep(2);
+ activityAfterAction = driver.currentActivity();
+ }catch(Exception e){
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e);
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ String type = "CLICK";
+ recordAction(new Action(timeBeforeAction, timeAfterAction, type, msg, activityBeforeAction, activityAfterAction));
+ scriptWriter.write("driver.sendKeyEvent(" + androidKey.getCode() + ");\n");
+ scriptWriter.flush();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e);
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ private void executeClickFatherComponent(Component component){
+ String locator = component.getLocator();
+ PrintUtil.print("Click father component " + locator, TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_GREEN);
+ WebElement element;
+ try {
+ if(locator.startsWith("//")) {
+ element = driver.findElementByXPath(locator);
+ } else {
+ element = driver.findElementById(locator);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ PrintUtil.print("Can't locate father component " + locator, TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_RED);
+ return;
+ }
+ executeClick(component, element);
+ }
+ private boolean isOutOfAppPackage(List<Component> componentList, int depth){
+ boolean isOutOfPackage = judgeOutOfAppPackage(componentList);
+ List<Component> tempComs;
+ int threshold = 3;
+ int attemptCount = 0;
+ while (isOutOfPackage && attemptCount < threshold){
+ executeKeyEvent("Click Return button because not in appPackage and ready to check again", AndroidKey.BACK);
+ tempComs = getCurrentClickableComList(depth, false);
+ isOutOfPackage = judgeOutOfAppPackage(tempComs);
+ attemptCount ++;
+ }
+ return isOutOfPackage;
+ }
+ private boolean judgeOutOfAppPackage(List<Component> comList){
+ for(Component component : comList){
+ if(component.getPackagename().equals(apkInfo.getPackageName())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private boolean handleAndroidAlert(){
+ boolean haveAlert = false;
+ List<Component> components = parseAndSavePageSource(-1);
+ for (Component com: components){
+ String resourceId = com.getResource_id();
+ if (resourceId == null){
+ continue;
+ }
+ String packageName = com.getPackagename();
+ boolean isComponentAlert = (resourceId.contains("alertTitle") || resourceId.contains("event_title"))
+ || packageName != null && (packageName.contains("packageinstaller") || packageName.contains("permissioncontroller"));
+ if (isComponentAlert){
+ haveAlert = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (haveAlert){
+ clickAndroidAlert();
+ threadSleep(2);
+ return true;
+ }else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ private void headleAndroidMessage(){
+ boolean isAndroidMsg = false;
+ List<Component> components = parseAndSavePageSource(-1);
+ for (Component component : components) {
+ if ("android:id/message".equals(component.getResource_id())) {
+ isAndroidMsg = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(isAndroidMsg) {
+ clickAndroidMsg();
+ }
+ }
+ private void handleAndroidAlertOnLaunch() {
+ PrintUtil.print("Handle AndroidAlert On Launch", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_RED);
+ int index = 0;
+ while (true){
+ PrintUtil.print("Try to handle AndroidAlert times " + index, TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_RED);
+ if (index >= 6){
+ PrintUtil.print("Can't handle AndroidAlert On Launch", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_RED);
+ break;
+ }
+ boolean goOn = handleAndroidAlert();
+ if (goOn) {
+ PrintUtil.print("Handled AndroidAlert " + index, TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_RED);
+ index++;
+ }else {
+ PrintUtil.print("No AndroidAlert. Continue test.", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_RED);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private List<Component> handleNoClickableComWhenFirstLaunch(List<Component> coms, int depth){
+ int swipeCount = 0;
+ while (coms.size() == 0 && swipeCount < 8){
+ PrintUtil.print("Ready to swipe because there is no clickable component", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ executeSwipe();
+ coms = getCurrentClickableComList(depth, true);
+ swipeCount++;
+ }
+ return coms;
+ }
+ private void clickAndroidAlert(){
+ for (String label: Consts.ANDROID_ALERT_LABELS) {
+ String printMessage = "Click button1 for AndroidAlert";
+ String actionType = "CLICK";
+ String actionMsg = "Click Confirm button for AndroidAlert";
+ String scriptFormat = "driver.findElementById(%s).click();\n";
+ if (!label.contains("android")){
+ printMessage = "Click allow button for AndroidAlert";
+ scriptFormat = "driver.findElementByXPath(\"//android.widget.Button[contains(@text,'%s')]\").click();\n";
+ }
+ try {
+ PrintUtil.print(printMessage, TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_GREEN);
+ String activityBeforeAction = driver.currentActivity();
+ String timeBeforeAction = DeviceUtil.getDeviceTime(udid);
+ if (label.contains("android")) {
+ driver.findElementById(label).click();
+ }else {
+ driver.findElementByXPath("//android.widget.Button[contains(@text,'" + label + "')]").click();
+ }
+ String timeAfterAction = DeviceUtil.getDeviceTime(udid);
+ String activityAfterAction = driver.currentActivity();
