Browse Source


郭超 2 years ago
3 changed files with 406 additions and 401 deletions
  1. 401 397
  2. 4 4
  3. 1 0

+ 401 - 397

@@ -1,429 +1,433 @@
   <div class="header-nav" v-loading="loading">
     <div class="container">
-        <div class="nav-location pull-left">
-          <i class="el-icon-location-outline" style="margin-right: 5px"></i>
-          <span style="line-height: 34px" v-if="!city || city == ''">暂无</span>
-          <span style="line-height: 34px" v-else>{{city}}</span>
-        </div>
-        <div class="nav-list pull-right">
-          <ul>
-            <li>
-              <a @click="gotoHome" style="cursor: pointer">首页</a>
-            </li>
-            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-            <li>
-            <li v-if="isLogin">
-              <el-dropdown>
+      <div class="nav-location pull-left">
+        <i class="el-icon-location-outline" style="margin-right: 5px"></i>
+        <span style="line-height: 34px" v-if="!city || city == ''">暂无</span>
+        <span style="line-height: 34px" v-else>{{ city }}</span>
+      </div>
+      <div class="nav-list pull-right">
+        <ul>
+          <li>
+            <a @click="gotoHome" style="cursor: pointer">首页</a>
+          </li>
+          &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+          <li>
+          <li v-if="isLogin">
+            <el-dropdown>
                 <span class="el-dropdown-link" style="color:rgb(153,153,153)">
-                  {{}}<i class="el-icon-arrow-down el-icon--right"></i>
+                  {{ }}<i class="el-icon-arrow-down el-icon--right"></i>
-                <el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown">
-                  <el-dropdown-item>
-                    <router-link :to="{ path:'/personal/mine'}">
-                      <el-link icon="el-icon-user" :underline="false">
-                        个人中心
-                      </el-link>
-                    </router-link>
-                  </el-dropdown-item>
-                  <el-dropdown-item v-if="rolesPermissions.isSystemAdministrator">
-                    <router-link :to="{ name: 'AuthenticationManage'}">
-                      <el-link icon="el-icon-view" :underline="false">
-                        审核认证信息
-                      </el-link>
-                    </router-link>
-                  </el-dropdown-item>
-                  <el-dropdown-item divided @click.native="userLogout()">登出</el-dropdown-item>
-                </el-dropdown-menu>
-              </el-dropdown>
-            </li>
-            <li v-if="!isLogin">
-              <a :href="loginUrl">请登录</a>
-            </li>
-            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-            <li v-if="!isLogin">
-              <a :href="registerUrl">免费注册</a>
-            </li>
+              <el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown">
+                <el-dropdown-item>
+                  <router-link :to="{ path:'/personal/mine'}">
+                    <el-link icon="el-icon-user" :underline="false">
+                      个人中心
+                    </el-link>
+                  </router-link>
+                </el-dropdown-item>
+                <el-dropdown-item v-if="rolesPermissions.isSystemAdministrator">
+                  <router-link :to="{ name: 'AuthenticationManage'}">
+                    <el-link icon="el-icon-view" :underline="false">
+                      审核认证信息
+                    </el-link>
+                  </router-link>
+                </el-dropdown-item>
+                <el-dropdown-item divided @click.native="userLogout()">登出</el-dropdown-item>
+              </el-dropdown-menu>
+            </el-dropdown>
+          </li>
+          <li v-if="!isLogin">
+            <a :href="loginUrl">请登录</a>
+          </li>
+          &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+          <li v-if="!isLogin">
+            <a :href="registerUrl">免费注册</a>
+          </li>
-            <li v-if="isLogin">
-              <span v-if="!isLogin">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
-              <router-link v-if="isLogin" to="/mine">
-                <a class="dropdown-toggle nav-link" data-toggle="dropdown">
-<!--                  <img class="icon" src="@/assets/img/mine_icon.svg">-->
-                  <span>我的众测</span>
-                </a>
-              </router-link>
-            </li>
+          <li v-if="isLogin">
+            <span v-if="!isLogin">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
