123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109 |
- from pyrogram import Client, filters, types
- from zipfile import ZipFile
- from os import remove, rmdir, mkdir
- from utils import zip_work, dir_work, up_progress, list_dir, Msg, db_session, User, commit
- @Client.on_message(filters.command("start"))
- def start(_, msg: types.Message):
- """ reply start message and add the user to database """
- uid = msg.from_user.id
- with db_session:
- if not User.get(uid=uid):
- User(uid=uid, status=0) # Initializing the user on database
- commit()
- msg.reply(Msg.start(msg))
- @Client.on_message(filters.command("zip"))
- def start_zip(_, msg: types.Message):
- """ starting get files to archive """
- uid = msg.from_user.id
- msg.reply(Msg.zip)
- with db_session:
- User.get(uid=uid).status = 1 # change user-status to "INSERT"
- commit()
- try:
- mkdir(dir_work(uid)) # create static-folder for user
- except FileExistsError: # in case the folder already exist
- for file in list_dir(uid):
- remove(dir_work(uid) + file) # delete all file from folder
- rmdir(dir_work(uid)) # delete folder
- mkdir(dir_work(uid))
- @Client.on_message(filters.media)
- def enter_files(_, msg: types.Message):
- """ download files """
- uid = msg.from_user.id
- with db_session:
- usr = User.get(uid=uid)
- if usr.status == 1: # check if user-status is "INSERT"
- type = msg.document or msg.video or msg.photo or msg.audio
- if type.file_size > 20000000:
- msg.reply(Msg.too_big)
- elif len(list_dir(uid)) > 20:
- msg.reply(Msg.too_much)
- else:
- downsts = msg.reply(Msg.downloading, True) # send status-download message
- msg.download(dir_work(uid))
- downsts.delete() # delete status-download message
- else:
- msg.reply(Msg.send_zip) # if user-status is not "INSERT"
- @Client.on_message(filters.command("stopzip"))
- def stop_zip(_, msg: types.Message):
- """ exit from insert mode and send the archive """
- uid = msg.from_user.id
- if len(msg.command) == 1:
- zip_path = zip_work(uid)
- else:
- zip_path = "static/" + msg.command[1] # costume zip-file name
- with db_session:
- usr = User.get(uid=uid)
- if usr.status == 1:
- usr.status = 0 # change user-status to "NOT-INSERT"
- commit()
- else:
- msg.reply(Msg.send_zip)
- return
- stsmsg = msg.reply(Msg.zipping.format(len(list_dir(uid)))) # send status-message "ZIPPING" and count files
- if not list_dir(uid): # if len files is zero
- msg.reply(Msg.zero_files)
- rmdir(dir_work(uid))
- return
- for file in list_dir(uid):
- with ZipFile(zip_path, "a") as zip:
- zip.write(f"{dir_work(uid)}/{file}") # add files to zip-archive
- remove(f"{dir_work(uid)}{file}") # delete files that added
- stsmsg.edit_text(Msg.uploading) # change status-msg to "UPLOADING"
- try:
- msg.reply_document(zip_path, progress=up_progress, # send the zip-archive
- progress_args=(stsmsg,))
- except ValueError as e:
- msg.reply(Msg.unknow_error.format(str(e)))
- stsmsg.delete() # delete the status-msg
- remove(zip_path) # delete the zip-archive
- rmdir(dir_work(uid)) # delete the static-folder