123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203 |
- # Active Learner object class
- # author: Kevin Miller, ksmill327@gmail.com
- #
- # Need to implement acquisition_values function more efficiently, record values if debug is on.
- import numpy as np
- #from .dijkstra import *
- from .al_util import *
- from .acquisitions import *
- from .rkhs import *
- ACQUISITIONS = ['mc', 'uncertainty', 'rand', 'vopt', 'sopt', 'mbr', 'mcgreedy', 'db', 'mcavg', 'mcavgf', 'mcf']
- # MODELS = ['gr', 'probit-log', 'probit-norm', 'softmax', 'log', 'probitnorm']
- CANDIDATES = ['rand', 'full', 'dijkstra']
- SELECTION_METHODS = ['top', 'prop', '']
- def sgn(x):
- if x >= 0:
- return 1.
- else:
- return -1.
- def acquisition_values(acq, Cand, model, mcavg_beta=0.0):
- if acq == "mc":
- if model.full_storage:
- return mc_full(Cand, model.m, model.C, model.modelname, gamma=model.gamma)
- else:
- return mc_reduced(model.C_a, model.alpha, model.v[Cand,:], model.modelname, uks=model.m[Cand], gamma=model.gamma)
- elif acq == "mcgreedy":
- return mc_reduced(model.C_a, model.alpha, model.v[Cand,:], model.modelname, uks=model.m[Cand], gamma=model.gamma, greedy=True)
- elif acq == "mcavg":
- if not model.full_storage:
- return mc_avg_reduced(model, Cand, beta=mcavg_beta)
- elif acq == "mcavgf":
- if not model.full_storage:
- return mcavg_app_full_red(model, Cand, beta=mcavg_beta)
- elif acq == "mcf":
- if not model.full_storage:
- return mc_app_full_red(model, Cand)
- elif acq == "uncertainty":
- if len(model.m.shape) > 1: # entropy calculation
- #print('multi unc')
- probs = np.exp(model.m[Cand])
- probs /= np.sum(probs, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
- return -np.sum(probs*np.log(probs), axis=1)
- else:
- return -np.absolute(model.m[Cand]) # ensuring a "max" formulation for acquisition values
- elif acq == "rand":
- return np.random.rand(len(Cand))
- elif acq == "vopt":
- if model.modelname == 'hf':
- return model.vopt_vals(Cand)
- else:
- if model.full_storage:
- ips = np.array([np.inner(model.C[k,:], model.C[k,:]) for k in Cand]).flatten()
- if model.modelname in ["gr", "mgr"]:
- return ips/(model.gamma**2. + np.diag(model.C)[Cand])
- if model.modelname == "probit-norm":
- return ips * np.array([hess_calc(model.m[k], sgn(model.m[k]), model.gamma)/ \
- (hess_calc(model.m[k], sgn(model.m[k]), model.gamma)*model.C[k,k] + 1.) for k in Cand])
- if model.modelname == "probit-log":
- return ips * np.array([hess_calc2(model.m[k], sgn(model.m[k]), model.gamma)/ \
- (hess_calc2(model.m[k], sgn(model.m[k]), model.gamma)*model.C[k,k] + 1.) for k in Cand])
- else:
- uks = model.m[Cand]
- C_a_vk = model.C_a @ (model.v[Cand,:].T)
- ips = np.array([np.inner(C_a_vk[:,i],C_a_vk[:,i]) for i in range(len(Cand))])
- if model.modelname in ["gr", "mgr"]:
- return ips / (model.gamma**2. + np.array([np.inner(model.v[Cand[i],:], C_a_vk[:,i]) for i in range(len(Cand))]))
- if model.modelname == 'probit-log' or model.modelname == 'log':
- return ips * np.array([hess_calc2(model.m[k], sgn(model.m[k]), model.gamma)/ \
- (hess_calc2(model.m[k], sgn(model.m[k]), model.gamma)*np.inner(model.v[Cand,:][i,:], C_a_vk[:,i]) + 1.) for i,k in enumerate(Cand)])
- if model.modelname == 'probit-norm' or model.modelname == 'probitnorm':
- return ips * np.array([hess_calc(model.m[k], sgn(model.m[k]), model.gamma)/ \
- (hess_calc(model.m[k], sgn(model.m[k]), model.gamma)*np.inner(model.v[Cand,:][i,:], C_a_vk[:,i]) + 1.) for i,k in enumerate(Cand)])
- elif acq == "sopt":
- if model.modelname == 'hf':
- return model.sopt_vals(Cand)
- else:
- if model.full_storage:
- sums = np.sum(model.C[Cand,:], axis=1).flatten()**2.
- if model.modelname in ["gr", "mgr"]:
- return sums/(model.gamma**2. + np.diag(model.C)[Cand])
- if model.modelname == "probit-norm":
- return sums * np.array([hess_calc(model.m[k], sgn(model.m[k]), model.gamma)/ \
- (hess_calc(model.m[k], sgn(model.m[k]), model.gamma)*model.C[k,k] + 1.) for k in Cand])
- if model.modelname == "probit-log":
- return sums * np.array([hess_calc2(model.m[k], sgn(model.m[k]), model.gamma)/ \
- (hess_calc2(model.m[k], sgn(model.m[k]), model.gamma)*model.C[k,k] + 1.) for k in Cand])
- else:
- uks = model.m[Cand]
- C_a_vk = model.C_a @ (model.v[Cand,:].T)
- VTones = np.sum(model.v, axis=0).flatten()
- tops = np.array([np.inner(VTones, C_a_vk[:,i]) for i in range(len(Cand))])**2.