+            <router-link v-if="isLogin" to="/mine">
+              <a class="dropdown-toggle nav-link" data-toggle="dropdown">
+                <!--                  <img class="icon" src="@/assets/img/mine_icon.svg">-->
+                <span>我的众测</span>
+              </a>
+            </router-link>
+          </li>
-            <span v-if="isLogin&&rolesPermissions.isSystemAdministrator">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
-            <li v-if="isLogin&&rolesPermissions.isSystemAdministrator">
-              <router-link v-if="isLogin" to="/statistics">
-                <span>机构统计</span>
-              </router-link>
-            </li>
+          <span v-if="isLogin&&rolesPermissions.isSystemAdministrator">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
+          <li v-if="isLogin&&rolesPermissions.isSystemAdministrator">
+            <router-link v-if="isLogin" to="/statistics">
+              <span>机构统计</span>
+            </router-link>
+          </li>
-<!--            <span v-if="isLogin&&(rolesPermissions.isSystemAdministrator || rolesPermissions.isRegionManager)">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>-->
-<!--            <li v-if="isLogin&&(rolesPermissions.isSystemAdministrator || rolesPermissions.isRegionManager)">-->
-<!--              <a :href="manage_url" v-if="manage_url">后台管理</a>-->
-<!--            </li>-->
-          </ul>
-        </div>
+          <!--            <span v-if="isLogin&&(rolesPermissions.isSystemAdministrator || rolesPermissions.isRegionManager)">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>-->
+          <!--            <li v-if="isLogin&&(rolesPermissions.isSystemAdministrator || rolesPermissions.isRegionManager)">-->
+          <!--              <a :href="manage_url" v-if="manage_url">后台管理</a>-->
+          <!--            </li>-->
+        </ul>
+      </div>
-  import {
-    defaultValue,
-    deleteAuthInfo,
-    getCurrentAgencyAuthInfo,
-    getCurrentEnterpriseAuthInfo,
-    getCurrentIndividualAuthenInfo,
-    getCurrentUser,
-    getRolesPermissions,
-    logout,
-    storageGet,
-    storageSave,
-    storageRemove
-  } from '@/js/index'
-  import Http from '@/js/http.js'
-  import Apis from '@/js/api.js'
-  import {mapActions} from 'vuex'
-  import {login_url,register_url,CONFIG} from '../../config/index'
-  export default {
-    name: "Header2.0",
-    data(){
-      return {
-        user: {},
-        loading: false,
-        fullScreenLoading: true,
-        loginUrl: login_url,
-        registerUrl: register_url,
-        manage_url:CONFIG.manage_url,
-        authInfo: {},
-        isShowAuthCheckingDialog: false,
-        isShowAuthRejectDialog: false,
-        isShowAuthPassDialog: false,
-        //loading: true,
-        openNavBar: false,
-        defaultValue: defaultValue,
-        userIdentity: '',
-        isLogin: false,
-        rolesPermissions: {},
-        city: ''
-      }
+import {
+  defaultValue,
+  deleteAuthInfo,
+  getCurrentAgencyAuthInfo,
+  getCurrentEnterpriseAuthInfo,
+  getCurrentIndividualAuthenInfo,
+  getCurrentUser,
+  getRolesPermissions,
+  logout,
+  storageGet,
+  storageSave,
+  storageRemove
+} from '@/js/index'
+import Http from '@/js/http.js'
+import Apis from '@/js/api.js'
+import {mapActions} from 'vuex'
+import {login_url, register_url, CONFIG} from '../../config/index'
+export default {
+  name: 'Header2.0',
+  data () {
+    return {
+      user: {},
+      loading: false,
+      fullScreenLoading: true,
+      loginUrl: login_url,
+      registerUrl: register_url,
+      manage_url: CONFIG.manage_url,
+      authInfo: {},
+      isShowAuthCheckingDialog: false,
+      isShowAuthRejectDialog: false,
+      isShowAuthPassDialog: false,
+      //loading: true,
+      openNavBar: false,
+      defaultValue: defaultValue,
+      userIdentity: '',
+      isLogin: false,
+      rolesPermissions: {},
+      city: ''
+    }
+  },
+  watch: {
+    'user.authStatus' (val) {
+      this.user.authStatus = val
+      // console.log('changed')
+      // console.log(this.user.authStatus)
+    },
+    deep: true
+  },
+  methods: {
+    ...mapActions(['setUser']),
+    gotoHome () {
+      this.$router.push('/home')
+    },
+    openNavBarFunc () {
+      this.openNavBar = !this.openNavBar
-    watch: {
-        'user.authStatus' (val) {
-            this.user.authStatus = val
-            // console.log('changed')
-            // console.log(this.user.authStatus)
