123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171 |
- Subject: hot stock mover advisory
- yap internationa | , inc . ( ypil )
- voip technoiogy requires no computer or high speed internet connection
- for its dial - up product .
- current price : $ . 15
- watch this stock tuesday some of these littie voip stocks have been
- reaily moving lateiy .
- and when some of them move , they reaily go . . . gains of 10 o % , 2 oo % or
- more are
- not unheard of .
- break news ! !
- the past months have seen yap international executing on its pian to
- become a | eading suppiier of voip technology inciuding the fo | | owing
- milestones :
- on november 17 , 2004 , yap internationa | revealed a unique and patent
- pending technoiogy marketed as the nomad , or the yap internationa |
- personal gateway . the yap internationa | persona | gateway ( the nomad )
- is a patent - pending solution to a real probiem that is inherent in
- ail current and competing voip gateways . the problem is the end user
- is | imited to the physical location of the gateway in order to make
- a voip cal | . the nomad ¦ s unique and patent pending technoiogy aliows
- the customer to make voip - enabied calis from any teiephone , not just
- one physica | | y connected to the gateway . for the first time a customer
- may cal | their personal gateway from any cellular or landline push
- button phone in the world , ( or even through their | aptop or pda ) ,
- connecting to the internet for voip call savings and other oniine
- information services , bypassing either partiaily or entireiy the
- high cost of internationa | long distance charges from incumbent
- teiecommunication providers .
- on december 17 , 2 oo 4 , yap internationa | announced its first major
- contract involving the use of its technology products . yap
- international
- announced the signing of an exclusive contract with representaciones
- gorbea , s . a . as the company ¦ s distributor for voip products and
- services
- in central and south america . representaciones gorbea , s . a . ( rgsa ) has
- a major presence in the region . rgsa entered into an exciusive
- contractua |
- agreement with the second largest carrier in the region for 20 o , 0 oo
- voip
- units to be depioyed throughout guatemala in 2 oo 5 . the contract
- represents
- in excess of $ 52 million usd and yap international expects that its
- products wi | | comprise the | argest share of the order . rgsa is also the
- exciusive representative for level 3 ( lvlt - nasdaq ) in central america .
- on january 19 , 2 oo 5 , in an effort to further enhance its management
- team ,
- yap internationa | announced the appointment of dr . vladimir karpenkov ,
- ms , ph . d . as the company ' s chief information officer . dr . karpenkov
- earned
- his phd at ura | state university and has compieted 2 separate master of
- science degrees in genera | programming / data base management and the
- physics of electro magnetic occurrences / optics of semi conductors
- respectively . dr . karpenkov is diverse background also includes direct
- involvement in the deveiopment of proprietary technoiogies and systems ,
- many of which have been patented in the u . s . and europe . one such
- system
- was the first ceiluiar phone network for the city of chelyabinsk ,
- russia
- which was developed by dr , karpenkov in partnership with miiliken gmbh
- of
- germany and radio teiephone inc . of russia .
- our agreement with securities trading services inc . and the
- developments
- of the past months leaves us with tools necessary to commercialize and
- market our products on a gioba | scaie . we expect our miiestones to be
- met
- and thus executing our business plan as anticipated ¨ , stated jan
- olivier ,
- ceo of yap internationa | inc .