- if model.modelname in ['gr', 'mgr']:
- return tops / (model.gamma**2. + np.array([np.inner(model.v[Cand[i],:], C_a_vk[:,i]) for i in range(len(Cand))]))
- if model.modelname == 'probit-log' or model.modelname == 'log':
- return tops * np.array([hess_calc2(model.m[k], sgn(model.m[k]), model.gamma)/ \
- (hess_calc2(model.m[k], sgn(model.m[k]), model.gamma)*np.inner(model.v[Cand,:][i,:], C_a_vk[:,i]) + 1.) for i,k in enumerate(Cand)])
- if model.modelname == 'probit-norm' or model.modelname == 'probitnorm':
- return tops * np.array([hess_calc(model.m[k], sgn(model.m[k]), model.gamma)/ \
- (hess_calc(model.m[k], sgn(model.m[k]), model.gamma)*np.inner(model.v[Cand,:][i,:], C_a_vk[:,i]) + 1.) for i,k in enumerate(Cand)])
- elif acq == "mbr":
- raise NotImplementedError()
- elif acq == "db":
- if model.modelname != 'rkhs':
- raise NotImplementedError("Databased norm is for RKHS model only")
- else:
- return model.look_ahead_db_norms(Cand)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Acquisition function %s not yet implemented" % str(acq))
- return
- class ActiveLearner(object):
- def __init__(self, acquisition='mc', candidate='full', candidate_frac=0.1, W=None, r=None):
- if acquisition not in ACQUISITIONS:
- raise ValueError("Acquisition function name %s not valid, must be in %s" % (str(acquisition), str(ACQUISITIONS)))
- self.acquisition = acquisition
- if candidate not in CANDIDATES:
- raise ValueError("Candidate Set Selection name %s not valid, must be in %s" % (str(candidate), str(CANDIDATES)))
- self.candidate = candidate
- if (candidate_frac < 0. or candidate_frac > 1. ) and self.candidate == 'rand':
- print("WARNING: Candidate fraction must be between 0 and 1 for 'rand' candidate selection, setting to default 0.1")
- self.candidate_frac = 0.1
- else:
- self.candidate_frac = candidate_frac
- # if modelname not in MODELS:
- # raise ValueError("Model name %s not valid, must be in %s" % (str(modelname), str(MODELS)))
- # self.modelname = modelname
- if self.candidate == 'dijkstra':
- self.W = W
- if self.W is None:
- raise ValueError("Candidate set selection %s requires W to be non-empty" % candidate)
- self.DIST = {}
- if r is None:
- self.dijkstra_r = 5.0
- else:
- self.dijkstra_r = r
- # else:
- # # If weight matrix is passed to ActiveLearner but not doing Dijkstra, ignore it
- # if self.W is not None:
- # self.W = None
- def select_query_points(self, model, B=1, method='top', prop_func=None, prop_sigma=0.8, mcavg_beta=0.0, debug=False, verbose=False):
- if method not in SELECTION_METHODS:
- raise ValueError("Selection method %s not valid, must be one of %s" % (method, SELECTION_METHODS))
- if verbose:
- print("Active Learner settings:")
- print("\tacquisition function = %s" % self.acquisition)
- print("\tB = %d" % B)
- print("\tcandidate set = %s" % self.candidate)
- print("\tselection method = %s" % method)
- # Define the candidate set
- if self.candidate is "rand":
- Cand = np.random.choice(model.unlabeled, size=int(self.candidate_frac * len(model.unlabeled)), replace=False)
- elif self.candidate is "dijkstra":
- raise NotImplementedError("Have not implemented the dikstra candidate selection for this class")
- else:
- Cand = model.unlabeled
- if debug:
- self.Cand = Cand
- # Compute acquisition values -- save as object attribute for later plotting
- self.acq_vals = acquisition_values(self.acquisition, Cand, model, mcavg_beta=mcavg_beta)
- if len(self.acq_vals.shape) > 1:
- print("WARNING: acq_vals is of shape %s, should be one-dimensional. MIGHT CAUSE PROBLEM" % str(self.acq_vals.shape))
- # based on selection method, choose query points
- if B == 1:
- if method != 'top':
- print("Warning : B = 1 but election method is not 'top'. Overriding selection method and selecting top choice for query point.")
- return [Cand[np.argmax(self.acq_vals)]]
- else:
- if method == 'top':
- return [Cand[k] for k in (-self.acq_vals).argsort()[:B]]
- elif method == 'prop':
- if prop_func is None:
- # if not given a customized proportionality sampling function, use this default.
- # (1) normalize to be 0 to 1
- acq_vals = (self.acq_vals - np.min(self.acq_vals))/(np.max(self.acq_vals) - np.min(self.acq_vals))
- p = np.exp(acq_vals/prop_sigma)
- p /= np.sum(p)
- else:
- p = prop_func(self.acq_vals)
- if debug:
- return list(np.random.choice(Cand, B, replace=False, p=p)), p, self.acq_vals, Cand
- return list(np.random.choice(Cand, B, replace=False, p=p))
- else:
- raise ValueError("Have not implemented this selection method, %s. Somehow got passed other parameter checks..." % method)