-        },
-        deep: true
+    getAddress () {
+      Http.get(Apis.USER.GET_ADDRESS).then((res) => {
+ =
+      }).catch((error) => {
+        this.hideLoading()
+        notify('error', '获取定位失败:' +
+      })
-    methods: {
-        ...mapActions(['setUser']),
-        gotoHome(){
-            this.$router.push('/home');
-        },
-        openNavBarFunc () {
-            this.openNavBar = !this.openNavBar
-        },
-        getAddress(){
-            Http.get(Apis.USER.GET_ADDRESS).then((res) => {
-       =
-            }).catch((error) => {
-                this.hideLoading()
-                notify('error', '获取定位失败:' +
-            })
-        },
-        showLoading() {
-          this.loading = true
-        },
-        hideLoading() {
-          this.loading = false
-        },
-        setUserInfo () {
-            this.showLoading();
-            if (storageGet('user') == null) {
-                storageSave('rolesPermissions', {
-                    'isRegionManager': false,
-                    'isIndividualUser': false,
-                    'isEnterpriseUser': false,
-                    'isAgency': false,
-                    'isSystemAdministrator': false
-                });
-                // console.log('本地没有用户信息,开始加载用户信息')
-              //暂时注释
-              // this.user = storageGet('user')
-              // this.rolesPermissions = getRolesPermissions(storageGet('user')&&storageGet('user').roleList)
-              // storageSave('rolesPermissions', getRolesPermissions(torageGet('user')&&storageGet('user').roleList))
-              // this.isLogin = true
-              // this.fullScreenLoading = false
-                getCurrentUser().then((res) => {
-                    storageSave('user', res)
-                    this.setUser(res);
-                    this.user = res;
-                    storageSave('rolesPermissions', getRolesPermissions(res.roleList))
-                    this.rolesPermissions = storageGet('rolesPermissions')
-                    console.log('用户信息加载成功')
-                    this.isLogin = true
-                    // this.fullScreenLoading = false
-                    this.hideLoading();
-                }).catch((error) => {
-                    console.log('用户信息加载失败')
-                    // this.fullScreenLoading = false
-                    this.hideLoading();
-                })
-            } else {
-                this.user = storageGet('user');
-                this.rolesPermissions = storageGet('rolesPermissions')
-                // this.fullScreenLoading = false
-                this.isLogin = true
-            }
-            this.hideLoading();
-        },
-        getCurrentUserSuccess (res) {
-            storageSave('user', res)
-            this.user = res
-            storageSave('rolesPermissions', getRolesPermissions(res.roleList))
-            this.rolesPermissions = storageGet('rolesPermissions')
-            console.log('用户信息加载成功')
-            this.isLogin = true
-            this.fullScreenLoading = false
-        },
-        getCurrentUserFail (error) {
-            console.log('用户信息加载失败')
-            this.fullScreenLoading = false
-        },
-        userLogout () {
-            this.isLogin = false
-            storageRemove('user')
-            logout().then((res) => {
-                // location.reload();
-                if(this.$route.fullPath.includes("/home")){
-                  location.reload();
-                }else{
-                  this.$router.push('/home')
-                }
+    showLoading () {
+      this.loading = true
+    },
+    hideLoading () {
+      this.loading = false
+    },
+    setUserInfo () {
+      this.showLoading()
+      getCurrentUser().then((res) => {
+        storageSave('user', res)
+        this.setUser(res)
+        this.user = res
+        storageSave('rolesPermissions', getRolesPermissions(res.roleList))
+        this.rolesPermissions = storageGet('rolesPermissions')
+        console.log('用户信息加载成功')
+        this.isLogin = true
+        // this.fullScreenLoading = false
+        this.hideLoading()
+      }).catch((error) => {
+        console.log('用户信息加载失败')
+        // this.fullScreenLoading = false
+        storageRemove('user')
+        this.hideLoading()
+      })
+      // if (storageGet('user') == null) {
+      //   storageSave('rolesPermissions', {
+      //     'isRegionManager': false,
+      //     'isIndividualUser': false,
+      //     'isEnterpriseUser': false,
