123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483 |
- ######################################################
- #
- # Fock space Hamiltonian truncation for phi^4 theory in 2 dimensions
- # Authors: Slava Rychkov (slava.rychkov@lpt.ens.fr) and Lorenzo Vitale (lorenzo.vitale@epfl.ch)
- # December 2014
- #
- ######################################################
- import scipy
- from scipy import pi
- import numpy as np
- import scipy.sparse.linalg
- import scipy.sparse
- import scipy.interpolate
- from operator import attrgetter
- from math import factorial
- from statefuncs import Basis, NotInBasis, omega, State
- from oscillators import NormalOrderedOperator as NOO
- import collections
- import renorm
- import itertools
- import time
- tol = 0.0001
- """ P denotes spatial parity, while K field parity. For now only the P-even sector is implemented """
- def comb(*x):
- """ computes combinatorial factor for list of elements """
- #note: we could do this with np.unique if the list was a numpy array
- #print(collections.Counter(x).values())
- return factorial(len(x))/np.prod(scipy.special.factorial(list(collections.Counter(x).values())))
- #return factorial(len(x))/np.prod(list(map(factorial,collections.Counter(x).values())))
- #return factorial(len(x))/scipy.prod(set(map(factorial,collections.Counter(x).values())))
- class Matrix():
- """ Matrix with specified state bases for row and column indexes.
- This class is useful to easily extract submatrices """
- def __init__(self, basisI, basisJ, M=None):
- self.basisI = basisI
- self.basisJ = basisJ
- #if no M is given, set M to be a basisI.size by 1 sparse matrix.
- if(M == None):
- self.M = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((basisI.size, 1))
- else:
- self.M = M
- self.check()
- def addColumn(self, newcolumn):
- m = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(newcolumn).transpose()
- self.M = scipy.sparse.hstack([self.M,m])
- def finalize(self):
- """Drops first column of M and ensures M is in COO format"""
- self.M = self.M.tocsc()[:,1:].tocoo()
- self.check()
- def check(self):
- """Check that M has the right dimensions"""
- if self.M.shape != (self.basisI.size, self.basisJ.size):
- raise ValueError('Matrix shape inconsistent with given bases')
- def __add__(self, other):
- """ Sum of matrices """
- return Matrix(self.basisI, self.basisJ, self.M+other.M)
- def __mul__(self, other):
- """ Multiplication of matrix with matrix or number"""
- if(other.__class__ == self.__class__):
- return Matrix(self.basisI, other.basisJ, self.M*other.M)
- else:
- return Matrix(self.basisI, self.basisJ, self.M*float(other))
- def to(self, form):
- """ Format conversion """
- return Matrix(self.basisI, self.basisJ, self.M.asformat(form))
- def sub(self, subBasisI=None, subBasisJ=None):
- """ This extracts a submatrix given a subspace of the initial vector space, both for rows and columns """
- if subBasisI != None and subBasisJ != None:
- rows = [self.basisI.lookup(state)[1] for state in subBasisI]
- columns = [self.basisJ.lookup(state)[1] for state in subBasisJ]
- return Matrix(subBasisI, subBasisJ, self.M.tocsr()[scipy.array(rows)[:,scipy.newaxis],scipy.array(columns)])
- elif subBasisI != None and subBasisJ == None:
- rows = [self.basisI.lookup(state)[1] for state in subBasisI]
- return Matrix(subBasisI, self.basisJ, self.M.tocsr()[scipy.array(rows),:])
- elif subBasisI == None and subBasisJ != None:
- columns = [self.basisJ.lookup(state)[1] for state in subBasisJ]
- return Matrix(self.basisI, subBasisJ, self.M.tocsr()[:,scipy.array(columns)])
- else:
- return self
- def transpose(self):
- """Transpose the matrix (switch basisI and basisJ and transpose M)"""
- return Matrix(self.basisJ, self.basisI, self.M.transpose())
- def __repr__(self):
- return str(self.M)
- class Phi1234():
- """ main class
- Attributes
- ----------
- L : float
- Circumference of the circle on which to quantize
- m : float
- Mass of the scalar field
- Emax: float
- Maximum energy cutoff
- All basic dictionaries in this class have two keys, 1 and -1,
- corresponding to values of k-parity.
