4941.2001-09-27.farmer.ham.txt 1.2 KB

  1. Subject: an inbound message for you has been quarantined
  2. you have received this message because someone has attempted to send you an e - mail from outside of enron with an attachment type that enron does not allow into our messaging environment . your e - mail has been quarantined and is being held at the mailsweeper server .
  3. sender : colio @ houston . rr . com
  4. date : thu , 27 sep 2001 16 : 07 : 26 - 0500
  5. subject : logitech video e - mail
  6. attachment type : scenarios / incoming / inbound exe catcher : a filename matching the file mask was detected : ' vmailvid . exe ' .
  7. if the intended email is of valid business - related content and you believe it requires enron resources to retrieve it , you may call your help desk and ask to have it released from quarantine and delivered to your e - mail inbox . your message will be scanned and checked for viruses prior to requested release . if it contains a virus or there is reason to suspect it is malicious code , it will not be delivered .
  8. north american resolution center : 713 853 1411
  9. european resolution center : 0044 207 78 36777
  10. ees help desk : 888 853 9797
  11. ets solution center : 713 345 4745 ( houston ) or 402 398 7454 ( omaha )
  12. please do not reply to this address as it is not a monitored system mailbox .