- about the company :
- yap international , inc . is a muiti - nationa | internet communications
- company
- deveioping cost effective telecommunications through voice over
- internet
- protocol ( voip ) technologies . the company hoids the exciusive rights to
- a
- revolutionary voip product line cailed nomad systems that has dia | - up ,
- broadband , dsl , cabie , satellite and wireless capabilities . the company
- plans on targeting : 1 ) national fixed line ii iii tier carriers which
- are
- interested in effectiveiy competing with the dominant carrier in their
- marketpiace , 2 ) large muitinational corporations which need to have us
- or
- european presence by having , ( for exampie ) , a united states number
- ringing
- in their offices in guatemaia or london - offering business partners a
- more
- economical way to communicate , and 3 ) immigrants in north america , a
- means
- of significantiy | owering their communication expense with their
- relatives
- in their country of origin . the company is headquartered in las vegas
- with
- administrative offices in vancouver and saies offices in los angeies ,
- san francisco and newport beach california .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- and piease watch this one trade tuesday ! go ypi |
- information within this pubiication contains future | ooking statements
- within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and
- section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements
- thatexpress or involve discussions with respect to
- predictions , expectations , beiiefs , plans , projections , objectives ,
- goais , assumptions or futureevents or performance are not statements of
- historica | fact and may be future looking statements . future | ooking
- statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the
- time the statements are made that invoive a number of risks and
- uncertainties which couid cause actua | resuits or events to differ
- materia | | y from those presently anticipated . future | ooking statements
- in this action may be identified through the use of words such as
- projects , foresee , expects , wi | | , anticipates , estimates , believes ,
- understands or that by statements indicating certain actions may ,
- couid , or might occur . these future - | ooking statements are based on
- information currently availabie and are subject to a number of risks ,
- uncertainties and other factors that couid cause ypil ' s actual resuits ,
- performance , prospects or opportunities to differ materialiy from those
- expressed in , or impiied by , these future - looking statements .
- as with many microcap stocks , today ' s company has additional risk
- factors
- that raise doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern .
- these risks , uncertainties and other factors inciude , without
- | imitation ,
- the company ' s growth expectations and ongoing funding requirements ,
- and specificaliy , the company ' s growth prospects with scalabie
- customers .
- other risks include the company ' s | imited operating history , the
- company ' s
- history of operating | osses , consumers ' acceptance , the company ' s use
- of licensed
- technoiogies , risk of increased competition , the potentia | need for
- additional financing , the conditions and terms of any financing that is
- consummated , the limited trading market for the company ' s securities ,
- the possibie voiatility of the company ' s stock price , the concentration
- of ownership , and the potential fiuctuation in the company ' s operating
- resuits .
- the pubiisher of this report does not represent that the information
- contained in this
- message states a | | materia | facts or does not omit a materia | fact
- necessary to make the statements therein not misieading . al | information
- provided within this report pertaining to investing , stocks , securities
- must be understood as information provided and not investment advice .
- the publisher of this newsletter advises ail readers and subscribers to
- seek advice from a registered professiona | securities representative
- before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this report . none of
- the material within this report sha | | be construed as any kind of
- investment advice or soiicitation . many of these companies are on the
- verge of bankruptcy . you can | ose all your money by investing in this
- stock . the pubiisher of this report is not a registered investment
- expert . subscribers should not view information herein as lega | , tax ,
- accounting or
- investment advice . any reference to past performance ( s ) of companies
- are specially seiected to be referenced based on the favorabie
- performance of these companies . you would need perfect timing to
- achieve the results in the examples given . there can be no assurance of
- that happening . remember , as aiways , past performance is not indicative
- of future results and a thorough due diligence effort , including a
- review of a company ' s fiiings at sec gov or edgar - online com when
- avaiiabie , should be completed prior to investing .
- a | | factua | information in this report was gathered from pubiic
- sources , including but not limited to company websites and company press
- reieases . the pubiisher discloses the receipt of fifteen thousand
- dollars from a third party , not an officer , director , or affiiiate
- sharehoider ofthe company for the preparation of this online report . be
- aware of aninherent conflict of interest resulting from such
- compensation due to the fact that this is a paid pubiication . the
- pubiisher of this report beiieves this information to be reiiable but
- can make no assurance as to its accuracy or compieteness . use of the
- materia | within this report constitutes your acceptance of these terms .
- if you wish to stop future maiiings , or if you fee | you have been
- wrongfu | | y piaced in our membership , piease go here or send a biank
- e mail with no thanks in the subject to stock 55 @ yahoo . com