123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115 |
- #! /usr/bin/env python
- import sys
- import csv
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- #from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
- from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, CubicSpline
- import math
- plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'sans-serif'
- plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'Times New Roman'
- plt.rcParams['axes.edgecolor']='#333F4B'
- plt.rcParams['axes.linewidth']=0.8
- plt.rcParams['xtick.color']='#333F4B'
- plt.rcParams['ytick.color']='#333F4B'
- plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"]
- # Read CSV
- csvFileName = sys.argv[1]
- scan_var = csvFileName.split('.')[0]
- pltFileName = scan_var + '.png'
- csvData = []
- with open(csvFileName, 'r') as csvFile:
- csvReader = csv.reader(csvFile, delimiter = ' ')
- for csvRow in csvReader:
- csvData.append(csvRow)
- # Get X, Y and store in np array
- csvData = np.array(csvData)
- csvData = csvData.astype(np.float)
- X, Y = csvData[:,0], csvData[:,1]
- au_to_kJpmol = 2625.5
- Y = np.array([y/2625.5 for y in Y])
- # numerical second derivative of interpolant at equilibrium
- def comp_k_numeric(X,Y):
- """
- Compute numerical double derivative at equilibrium given X and V[X]
- """
- #x_new = np.linspace(X.min(), X.max(), 65)
- f = interp1d(X, Y, kind='cubic', fill_value="extrapolate")
- xe = 0
- h = 0.1*10**(-8)
- k_numeric = (1/(2.0*h)) * ((f(xe + 2.0*h) - f(xe))/(2.0*h) - (f(xe) - f(xe - 2.0*h))/(2.0*h))
- return (k_numeric)
- def comp_k_numeric_prec(X,Y, n):
- """
- Compute numerical double derivative at equilibrium given X and V[X]
- """
- x_new = np.linspace(X.min(), X.max(), 65)
- f = interp1d(X, Y, kind='cubic')
- xe = 0
- h = 0.1*10**(-n)
- k_numeric = (1/(2.0*h)) * ((f(xe + 2.0*h) - f(xe))/(2.0*h) - (f(xe) - f(xe - 2.0*h))/(2.0*h))
- return (k_numeric)
- # analytic derivative of interpolant at equilibrium
- def comp_k_analytic(X,Y):
- """
- Compute the analytic force constant given X, and V(X)
- """
- N = X.size
- mid = int((N + 1)/2)
- f2 = CubicSpline(X,Y)
- k_analytic = f2(X, 2)[mid]
- return k_analytic, f2
- # convert to cm-1
- def convert_k_to_cminv(k):
- """
- Import force constant in Hartree/Ang^2
- convert it to cm-1
- """
- mu = 918.553523379183232925595706294
- #ang_to_bohr = 1/(0.529)
- nu = 1/(2*np.pi)*math.sqrt(k/mu)*(1/(137*10**-8))
- return (nu)
- def convert_k_to_cminv_rotor(k):
- """
- Convert force constant in Hartree/Radian^2 to cm-1
- this is for h2
- """
- I = 1948.37443393238771437461228584
- nu = 1/(2*np.pi)*math.sqrt(k/I)*(1/(137*5.29*10**-9))
- return nu
- k_numeric = comp_k_numeric(X, Y)
- nu_numeric = convert_k_to_cminv(k_numeric)
- zpve_numeric = nu_numeric/2
- k_analytic, f2 = comp_k_analytic(X, Y)
- nu_analytic = convert_k_to_cminv(k_analytic)
- zpve_analytic = nu_analytic/2
- print (scan_var, "Analytic ", k_analytic, nu_analytic, zpve_analytic)
- print (scan_var, "Numeric ", k_numeric, nu_numeric, zpve_numeric)
- plt.plot(X, Y, 'bo')
- plt.plot(X, f2(X), 'b-')
- plt.plot(X, f2(X, 1), 'rx--')
- plt.plot(X, f2(X, 2), 'co--')
- plt.legend(['Points', 'Cubic Spline', r'dV/dq', r"d$^2$V/dq$^2$"], fontsize = 12)
- plt.xlabel(scan_var, fontsize = 16)
- plt.ylabel("E(a.u) and higher derivs", fontsize = 16)
- plt.savefig(pltFileName)