+      //     'isAgency': false,
+      //     'isSystemAdministrator': false
+      //   })
+      //   // console.log('本地没有用户信息,开始加载用户信息')
+      //   //暂时注释
+      //   // this.user = storageGet('user')
+      //   // this.rolesPermissions = getRolesPermissions(storageGet('user')&&storageGet('user').roleList)
+      //   // storageSave('rolesPermissions', getRolesPermissions(torageGet('user')&&storageGet('user').roleList))
+      //   // this.isLogin = true
+      //   // this.fullScreenLoading = false
+      //
+      // } else {
+      //   this.user = storageGet('user')
+      //   this.rolesPermissions = storageGet('rolesPermissions')
+      //   // this.fullScreenLoading = false
+      //   this.isLogin = true
+      // }
+      this.hideLoading()
+    },
+    getCurrentUserSuccess (res) {
+      storageSave('user', res)
+      this.user = res
+      storageSave('rolesPermissions', getRolesPermissions(res.roleList))
+      this.rolesPermissions = storageGet('rolesPermissions')
+      console.log('用户信息加载成功')
+      this.isLogin = true
+      this.fullScreenLoading = false
+    },
+    getCurrentUserFail (error) {
+      console.log('用户信息加载失败')
+      this.fullScreenLoading = false
+    },
+    userLogout () {
+      this.isLogin = false
+      storageRemove('user')
+      logout().then((res) => {
+        // location.reload();
+        if (this.$route.fullPath.includes('/home')) {
+          location.reload()
+        } else {
+          this.$router.push('/home')
+        }
-            })
+      })
-        },
-        // showLoading () {
-        //     this.fullScreenLoading = true
-        // },
-        // hideLoading () {
-        //     this.fullScreenLoading = false
-        // },
-        handleClickAuthReject () {
-            if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'agency') {
-                this.$router.push({
-                    name: 'AgencyAuthentication',
-                    params: {userId:}
-                })
-            }
-            if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'enterprise') {
-                this.$router.push({
-                    name: 'EnterpriseAuthentication',
-                    params: {userId:}
-                })
-            }
-            if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'personal') {
-                this.$router.push({
-                    name: 'IndividualAuthentication',
-                    params: {userId:}
-                })
-            }
+    },
+    // showLoading () {
+    //     this.fullScreenLoading = true
+    // },
+    // hideLoading () {
+    //     this.fullScreenLoading = false
+    // },
+    handleClickAuthReject () {
+      if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'agency') {
+        this.$router.push({
+          name: 'AgencyAuthentication',
+          params: {userId:}
+        })
+      }
+      if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'enterprise') {
+        this.$router.push({
+          name: 'EnterpriseAuthentication',
+          params: {userId:}
+        })
+      }
+      if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'personal') {
+        this.$router.push({
+          name: 'IndividualAuthentication',
+          params: {userId:}
+        })
+      }
-            //this.getAuthInfo()
-        },
-        handleClickAuthPass () {
-            if (this.user.personalAuthVO) {
-                this.$router.push({
-                    name: 'IndividualAuthentication',
-                    params: {userId:}
-                })
-            }else if (this.user.agencyVO) {
-                this.$router.push({
-                    name: 'AgencyAuthentication',
-                    params: {userId:}
-                })
-            }
-            else if (this.user.enterpriseAuthVO) {
-                this.$router.push({
-                    name: 'EnterpriseAuthentication',
-                    params: {userId:}
-                })
-            }
+      //this.getAuthInfo()
+    },
+    handleClickAuthPass () {
+      if (this.user.personalAuthVO) {
+        this.$router.push({
+          name: 'IndividualAuthentication',
+          params: {userId:}
+        })
+      } else if (this.user.agencyVO) {
+        this.$router.push({
+          name: 'AgencyAuthentication',
+          params: {userId:}
+        })
+      } else if (this.user.enterpriseAuthVO) {
+        this.$router.push({
+          name: 'EnterpriseAuthentication',
