output.txt 2.4 KB

  1. mu = 12.02 and sigma = 0.40
  2. Total Percent
  3. PoolQC 2908 0.996915
  4. MiscFeature 2812 0.964004
  5. Alley 2719 0.932122
  6. Fence 2346 0.804251
  7. FireplaceQu 1420 0.486802
  8. LotFrontage 486 0.166610
  9. GarageCond 159 0.054508
  10. GarageQual 159 0.054508
  11. GarageYrBlt 159 0.054508
  12. GarageFinish 159 0.054508
  13. GarageType 157 0.053822
  14. BsmtCond 82 0.028111
  15. BsmtExposure 82 0.028111
  16. BsmtQual 81 0.027768
  17. BsmtFinType2 80 0.027425
  18. BsmtFinType1 79 0.027083
  19. MasVnrType 24 0.008228
  20. MasVnrArea 23 0.007885
  21. MSZoning 4 0.001371
  22. BsmtHalfBath 2 0.000686
  23. Utilities 2 0.000686
  24. Functional 2 0.000686
  25. BsmtFullBath 2 0.000686
  26. BsmtFinSF2 1 0.000343
  27. BsmtFinSF1 1 0.000343
  28. Exterior2nd 1 0.000343
  29. BsmtUnfSF 1 0.000343
  30. TotalBsmtSF 1 0.000343
  31. Exterior1st 1 0.000343
  32. SaleType 1 0.000343
  33. Electrical 1 0.000343
  34. KitchenQual 1 0.000343
  35. GarageArea 1 0.000343
  36. GarageCars 1 0.000343
  37. Skew in numerical features:
  38. There are 31 skewed numerical features to Box Cox transform
  39. Pipeline(memory=None,
  40. steps=[('robustscaler', RobustScaler(copy=True, quantile_range=(25.0, 75.0), with_centering=True,
  41. with_scaling=True)), ('elasticnet', ElasticNet(alpha=0.0005, copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, l1_ratio=0.9,
  42. max_iter=1000, normalize=False, positive=False, precompute=False,
  43. random_state=101010, selection='cyclic', tol=0.0001,
  44. warm_start=False))])
  45. XGBRegressor(base_score=0.5, colsample_bylevel=1, colsample_bytree=0.4603,
  46. gamma=0.0468, learning_rate=0.05, max_delta_step=0, max_depth=3,
  47. min_child_weight=1.7817, missing=None, n_estimators=2200,
  48. nthread=-1, objective='reg:linear', reg_alpha=0.464,
  49. reg_lambda=0.8571, scale_pos_weight=1, seed=0, silent=1,
  50. subsample=0.5213)
  51. Pipeline(memory=None,
  52. steps=[('robustscaler', RobustScaler(copy=True, quantile_range=(25.0, 75.0), with_centering=True,
  53. with_scaling=True)), ('lasso', Lasso(alpha=0.0005, copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, max_iter=1000,
  54. normalize=False, positive=False, precompute=False, random_state=101010,
  55. selection='cyclic', tol=0.0001, warm_start=False))])
  56. KernelRidge(alpha=0.6, coef0=2.5, degree=2, gamma=None, kernel='polynomial',
  57. kernel_params=None)
  59. RMSLE: 0.1093 (+/- 0.0065)