- h0: dict of Matrix objects
- Values are Matrix objects corresponding to the free Hamiltonian
- potential: dict of dict of Matrix
- Values are dictionaries where the keys are orders in
- the field (0,2,4 correspond to phi^0,phi^2,phi^4) and the values
- are the potential matrices at each order stored as Matrix objects
- When actually diagonalizing the Hamiltonian, we further restrict
- to a subspace with some different nmax, possibly?
- H: dict of Matrix objects
- Like h0, but on a restricted subspace defined by basis rather than
- fullBasis
- V: dict of dict of Matrix
- Like potential but restricted to the basis subspace
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.L = None
- self.m = None
- self.Emax = None
- self.h0 = {1: None, -1: None}
- self.potential = {1 :{ }, -1:{ }}
- self.h0Sub = {1: None, -1: None}
- self.H = {1: None, -1: None}
- self.V = {1: {}, -1: {}}
- self.eigenvalues = {1: None, -1: None}
- self.eigsrenlocal = {1: None, -1: None}
- self.eigsrensubl = {1: None, -1: None}
- self.eigenvectors = {1: None, -1: None}
- # Eigenvalues and eigenvectors for different K-parities
- self.basis = {1: None, -1: None}
- self.fullBasis = {1: None, -1: None}
- def buildFullBasis(self,k,L,m,Emax):
- """ Builds the full Hilbert space basis """
- self.L=float(L)
- self.m=float(m)
- #create a Basis object (see statefuncs.py)
- #and set it as self.fullBasis
- #a Basis contains a list of states, each state defined by a set of
- #occupation numbers for each Fourier mode
- self.fullBasis[k] = Basis(L=self.L, Emax=Emax, m=self.m, K=k)
- def buildBasis(self,k,Emax):
- """
- Builds the Hilbert space basis for which the Hamiltonian to actually diagonalize
- is calculated (in general it's a subspace of fullBasis)
- Note that this is called in phi4eigs, but not in generating
- the original potential matrix and free Hamiltonian.
- """
- self.basis[k] = Basis(m=self.m, L=self.L, Emax=Emax, K=k, nmax=self.fullBasis[k].nmax)
- # We use the vector length (nmax) of the full basis. In this way we can compare elements between the two bases
- self.Emax = float(Emax)
- for nn in (0,2,4):
- self.V[k][nn] = self.potential[k][nn].sub(self.basis[k], self.basis[k]).M.tocoo()
- self.h0Sub[k] = self.h0[k].sub(self.basis[k],self.basis[k]).M.tocoo()
- def buildMatrix(self):
- """ Builds the full Hamiltonian in the basis of the free Hamiltonian eigenvectors.
- This is computationally intensive. It can be skipped by loading the matrix from file """
- """
- Possible speedups:
- Simplify the diagonal operator loops?
- Can we apply a numpy mask to simplify the loops without the
- conditionals?
- Basically this loops over the operators at each order in phi
- and stores all the normal order operators explicitly in lists.
- """
- L=self.L
- m=self.m
- for k in (1,-1):
- basis = self.fullBasis[k]
- lookupBasis = self.fullBasis[k]
- Emax = basis.Emax
- nmax = basis.nmax
- diagOps = {0: None, 2:None, 4:None}
- offdiagOps = {0: None, 2:None, 4:None}
- diagOps[0] = [ NOO([],[],L,m) ]
- offdiagOps[0] = []
- #the 2 is a combinatorial factor since both aa^dagger and a^dagger a contribute
- diagOps[2] = [ NOO([a],[a],L,m, extracoeff=2.) for a in range(-nmax,nmax+1) ]
- #the symmetry factor is 1 if a=-a and 2 otherwise
- offdiagOps[2] = [ NOO([a,-a],[],L,m,extracoeff=comb(a,-a))
- for a in range(-nmax,nmax+1) if a<=-a<=nmax and
- omega(a,L,m)+omega(-a,L,m) <= Emax+tol]
- # the default symmetry factor is 6 (4 choose 2) if a and b are distinct
- # and c, a+b-c are distinct
- # notice the index for b runs from a to nmax so we only get unique
- # pairs a and b, i.e. (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (2,2), (2,3), (3,3).