+          params: {userId:}
+        })
+      }
-            //this.getAuthInfo()
-        },
-        handleClickAuthChecking () {
-            //this.getAuthInfo()
-            if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'agency') {
-                this.$router.push({
-                    name: 'AgencyAuthentication',
-                    params: {userId:}
-                })
-            }
-            if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'enterprise') {
-                this.$router.push({
-                    name: 'EnterpriseAuthentication',
-                    params: {userId:}
-                })
-            }
-            if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'personal') {
-                this.$router.push({
-                    name: 'IndividualAuthentication',
-                    params: {userId:}
-                })
-            }
-        },
-        showAuthRejectDialog () {
-            this.isShowAuthRejectDialog = true
-        },
-        showAuthPassDialog () {
-            this.isShowAuthPassDialog = true
-        },
-        showAuthCheckingDialog () {
-            this.isShowAuthCheckingDialog = true
-        },
-        hideAuthRejectDialog () {
-            this.isShowAuthRejectDialog = false
-        },
-        hideAuthPassDialog () {
-            this.isShowAuthPassDialog = false
-        },
-        hideAuthCheckingDialog () {
-            this.isShowAuthCheckingDialog = false
-        },
-        deleteOldAuthInfo () {
-            this.hideAuthCheckingDialog()
-            this.hideAuthRejectDialog()
-            this.hideAuthPassDialog()
-            this.showLoading()
-            deleteAuthInfo().then((res) => {
-                this.hideLoading()
-                notify('success', '成功删除认证信息')
-            }).catch((error) => {
-                this.hideLoading()
-                notify('error', '删除认证信息失败:' +
-            })
-        },
-        getAuthInfo () {
-            this.showLoading()
-            if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'agency') {
-                getCurrentAgencyAuthInfo(, this.getCurrentAgencyAuthInfoSuccess, this.getCurrentAgencyAuthInfoFail)
-            }
-            if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'personal') {
-                getCurrentIndividualAuthenInfo(, this.getCurrentIndividualAuthenInfoSuccess, this.getCurrentIndividualAuthenInfoFail)
-            }
-            if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'enterprise') {
-                getCurrentEnterpriseAuthInfo(, this.getCurrentEnterpriseAuthInfoSuccess, this.getCurrentEnterpriseAuthInfoFail)
-            }
-        },
-        getCurrentAgencyAuthInfoSuccess () {
-            this.hideLoading()
-        },
-        getCurrentAgencyAuthInfoFail () {
-            this.hideLoading()
-        },
-        getCurrentIndividualAuthenInfoSuccess () {
-            this.hideLoading()
-        },
-        getCurrentIndividualAuthenInfoFail () {
-            this.hideLoading()
-        },
-        getCurrentEnterpriseAuthInfoSuccess () {
-            this.hideLoading()
-        },
-        getCurrentEnterpriseAuthInfoFail () {
-            this.hideLoading()
-        },
-        handleUpdateAuthInfo () {
-            this.hideAuthPassDialog()
-            this.hideAuthRejectDialog()
-            this.hideAuthCheckingDialog()
-            if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'personal') {
-                this.$router.push({
-                    name: 'IndividualAuthentication',
-                    params: {
-                        userId: this.authInfo.userId
-                    }
-                })
-            }
-            if (this.authInfo.type == 'enterprise') {
-                this.$router.push({
-                    name: 'EnterpriseAuthentication',
-                    params: {
-                        userId: this.authInfo.userId
-                    }
-                })
-            }
-            if (this.authInfo.type == 'agency') {
-                this.$router.push({
-                    name: 'AgencyAuthentication',
-                    params: {
-                        userId: this.authInfo.userId
-                    }
-                })
-            }
-        }
+      //this.getAuthInfo()
-    created () {
-        var self = this
-        this.$root.$on('user', function (val) {
-            self.user = val
+    handleClickAuthChecking () {
