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- Subject: cleburne issues
- daren , with megan gone i just wanted to touch base with you on the status of the enron payments owed to the cleburne plant . the current issues are as follows :
- november gas sales $ 600 , 377 . 50
- october payment to ena for txu pipeline charges $ 108 , 405 . 00
- cleburne receivable from enron $ 708 , 782 . 50
- less : november gas agency fees ( $ 54 , 000 . 00 )
- net cleburne receivable from enron $ 654 , 782 . 50
- per my discussions with megan , she stated that about $ 500 k of the $ 600 k nov gas sales was intercompany ( desk to desk ) sales , with the remainder from txu . are we able to settle any intercompany deals now ? are we able to settle with txu ?
- additionally , you ' ll see that i included the oct txu payment in the receivable owed to cleburne also . this is because i always pay megan based upon the pipeline estimates in michael ' s file , even though they are not finalized until the next month . therefore in my november payment to enron , i paid ena for october ' s estimate , of which megan would have paid the final bill on 12 / 26 / 01 when it was finalized . however , i had to pay the october bill directly last month , even though i had already sent the funds to ena in november . therefore , i essentially paid this bill twice ( once to ena in nov & once to txu in dec ) . i deducted the november agency fees from these receivable totals to show the net amount owed to cleburne .
- please advise as to the status of these bills . you can reach me at 713 - 853 - 7280 . thanks .
- james