- diagOps[4] = [ NOO([a,b],[c,a+b-c],L,m, extracoeff=6.*comb(a,b)*comb(c,a+b-c))
- for a in range(-nmax,nmax+1) for b in range (a,nmax+1)
- for c in range(-nmax,nmax+1) if
- ( c<=a+b-c<=nmax
- and (a,b) == (c,a+b-c)
- and -Emax-tol <= omega(a,L,m)+omega(b,L,m) - omega(c,L,m)-omega(a+b-c,L,m) <=Emax+tol)]
- offdiagOps[4] = [ NOO([a,b,c,-a-b-c],[],L,m,extracoeff=comb(a,b,c,-a-b-c))
- for a in range(-nmax,nmax+1) for b in range (a,nmax+1)
- for c in range(b,nmax+1) if c<=-a-b-c<=nmax and
- omega(a,L,m)+omega(b,L,m) + omega(c,L,m)+omega(-a-b-c,L,m)<= Emax+tol] \
- + [ NOO([a,b,c],[a+b+c],L,m, extracoeff = 4. * comb(a,b,c))
- for a in range(-nmax, nmax+1) for b in range (a,nmax+1)
- for c in range(b,nmax+1) if
- (-nmax<=a+b+c<=nmax
- and -Emax-tol <= omega(a,L,m)+omega(b,L,m)+ omega(c,L,m)-omega(a+b+c,L,m) <=Emax+tol)] \
- + [ NOO([a,b],[c,a+b-c],L,m, extracoeff = 6. * comb(a,b)*comb(c,a+b-c))
- for a in range(-nmax,nmax+1) for b in range (a,nmax+1)
- for c in range(-nmax,nmax+1) if
- ( c<=a+b-c<=nmax
- and (a,b) != (c,a+b-c)
- and sorted([abs(a),abs(b)]) < sorted([abs(c),abs(a+b-c)])
- and -Emax-tol <= omega(a,L,m)+omega(b,L,m)- omega(c,L,m)-omega(a+b-c,L,m) <=Emax+tol)]
- #save as h0 a lookupBasis.size by 1 sparse matrix initialized to zeros
- #really just a single column
- #and store the bases as h0[k].basisI and h0[k].basisJ
- #self.h0[k] = Matrix(lookupBasis, basis)
- tempEnergies = np.empty(basis.size)
- #initialTime = time.time()
- #this was xrange in the original; range in 3.x was xrange in 2.x -IL
- for j in range(basis.size):
- #make a new column of the appropriate length
- #newcolumn = scipy.zeros(lookupBasis.size)
- #set the jth entry in this column to be the energy of
- #the jth state in the basis
- #newcolumn[j] = basis[j].energy
- tempEnergies[j] = basis[j].energy
- #self.h0[k].addColumn(newcolumn)
- #self.h0[k].finalize()
- """
- basically this is just a diagonal matrix of the eigenvalues
- since the Hamiltonian h0 is diagonal in this basis this is faster.
- the loop adding columns takes 0.45711565017700195 s
- just creating the sparse matrix takes 0.000997304916381836 s.
- """
- temph0 = scipy.sparse.diags(tempEnergies,format="coo")
- self.h0[k] = Matrix(lookupBasis,basis,temph0)
- #ran some tests, doing scipy.sparse.diags does seem more straightforward
- #print(time.time()-initialTime)
- """
- We build the potential in this basis. self.potential is a
- dictionary with two keys corresponding to k=1 and k=-1.
- Each of the entries is a list of sparse matrices.
- Each sparse matrix consists of a sum of off-diagonal components
- and diagonal components in COO format.
- Possible speedup: could we apply each operator to all states
- in one shot? Then we would just loop over operators.
- Right now, for each state, we apply each operator one at a time
- and mark down its image in the corresponding column (the origin
- state) and row (the image state).
- If we apply an operator to a vector of states, we will get
- a vector of their images which can be collectively checked for
- validity by checking the dictionary keys/energy ranges, and
- then this is just the matrix form of the operator.
