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- s3-multiputter.py
- Description:
- Reads a huge file (or device) and uploads to Amazon S3.
- Multiple workers are launched which read & send in parallel.
- Workers are allocated one chunk of the file at a time.
- Usage:
- s3-multiputter.py <BUCKET> <FILE> <THREADS> <CHUNKSIZE>
- BUCKET: The S3 bucket name to upload to
- FILE: The source file to upload
- THREADS: Number of parallel uploader threads
- CHUNKSIZE: Size (MB) of each chunk
- This script was designed for uploading very large block
- device images to S3. The problem it aims to solve is moving
- an EBS volume from one AWS region to another using S3 as the
- transport medium.
- Launch a hefty EC2 instance like a c1.xlarge, attach your EBS
- volume(s) to it, and use s3-multiputter.py to upload the block
- device to S3 -- it can read directly from /dev/sdxN devices.
- You can upload directly from an EC2 instance to the S3 service
- in another region, or you can upload from an EC2 instance to
- the local S3 service and use S3 copy to move your image file
- from one S3 region to another.
- Prerequisites:
- Boto library must be installed & configured with AWS creds
- http://code.google.com/p/boto/wiki/BotoConfig