2430.2004-10-08.GP.spam.txt 378 B

  1. Subject: don ' t be fooled abazis
  2. abazis
  3. the lowest price of all med ' s is here .
  4. * vicodin ( $ 45 only )
  5. * via - gra ( $ 57 only )
  6. * vaiium ( $ 49 only )
  7. * hydrocodone ( $ 49 only )
  8. * phen - termine ( $ 88 only )
  9. we are the be - st available nowadays .
  10. http : / / www . local 247 . biz
  11. this is 1 - time mai - | ing . no re moval are re quired
  12. wnjtcuzzbhavzqoug 7720 xnwcwsqxf