- """
- # for each order (0,2,4) in phi
- for n in offdiagOps.keys():
- offdiag_V = Matrix(lookupBasis, basis)
- diagonal = np.zeros(basis.size)
- # for each state in the basis
- for j in range(basis.size):
- newcolumn = np.zeros(lookupBasis.size)
- # for each off-diagonal operator at a given order
- for op in offdiagOps[n]:
- try:
- # apply this operator to find whether the
- # new state is still in the basis
- (x,i) = op.apply(basis,j,lookupBasis)
- # if so, add the corresponding value to the matrix
- # this is basically writing the effects of the
- # operator in the basis of the free states
- if(i != None):
- newcolumn[i]+=x
- except NotInBasis:
- pass
- offdiag_V.addColumn(newcolumn)
- # for each diagonal operator at the same order n
- for op in diagOps[n]:
- (x,i) = op.apply(basis,j,lookupBasis)
- # It should be j=i
- if i!= None:
- if i != j:
- raise RuntimeError('Non-diagonal operator')
- diagonal[i]+=x
- offdiag_V.finalize()
- diag_V = scipy.sparse.spdiags(diagonal,0,basis.size,basis.size)
- self.potential[k][n] = (offdiag_V+offdiag_V.transpose()+Matrix(lookupBasis, basis, diag_V)).to('coo')*self.L
- def saveMatrix(self, fname):
- """ Saves the free Hamiltonian and potential matrices to file """
- t = (fname, self.L, self.m, \
- self.fullBasis[1].Emax, self.fullBasis[1].nmax, \
- self.fullBasis[-1].Emax, self.fullBasis[-1].nmax, \
- self.h0[1].M.data,self.h0[1].M.row,self.h0[1].M.col, \
- self.potential[1][0].M.data,self.potential[1][0].M.row,self.potential[1][0].M.col, \
- self.potential[1][2].M.data,self.potential[1][2].M.row,self.potential[1][2].M.col, \
- self.potential[1][4].M.data,self.potential[1][4].M.row,self.potential[1][4].M.col, \
- self.h0[-1].M.data,self.h0[-1].M.row,self.h0[-1].M.col, \
- self.potential[-1][0].M.data,self.potential[-1][0].M.row,self.potential[-1][0].M.col, \
- self.potential[-1][2].M.data,self.potential[-1][2].M.row,self.potential[-1][2].M.col, \
- self.potential[-1][4].M.data,self.potential[-1][4].M.row,self.potential[-1][4].M.col \
- )
- scipy.savez(*t)
- def loadMatrix(self, fname):
- """ Loads the free Hamiltonian and potential matrices from file """
- f = scipy.load(fname)
- self.L = f['arr_0'].item()
- self.m = f['arr_1'].item()
- Emax = {1:f['arr_2'].item(), -1:f['arr_4'].item()}
- nmax = {1:f['arr_3'].item(), -1:f['arr_5'].item()}
- for i, k in enumerate((1,-1)):
- n = 12
- z = 6
- self.buildFullBasis(L=self.L, m=self.m, Emax=Emax[k], k=k)
- basisI = self.fullBasis[k]
- basisJ = self.fullBasis[k]
- self.h0[k] = Matrix(basisI, basisJ, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((f['arr_'+(str(z+i*n))], (f['arr_'+(str(z+1+i*n))], f['arr_'+(str(z+2+i*n))])), shape=(basisI.size, basisJ.size)))
- self.potential[k][0] = Matrix(basisI, basisJ, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((f['arr_'+(str(z+3+i*n))], (f['arr_'+(str(z+4+i*n))], f['arr_'+(str(z+5+i*n))])), shape=(basisI.size, basisJ.size)))
- self.potential[k][2] = Matrix(basisI, basisJ, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((f['arr_'+(str(z+6+i*n))], (f['arr_'+(str(z+7+i*n))], f['arr_'+(str(z+8+i*n))])), shape=(basisI.size, basisJ.size)))
- self.potential[k][4] = Matrix(basisI, basisJ, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((f['arr_'+(str(z+9+i*n))], (f['arr_'+(str(z+10+i*n))], f['arr_'+(str(z+11+i*n))])), shape=(basisI.size, basisJ.size)))
- def setcouplings(self, g4, g2=0.):
- self.g2 = float(g2)
- self.g4 = float(g4)
- def renlocal(self,Er):
- self.g0r, self.g2r, self.g4r = renorm.renlocal(self.g2,self.g4,self.Emax,Er)
- self.Er = Er
- def computeHamiltonian(self, k=1, ren=False):
- """ Computes the (renormalized) Hamiltonian to diagonalize
- k : K-parity quantum number
- ren : if True, computes the eigenvalue with the "local" renormalization procedure, otherwise the "raw" eigenvalues
- """
- if not(ren):
- self.H[k] = self.h0Sub[k] + self.V[k][2]*self.g2 + self.V[k][4]*self.g4
- else:
- self.H[k] = self.h0Sub[k] + self.V[k][0]*self.g0r + self.V[k][2]*self.g2r + self.V[k][4]*self.g4r
- def computeEigval(self, k=1, ren=False, corr=False, sigma=0, n=10):
- """ Diagonalizes the Hamiltonian and possibly computes the subleading renormalization corrections
- k (int): K-parity quantum number
- ren (bool): it should have the same value as the one passed to computeHamiltonian()
- corr (bool): if True, computes the subleading renormalization corrections, otherwise not.