+      //this.getAuthInfo()
+      if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'agency') {
+        this.$router.push({
+          name: 'AgencyAuthentication',
+          params: {userId:}
+        })
+      }
+      if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'enterprise') {
+        this.$router.push({
+          name: 'EnterpriseAuthentication',
+          params: {userId:}
+        })
+      }
+      if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'personal') {
+        this.$router.push({
+          name: 'IndividualAuthentication',
+          params: {userId:}
+      }
+    },
+    showAuthRejectDialog () {
+      this.isShowAuthRejectDialog = true
+    },
+    showAuthPassDialog () {
+      this.isShowAuthPassDialog = true
+    },
+    showAuthCheckingDialog () {
+      this.isShowAuthCheckingDialog = true
+    },
+    hideAuthRejectDialog () {
+      this.isShowAuthRejectDialog = false
+    },
+    hideAuthPassDialog () {
+      this.isShowAuthPassDialog = false
+    },
+    hideAuthCheckingDialog () {
+      this.isShowAuthCheckingDialog = false
+    },
+    deleteOldAuthInfo () {
+      this.hideAuthCheckingDialog()
+      this.hideAuthRejectDialog()
+      this.hideAuthPassDialog()
+      this.showLoading()
+      deleteAuthInfo().then((res) => {
+        this.hideLoading()
+        notify('success', '成功删除认证信息')
+      }).catch((error) => {
+        this.hideLoading()
+        notify('error', '删除认证信息失败:' +
+      })
+    },
+    getAuthInfo () {
+      this.showLoading()
+      if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'agency') {
+        getCurrentAgencyAuthInfo(, this.getCurrentAgencyAuthInfoSuccess, this.getCurrentAgencyAuthInfoFail)
+      }
+      if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'personal') {
+        getCurrentIndividualAuthenInfo(, this.getCurrentIndividualAuthenInfoSuccess, this.getCurrentIndividualAuthenInfoFail)
+      }
+      if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'enterprise') {
+        getCurrentEnterpriseAuthInfo(, this.getCurrentEnterpriseAuthInfoSuccess, this.getCurrentEnterpriseAuthInfoFail)
+      }
-    beforeMount () {
-      this.getAddress();
-        this.setUserInfo();
-        // if (storageGet('user' != null)){
-        //   this.isLogin = true
-        // }
+    getCurrentAgencyAuthInfoSuccess () {
+      this.hideLoading()
-  }
+    getCurrentAgencyAuthInfoFail () {
+      this.hideLoading()
+    },
+    getCurrentIndividualAuthenInfoSuccess () {
+      this.hideLoading()
+    },
+    getCurrentIndividualAuthenInfoFail () {
+      this.hideLoading()
+    },
+    getCurrentEnterpriseAuthInfoSuccess () {
+      this.hideLoading()
+    },
+    getCurrentEnterpriseAuthInfoFail () {
+      this.hideLoading()
+    },
+    handleUpdateAuthInfo () {
+      this.hideAuthPassDialog()
+      this.hideAuthRejectDialog()
+      this.hideAuthCheckingDialog()
+      if (this.user.userVO.authType == 'personal') {
+        this.$router.push({
+          name: 'IndividualAuthentication',
+          params: {
+            userId: this.authInfo.userId
+          }
+        })
+      }
+      if (this.authInfo.type == 'enterprise') {
+        this.$router.push({
+          name: 'EnterpriseAuthentication',
+          params: {
+            userId: this.authInfo.userId
+          }
+        })
+      }
+      if (this.authInfo.type == 'agency') {
+        this.$router.push({
+          name: 'AgencyAuthentication',
+          params: {
+            userId: this.authInfo.userId
+          }
+        })
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  created () {
+    var self = this
+    this.$root.$on('user', function (val) {
+      self.user = val
+    })
+  },
+  beforeMount () {
+    this.getAddress()
+    this.setUserInfo()
+    // if (storageGet('user' != null)){
+    //   this.isLogin = true
+    // }
+  },
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+ 4 - 4

@@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ export const setConfig = (conf) => {
 // 开发使用
-export const login_url = ''
-export const register_url = ''
+// export const login_url = ''
+// export const register_url = ''
 // 线上使用
-// export const login_url = ''
-// export const  register_url = ''
+export const login_url = ''
+export const  register_url = ''

+ 1 - 0

@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@
     data() {
       return {
         user: {},
+        logoTitle:CONFIG.logoTitle,
         isLogin: false,
         id: 0,