刘凡 9ff4d1d109 add S3,archive,truncate 2 éve
app 9ff4d1d109 add S3,archive,truncate 2 éve
mf 9ff4d1d109 add S3,archive,truncate 2 éve
Dockerfile 9ff4d1d109 add S3,archive,truncate 2 éve
README.md 9ff4d1d109 add S3,archive,truncate 2 éve



Note: The development was done using Ubuntu, so you may find issues when running on Windows. Please do not hesitate and let me know of any issues/problems/etc you encounter and will fix it ASAP.

Configuring application


The monitored folder is read from environment variable MONITORED_FOLDER. Config file must be placed in config/config.json under MONITORED_FOLDER.


s3uploder uses standard Python logging configured via config.json file. Currently there are two loggers configured: one for console an done for file, rotated each day, keeping the last five logs. Logs are stored in logs/app.log under monitored folder.

Important configuration keys

AWs Credentials

    "aws_key": "EXAMPLE_KEY",
    "aws_secret": "EXAMPLE_SECRET",

AWS does not allow / in bucket names so we have an additional key to create a hierarchy. bucket-path will be concatenated with each media file name. Note the trailing /

    "bucket": "flx-videobooth",
    "bucket-path": "videos/",

Note there is no . (dot)

    "watch-extension": "json",

This is the log level for the console

    "log-config": {
        "version": 1,
        "root": {
            "level": "DEBUG",

This is the log file name. It will be created under MONITORED_FOLDER

                "filename": "logs/app.log",

Run application

Clone the repository:

$ git clone git@github.com:dedosmedia/s3uploader.git

Build the docker image:

$ cd s3uploader
$ docker build -t s3uploader .

Run the image:

$ docker run -i -e "MONITORED_FOLDER=/opt/mf" -v <PATH TO  MONITORED FOLDER ON YOUR HOST>:/opt/mf s3uploader

Run the image with always restart:

$ docker run -i -d --restart unless-stopped -e "MONITORED_FOLDER=/opt/mf" -v "C:/Path/to/upload":/opt/mf s3uploader

Enjoy :-)