+ recordAction(new Action(timeBeforeAction, timeAfterAction, actionType, actionMsg, activityBeforeAction, activityAfterAction));
+ scriptWriter.write(String.format(scriptFormat, label));
+ scriptWriter.flush();
+ } catch (NoSuchElementException e){
+ PrintUtil.print("Can't locate AndroidAlert component", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_RED);
+ continue;
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void clickAndroidMsg(){
+ try{
+ PrintUtil.print("Click cancel button for AndroidMsg", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_GREEN);
+ String activityBeforeAction = driver.currentActivity();
+ String timeBeforeAction = DeviceUtil.getDeviceTime(udid);
+ driver.findElementById("android:id/button2").click();
+ String timeAfterAction = DeviceUtil.getDeviceTime(udid);
+ String activityAfterAction = driver.currentActivity();
+ try {
+ String type = "CLICK";
+ String msg = "Click Cancel button for AndroidMsg";
+ recordAction(new Action(timeBeforeAction, timeAfterAction, type, msg, activityBeforeAction, activityAfterAction));
+ scriptWriter.write("driver.findElementById(\"android:id/button2\").click();\n");
+ scriptWriter.flush();
+ } catch (IOException e1) {
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e1);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ PrintUtil.print("Can't locate AndroidMsg component", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_RED);
+ }
+ threadSleep(2);
+ }
+ private String savePageSource(int depth, String content){
+ String path = AddressUtil.getPageSourcePath(traceId, udid, depth);
+ try {
+ FileUtil.saveFile(content, path);
+ }catch (IOException e) {
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e);
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return path;
+ }
+ private void recordAction(Action action){
+ try {
+ actionWriter.write(new Gson().toJson(action) + "\n");
+ actionWriter.flush();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e);
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ private void threadSleep(int seconds){
+ try {
+ PrintUtil.print(String.format("Sleep %s seconds.", String.valueOf(seconds)), TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ Thread.sleep(seconds * 1000);
+ } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e);
+ }
+ try {
+ String script = String.format(" try {\nThread.sleep(%s);\n} catch (InterruptedException e) {\ne.printStackTrace();\n}\n", String.valueOf(seconds*1000));
+ scriptWriter.write(script);
+ scriptWriter.flush();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e);
+ }
+ }
+ private void printComponentList(List<Component> comList){
+ for(Component component: comList){
+ String father = "Null";
+ if(component.getFatherComponent() != null ){
+ father = component.getFatherComponent().getLocator();
+ }
+ String msg = String.format("%s, Tested: %s, Father: %s.", component.getLocator(), component.isHasBeenTested(), father);
+ PrintUtil.print(msg, TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_YELLOW);
+ }
+ }
+ private void takeScreenShotAndSavePageImg(){
+ int count = 0;
+ FileReader fr;
+ File newFile = new File(AddressUtil.getPageImgPath(traceId, udid, driver.currentActivity()));
+ while (count < 10){
+ try {
+ File screenShotFile = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
+ FileUtils.copyFile(screenShotFile, newFile);
+ fr = new FileReader(newFile);
+ if (fr.read() != -1){
+ PrintUtil.print("Screenshot saved successful.", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_GREEN);
+ return;
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ PrintUtil.print("Screenshot error ", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_RED);
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e);
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ } finally {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ PrintUtil.print("Screenshot saved failed.", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_RED);
+ }
+ private void savePageXml(){
+ String activityName = driver.currentActivity();
+ String xmlPath = AddressUtil.getPageXmlPath(traceId, udid, activityName);
+ String pageXml = driver.getPageSource();
+ FileOutputStream writerStream;
+ try {
+ writerStream = new FileOutputStream(xmlPath);
+ BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(writerStream, UTF_8));
+ writer.write(pageXml);
+ writer.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e);
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ private void returnPrevActivity(){
+ String returnStartActivity = driver.currentActivity();
+ String currentActivity = returnStartActivity;
+ int returnCount = 0;
+ while(currentActivity.equals(returnStartActivity)) {
+ returnCount++;
+ if(returnCount >= 3 ) {
+ executeKeyEvent("Click Home button because has tried more than 3 times", AndroidKey.HOME);
+ break;
+ }
+ executeKeyEvent("Click Return button because this page has done", AndroidKey.BACK);
+ currentActivity = driver.currentActivity();
+ PrintUtil.print("Current activity is " + currentActivity, TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ PrintUtil.print("Return start activity is" + returnStartActivity, TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ }
+ }
