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- #coding=utf-8
- # _ _ _______ _____ _____
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- # | __| '__| | | | '_ \ / __/ _` | __/ _ \ | | _ /| ___/
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- # \__|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___\__,_|\__\___|_| |_| \_\_|
- # Python tool that 'truncates' CoPilot™ GPS trip files (.trp). Essentialy making a smaller, self-contained trip out of a larger one.
- # No breach of any copyright was intended.
- # Made by Rodrigo Rosmaninho (2018)
- # Github Repository: https://github.com/RodrigoRosmaninho/truncate-copilot-trips
- import traceback, argparse, sys, os.path, subprocess
- # 'argparser' manages arguments and the 'help' message in the command line
- global parser
- # Instantiate the parser
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Python tool that \'truncates\' CoPilot trip files (.trp). Essentialy making a smaller, self-contained trip out of a larger one.')
- # Specifies input file
- parser.add_argument('-in', dest='fileIN',
- help='Specifies the name of your input .trp file. The file you want to read from.')
- # Specifies output file
- parser.add_argument('-out', dest='fileOUT',
- help='Specifies the name of your output .trp file. The file you want to write to.')
- # Specifies start stop number
- parser.add_argument('-start', dest='startStop',
- help='Specifies the number of the stop you want to start at. This is optional.')
- # Specifies end stop number
- parser.add_argument('-end', dest='endStop',
- help='Specifies the number of the stop you want to end at. This is optional.')
- data = []
- def main():
- global fileIN, fileOUT, start, end, args, data
- # Get arguments
- args = parser.parse_args()
- # If the value wasn't given as an argument, ask the user for it
- if args.fileIN == None:
- fileIN = input("Input .trp file: ")
- else:
- fileIN = args.fileIN
- # If the value wasn't given as an argument, ask the user for it
- if args.fileOUT == None:
- fileOUT = input("Output .trp file: ")
- else:
- fileOUT = args.fileOUT
- validate_file(fileIN)
- # CoPilot .trp files are encoded in UTF-8. Therefore, a temporary copy of the input file is created and converted to UTF-8 so that it can be read by this script without using '.decode()'
- run_bash_command("iconv -f UTF-16 -t UTF-8 " + fileIN + " -o temp.trp")
- fileIN = open("temp.trp","r")
- # A temporary output file, encoded in UTF-8, is created. Later, it'll be converted to UTF-16
- tempOUT = open("temp2.trp", "w")
- fileOUT = open(fileOUT, "w")
- read_file(fileIN)
- # If the value wasn't given as an argument, ask the user for it
- if args.startStop == None:
- start = int(input("Choose start point: "))
- else:
- start = args.startStop
- # If the value wasn't given as an argument, ask the user for it
- if args.endStop == None:
- end = int(input("Choose end point: "))
- else:
- end = args.endStop
- write_file(start, end, tempOUT, fileOUT.name)
- tempOUT.close()
- # Generate the final output file, encoded in UTF-16, as a copy of the temporary output file
- run_bash_command("iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-16 temp2.trp -o " + fileOUT.name)
- # Delete both temporary files
- run_bash_command("rm temp.trp temp2.trp")
- def validate_file(fname):
- if not os.path.exists(fname):
- sys.exit("Error! " + fname + " does not exist!")
- if os.path.isdir(fname):
- sys.exit("Error! " + fname + " is a directory!")
- if not os.path.isfile(fname):
- sys.exit("Error! " + fname + " is not a file!")
- def run_bash_command(cmd):
- process = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- output, error = process.communicate()
- # Reads the file line by line saving the data for each stop in an object of class 'Stop'. All stops are saved in 'data', a list of 'Stop' objects
- def read_file(file):
- global data
- current = -1
- stop = Stop()
- data=[]
- for line in file:
- if "Start Stop=Stop" in line:
- current += 1
- stop = Stop()
- stop.sequence = current
- elif "Name=" in line:
- stop.name = line[5:]
- elif "Address=" in line:
- stop.address = line[8:]
- elif "City=" in line:
- stop.city = line[5:]
- elif "State=" in line:
- stop.state = line[6:]
- elif "Country=" in line:
- stop.country = line[8:]
- elif "Longitude=" in line:
- stop.lng = line[10:]
- elif "Latitude=" in line:
- stop.lat = line[9:]
- elif "Show=" in line:
- stop.show = line[5:]
- elif ("End Stop" in line) and ("Opt" not in line):
- print("Stop " + str(stop.sequence), end="")
- if hasattr(stop, "name"):
- print(" -> " + stop.name, end="")
- else:
- print()
- data.append(stop)
- # Accesses the list of stops, 'data', and writes only the stops in between the 'start' and 'end' values to a new file
- def write_file(start, end, file, name):
- file.write("Data Version:\n")
- file.write("Start Trip=" + name[:5] + "\n")
- file.write("Creator=Made with the truncateTrp tool by RodrigoRosmaninho\n")
- file.write("Memo=\n")
- file.write("End Trip\n\n")
- global data
- x = 0
- for i in range(int(start), int(end) + 1):
- file.write("Start Stop=Stop " + str(x) + "\n")
- if hasattr(data[i], "name"):
- file.write("Name=" + data[i].name)
- if hasattr(data[i], "address"):
- file.write("Address=" + data[i].address)
- if hasattr(data[i], "city"):
- file.write("City=" + data[i].city)
- if hasattr(data[i], "state"):
- file.write("State=" + data[i].state)
- if hasattr(data[i], "country"):
- file.write("Country=" + data[i].country)
- if hasattr(data[i], "lng"):
- file.write("Longitude=" + data[i].lng)
- if hasattr(data[i], "lat"):
- file.write("Latitude=" + data[i].lat)
- if hasattr(data[i], "show"):
- file.write("Show=" + data[i].show)
- file.write("Sequence=" + str(x) + "\n")
- file.write("End Stop\n")
- file.write("\n")
- file.write("Start StopOpt=Stop " + str(x) + "\n")
- file.write("Loaded=1\n")
- file.write("End StopOpt\n")
- file.write("\n")
- x += 1
- class Stop:
- global name, address, city, state, country, lng, lat, show, sequence
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()