AzureStorage is available as a conda package, so conda must be installed on your system.
Skip this step if you have already installed conda
wget -O;
bash -b -p $HOME/miniconda
conda update -q conda
You can now install the AzureStorage package:
conda install -c olc-bioinformatics azure-storage=0.0.2
You must enter your Azure storage connection string and account name into the system keyring before running any of the other scripts
Once you know your account key and connection string, run:
AzureCredentials store
Your credentials will be securely stored in the system keyring
If you encounter issues with the AzureStorage package, tests are available to ensure that the installation was successful and your credentials are valid.
You will need to clone this repository and run the tests with pytest
git clone
cd AzureStorage
python -m pytest tests/ --cov=azure_storage --cov-config=.coveragec