+ private List<Component> parseAndSavePageSource(int depth){
+ String pageSource = driver.getPageSource();
+ String path = savePageSource(depth, pageSource);
+ DoXml parseXml = new DoXml();
+ return parseXml.run(path);
+ }
+ * @description
+ * 作用:更新当前页面控件集
+ * 被调用时刻:1、当前测试页面UI变化 2、从其他页面返回后发现当前页面变化 3、进入已测试过页面发现页面变化
+ * 更新机制:先把comList4Update中的所有控件放插入到newComList的最前面(但这些控件若在comList中出现过,那么hasBeenTested属性设置为comList中对应的,即该控件可能已被测试过),放在newComList的最前面是因为comList4Update中控件代表了实时的页面控件集,优先进行这些控件的测试;
+ * 接下来再把comList中其他的和comList4Update不相交的控件插入newComList
+ * --采用这种机制的原因是为了避免一个Activity上会出现多个页面覆盖的问题(为了保留住该页面上所有出现过的控件的hasBeenTested属性)--
+ * 比如某Acticity上初始页面是一组控件 <a,b,c,d>,点击控件a后,页面上弹出了一个新的组件覆盖了此页面(Activity没变,<a,b,c,d>被完全覆盖住),这时候页面上可以获取到的控件为<e,f,g,h>,那么如果直接将此Activity控件集更新为<e,f,g,h>,那在测试完<e,f,g,h>,如果又回到之前的初始页面也就是<a,b,c,d>,理应继续测试控件b,但由于此时控件集里只有<e,f,g,h>的测试状态,所以会认为,控件a并没有被测试过,所以会继续测试控件a,导致程序陷入一个死循环
+ * @param comList 变化前页面控件集
+ * @param comList4Update 当前实时解析的页面控件集
+ * @return
+ */
+ private List<Component> setTestedComInList(List<Component> comList, List<Component> comList4Update){
+ List<Component> newComList = new ArrayList<Component>();
+ for(Component component : comList4Update){
+ if(comList.contains(component)){
+ int index = comList.indexOf(component);
+ component.setHasBeenTested(comList.get(index).isHasBeenTested());
+ if(comList.get(index).getFatherComponent() != null) {
+ component.setFatherComponent(comList.get(index).getFatherComponent());
+ }
+ }
+ newComList.add(component);
+ }
+ for(Component component : comList){
+ if(!comList4Update.contains(component)) {
+ newComList.add(component);
+ }
+ }
+ return newComList;
+ }
+ private int activityIndexOfActivityList(String activityName){
+ for (int i=0;i<activityList.size();++i){
+ if (activityList.get(i).getName().equals(activityName)){
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ private void loadConfiguration(){
+ this.ignoreMap = new HashMap<>(Consts.IGNORE_KEYWORD.length);
+ for (String keyword: Consts.IGNORE_KEYWORD){
+ ignoreMap.put(keyword, new IgnoreComponent(keyword));
+ }
+ readIgnoreComponent();
+ readFatherComponent();
+ }
+ private void readIgnoreComponent(){
+ BufferedReader br = null;
+ try {
+ br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(AddressUtil.getIgnoreConfigurationPath()));
+ * component in ignore.conf file will be ignored.
+ * component identifier can only be id/content-desc/text, and use method equals/startsWith/contains
+ * must write in order equals, startsWith, contains
+ */
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e);
+ return;
+ }
+ String strLine = "";
+ try {
+ String mode = "unknown";
+ while((strLine = br.readLine()) != null){
+ if (strLine.isEmpty() || strLine.startsWith("//")){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ("*equals*".equals(strLine)){
+ mode = "equals";
+ continue;
+ }else if ("*startsWith*".equals(strLine)){
+ mode = "startsWith";
+ continue;
+ }else if ("*contains*".equals(strLine)){
+ mode = "contains";
+ continue;
+ }
+ String[] temp = strLine.split("#");
+ if (temp.length != 2){
+ continue;
+ }
+ String modeKeyword = temp[0];
+ String componentSign = temp[1];
+ IgnoreComponent ic = ignoreMap.get(modeKeyword);
+ if (ic != null){
+ ic.add(mode, componentSign);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e);
+ }
+ }
+ private void readFatherComponent(){
+ BufferedReader br = null;
+ try {
+ br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(AddressUtil.getFatherComponentConfigurationPath()));
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e);
+ return;
+ }
+ String strLine = "";
+ try {
+ while((strLine = br.readLine()) != null){
+ if(strLine.contains("#")) {
+ fatherComponentList.add(strLine);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e);
+ }
+ }
+ private boolean judgeIgnoreComponent(Component component){
+ boolean ignoreFlag = false;
+ String contentDesc = component.getContent_desc();
+ String resourceId = component.getResource_id();
+ String text = component.getText();
+ try {
+ ignoreFlag = ignoreMap.get("content_desc").check(contentDesc)
+ || ignoreMap.get("id").check(resourceId)
+ || ignoreMap.get("text").check(text);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ PrintUtil.printException(TAG, udid, e);
+ }
+ if(ignoreFlag) {
+ PrintUtil.print(component.getLocator() + " is a component in ignore file, skip to next one", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ }
+ return ignoreFlag;
+ }
+ private boolean judgeTestedComponent(Component component){
+ if(component.isHasBeenTested()){
+ PrintUtil.print(component.getLocator() + " has been tested, skip to next one", TAG, udid, myTestLogWriter, PrintUtil.ANSI_BLUE);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private boolean judgeFatherComponent(Component component, String currentActivity){
+ for(String fatherComponent : fatherComponentList){
+ String locator = fatherComponent.split("#")[0];
+ String activity = fatherComponent.split("#")[1];
+ if(locator.equals(component.getLocator()) && currentActivity.contains(activity)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void afterRun(){
+ try {
+ scriptWriter.close();
+ myTestLogWriter.close();
+ actionWriter.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }