4506.2001-05-08.farmer.ham.txt 794 B

  1. Subject: eastrans nomination change effective 5 / 9 / 01
  2. please increase deliveries into eastrans from hpl to 20 , 000 mmbtu / dy
  3. effective 5 / 9 / 01 .
  4. the redeliveries will be 17 , 000 mmbtu / dy from fuels cotton valley and 3 , 000
  5. mmbtu / dy into pg & e at carthage tailgate .
  6. also note : on 5 / 9 / 01 , actual deliveries from fuels cotton valley into hpl
  7. will be larger than the nomination of 17 , 000 mmbtu / dy . this is occuring
  8. because the other outlet from fuels cotton valley is down for maintenance .
  9. on 5 / 10 / 01 , actual deliveries will be less than the nomination of 17 , 000
  10. mmbtu / dy in order to balance the nomination versus deliveries from 5 / 9 / 01 .
  11. no over - delivery or under - delivery charges per the transaction agreement
  12. will apply during this two - day period .