- n (int): number of lowest eigenvalues to compute
- sigma : value around which the Lanczos method looks for the lowest eigenvalue.
- """
- if not ren:
- (self.eigenvalues[k], eigenvectorstranspose) = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(self.H[k], k=n, sigma=sigma,
- which='LM', return_eigenvectors=True)
- else:
- (self.eigsrenlocal[k], eigenvectorstranspose) = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(self.H[k], k=n, sigma=sigma,
- which='LM', return_eigenvectors=True)
- eigenvectors = eigenvectorstranspose.T
- if corr:
- print("Adding subleading corrections to k="+str(k), " eigenvalues")
- self.eigsrensubl[k] = np.zeros(n)
- cutoff = 5.
- for i in range(n):
- cbar = eigenvectors[i]
- if abs(sum([x*x for x in cbar])-1.0) > 10**(-13):
- raise RuntimeError('Eigenvector not normalized')
- Ebar = self.eigsrenlocal[k][i]
- self.eigsrensubl[k][i] += Ebar
- ktab, rentab = renorm.rensubl(self.g2, self.g4, Ebar, self.Emax, self.Er, cutoff=cutoff)
- tckren = { }
- tckren[0] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(ktab,rentab.T[0],kind='linear')
- tckren[2] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(ktab,rentab.T[1],kind='linear')
- tckren[4] = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(ktab,rentab.T[2],kind='linear')
- for nn in (0,2,4):
- #for a,b,Vab in itertools.izip(self.V[k][nn].row,self.V[k][nn].col,self.V[k][nn].data):
- for a,b,Vab in zip(self.V[k][nn].row,self.V[k][nn].col,self.V[k][nn].data):
- if a > b:
- continue
- elif a == b:
- c = 1
- else:
- c = 2
- Eab2= (self.basis[k][a].energy + self.basis[k][b].energy)/2.
- coeff = tckren[nn](Eab2)
- self.eigsrensubl[k][i] += c * coeff * cbar[a] * cbar[b] * Vab
- def vacuumE(self, ren="raw"):
- if ren=="raw":
- return self.eigenvalues[1][0]
- elif ren=="renlocal":
- return self.eigsrenlocal[1][0]
- elif ren=="rensubl":
- return self.eigsrensubl[1][0]
- else:
- raise ValueError("Wrong argument")
- # The vacuum is K-even
- def spectrum(self, k, ren="raw"):
- if ren=="raw":
- eigs = self.eigenvalues
- elif ren=="renlocal":
- eigs = self.eigsrenlocal
- elif ren=="rensubl":
- eigs = self.eigsrensubl
- else:
- raise ValueError("Wrong argument")
- # Now subtract vacuum energies
- if k==1:
- return scipy.array([x-self.vacuumE(ren=ren) for x in eigs[k][1:]])
- elif k==-1:
- return scipy.array([x-self.vacuumE(ren=ren) for x in eigs[k]])
- else:
- raise ValueError("Wrong argument")