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- Django S3 Sync
- ==============
- Keep your static and user-uploaded media in sync between your local machine and Amazon S3 buckets. Features:
- * Use separate buckets for user-uploaded media VS static media
- * Run a management command periodically to keep your user-uploaded media in sync.
- * Fall back to local ``MEDIA_URL`` links for files that have not yet been uploaded to S3 (uses any cache backend to store this list).
- * Automatically link to files on S3 when they have been uploaded.
- * Easy to set up cron jobs, management commands to keep your media in sync
- * Efficient sync of pending uploaded and deleted files
- * Optionally deletes files from S3 once they have been deleted locally.
- This project is inspired by `django-extensions's sync_media_s3 <https://github.com/django-extensions/django-extensions/blob/master/django_extensions/management/commands/sync_media_s3.py>`_ management command.
- Limitations
- -----------
- * This app only works with Django's ``FileSystemStorage`` backend. You are welcome to file a pull request to fix this limitation, feel free to ask me for help :)
- * Using symlinks (``ln -s``) in your static media has not been tested, and is assumed not to work.
- Installation
- ------------
- #. Step 1::
- pip install -e git://github.com/pcraciunoiu/django-s3sync#egg=django-s3sync
- #. Add ``s3sync`` to your installed apps::
- # ...
- 's3sync',
- # ...
- )
- #. Set s3sync's ``S3PendingStorage`` backend as the default::
- DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 's3sync.storage.S3PendingStorage'
- #. Provide these settings, all required::
- MEDIA_ROOT = '/full/path/to/your/media'
- AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'your-amazon-access-key-id'
- AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = 'your-amazon-secret-access-key'
- BUCKET_UPLOADS = 's3-2.sowink.net'
- BUCKET_UPLOADS_URL = '//s3-2.sowink.net/media/'
- # For your production site, link to the S3 uploads bucket.
- # This setting is optional for development.
- #. Run this on a cron::
- # Be sure to use your media prefix here.
- # --remove-missing ensures deleting files locally propagates to S3
- python manage.py s3sync_pending --prefix=media --remove-missing
- #. To sync your static media, see `cron.py <https://github.com/pcraciunoiu/django-s3sync/tree/master/example/cron.py>`_
- Already using a custom File storage backend?
- --------------------------------------------
- If you're already using your own File storage backend, extend s3sync's storage::
- from s3sync.storage import S3PendingStorage
- class YourCustomStorage(S3PendingStorage):
- # Override with your storage methods here.
- pass
- Tips and Tricks
- ---------------
- Alias your bucket URL
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Make your bucket URL nice and clean and hide the URL to amazonaws.com.
- * Make sure to name your bucket ``something.yourdomain.com``
- * Using your DNS service (e.g. Route 53), create a CNAME record named ``something.yourdomain.com`` with a value of (pointing to) the `website endpoint <http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/WebsiteEndpoints.html>`_ for your bucket's region, e.g. ``s3-website-us-west-1.amazonaws.com``
- Multiple web servers?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you need to access the files from multiple web servers before they get uploadd to S3, you can use a dedicated EC2 instance or 3rd party server to mount as a partition on all of your machines. Going the EC2 instance route is probably your best bet to minimize latency.
- Usage
- -----
- python manage.py s3sync_media
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Command options are::
- -b BUCKET, --bucket=BUCKET
- The name of the Amazon bucket you are uploading to.
- -p PREFIX, --prefix=PREFIX
- The prefix to prepend to the path on S3.
- The root directory to use instead of your MEDIA_ROOT
- --gzip Enables gzipping CSS and Javascript files.
- --expires Enables setting a far future expires header.
- --force Skip the file mtime check to force upload of all
- files.
- --remove-missing
- Remove any existing keys from the bucket that are not
- present in your local. DANGEROUS!
- --exclude-list Override default directory and file exclusion
- filters. (enter as comma separated line)
- --dry-run
- Do A dry-run to show what files would be affected.
- python manage.py s3sync_pending
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Required settings: ``BUCKET_UPLOADS``
- Command options are::
- -p PREFIX, --prefix=PREFIX
- The prefix to prepend to the path on S3.
- The root directory to use instead of your MEDIA_ROOT
- --remove-missing
- Remove any existing keys from the bucket that are not
- present in your local. DANGEROUS!
- --dry-run
- Do a dry-run to show what files would be affected.
- s3sync.storage.S3PendingStorage
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Required settings: ``BUCKET_UPLOADS_URL``, ``PRODUCTION``
- Full List of Settings
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- *Required.* Your API keys from Amazon.
- Name of your upload bucket. Usually 'something.yourdomain.com'
- URL to your bucket, including the prefix.
- Which cache backend to use from `settings.CACHES <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#std:setting-CACHES>`_
- Cache key to use for storing the list of pending files to be uploaded to S3.
- Cache key to use for storing the list of pending files to be removed from S3.
- Set this to True for the storage backend to use ``BUCKET_UPLOADS_URL``.
- Contributing
- ============
- If you'd like to fix a bug, add a feature, etc
- #. Start by opening an issue.
- Be explicit so that project collaborators can understand and reproduce the
- issue, or decide whether the feature falls within the project's goals.
- Code examples can be useful, too.
- #. File a pull request.
- You may write a prototype or suggested fix.
- #. Check your code for errors, complaints.
- Use `check.py <https://github.com/jbalogh/check>`_
- #. Write and run tests.
- Write your own test showing the issue has been resolved, or the feature
- works as intended.
- Running Tests
- =============
- *TODO*: write tests.
- To run the tests::
- python manage.py test s3sync