Pure python package to analyse CTR (Crystal Truncation Rod) singal
The pyrod is a pure python package to analyse CTR (Crystal Truncation Rod) singals
Perpare intial fitting model for phase recovery algorithm
Directory structure
- 00L.xlsx: example CTR data: 00L rod of LaNiO3 (12 u.c.) / SrTiO3
- parameters.xlsx: parameters setting example
- exceptions: exceptions list of api
- junction: connect XRR and CTR fitting results, generate final result
- data (dir): optimised XRR, CTR and connection data. Serialized by pickle
- base (dir): data base of atomic mass, atomic scattering factor and atomic form factor
- read (dir): initialize parameters and raw data. (parameters_xxxx.xlsx and xxL_xxxxx.xlsx)
- tool (dir): variables control methods and built-in algorithm
- apply (dir): api of XRR and CTR fitting
- Your comments are always welcome! We would like to expand our api for your CTR system!
- Any comments or cooperation, please contact:
Han Xu
Release History