5069.2001-11-14.farmer.ham.txt 5.9 KB

  1. Subject: gisb ir meeting notes
  2. gisb ir meeting - 11 - 13 & 14 , 2001
  3. summary :
  4. finalized the transactional information ( ft , it , and capacity release ) . this information will be access via the upload of a request for download of posted datasets . majority of the two days was spent developing the data dictionary for the new producer imbalance statement . the producer imbalance statement is not a mandatory dataset . exxon was the only producer present .
  5. detailed notes :
  6. informational reporting
  7. where should the reporting be located in the gisb books for the it & ft reporting ?
  8. ? in cap release books
  9. ? general book
  10. ? it & ft into noms and cap release into cap release
  11. ? create a new book called reports
  12. ? if we create a new book , we will have to do an executive summary .
  13. should reside in capacity release book since the upload request for a download of posted dataset is the request document .
  14. update the upload of a request for download of posted datasets to include code values and technical implementation to support the request for transaction information it , ft , and capacity release datasets .
  15. ? add " ? withdrawals , or and transactional reports " to technical implementation .
  16. ? add code value , " transaction information firm "
  17. ? add code value , " transaction information interruptible "
  18. ? add code value , " transaction information - capacity release "
  19. update the response to upload of a request for download of posted datasets to include code values to support the request for transaction information it , ft , and capacity release datasets .
  20. ? add code value , " transaction information firm "
  21. ? add code value , " transaction information interruptible "
  22. ? add code value , " transaction information - capacity release "
  23. executive summary for capacity release , under the capacity release process / datasets / edi transaction section modified with the below :
  24. ? add the it & ft reporting datasets under the mandatory datasets in alphabetical order
  25. ? page 4 of executive summary - add new section describing the dataset .
  26. title : transactional information - transactional information consisting of reports from a tsp provider detailing information for new or amended transportation service or capacity release transaction . these reports are requested through the use of a upload of a request for download of posted datasets and response to upload of a request for download of posted datasets .
  27. ? business process and practices , under overview
  28. o first paragraph " capacity release reports consists of the following datasets : ? . the transactional information - interruptible , the transactional information - firm , and transactional information - capacity release
  29. voting :
  30. ? put together a rec form and data dictionaries and bring back next meeting and vote .
  31. producer imbalance statement exxonmobil work paper - in progress
  32. ? not a mandatory document
  33. ? one account per point .
  34. ? modify contact person data to preparer contact person data
  35. ? cumulative imbalance changed to ending imbalance quantity
  36. ? current month entitlement - quantity of gas each interest owner is entitled to take of the total production deliveries
  37. ? current month imbalance changed to current month quantity
  38. ? interest owner data - the entity with ownership interest in the gas .
  39. ? interest owner - hold for resolution r 97058 b for the condition
  40. ? interest owner name - hold for resolution of r 97058 b .
  41. ? interest owner proprietary code - hold for resolution of r 97058 b .
  42. ? prior period adjustment - changed usage from condition to mandatory . condition = default is zero . ( in order words if a prior period is not present , send a zero . )
  43. ? production delivery - quantity of gas delivered to a location for a interest owner based on location operator ' s allocation statement .
  44. ? interest owner decimal changed interest owner percentage - percentage of gas owned by the interest owner . usage - mandatory .
  45. ? add - transportation service provider data group - at detail level .
  46. ? add - transportation service provider data element = a code value that uniquely identifies the tsp . mandatory .
  47. ? add - transportation service provide name . mandatory .
  48. ? grand total all tsp ' s = the total of all production deliveries made to all tsps from a given location . mandatory .
  49. ? total tsp = the total of all production deliveries made to a specified tsp from a given location . detail . mandatory .
  50. ? ending imbalance qty = cumulative imbalance for an interest owner delivered to a tsp . # 20
  51. ? current month entitlement - a quantity of gas each interest owner is entitled to take of the grand total - all tsp for a given tsp . # 16
  52. ? interest owner percentage - percentage of the gas owned by the interest owner dedicated to specified tsp .
  53. ? add discussion to the tibp the definition of ppi . ppi is related to interest owner percentage . ppi is the portion of the production interest dedicated to a tsp .
  54. ? field - # 6 we don ' t currently support this location information in any other gisb documents . it is derivable from the location .
  55. ? county - # 6 we don ' t currently support this location information in any other
  56. ? gisb documents . it is derivable from the location .
  57. ? state - # 6 we don ' t currently support this location information in any other gisb documents . it is derivable from the location .
  58. ? move location data to header level .
  59. ? location operator - party recognized as the operator of record for the location .
  60. ? location operator - proprietary code - hold for r 97058 b
  61. ? move statement basis data to header . if one line time is adjusted or estimated , it impacts the whole allocation .
  62. ? statement recipient id * - hold for r 97058
  63. ? cumulative ending imbalance qty ( new ) - # 26 cumulative imbalance qty for the current period for an interest owner delivered to all tsps . mandatory . detail .
  64. ? cumulative imbalance qty ( new ) # 24 cumulative imbalance qty for the current period for an interest owner . mandatory . detail .
  65. tammy lee - jaquet
  66. 713 - 853 - 5375
  67. tammy . jaquet @ enron . com