4164.2001-04-03.farmer.ham.txt 1.4 KB

  1. Subject: lacy ' s eye exam
  2. hi bubba !
  3. lacy got her eye exam yesterday . he said that she is very near sighted , but
  4. the diabetes has not affected her eyes at all . that was a relief . she ' s been
  5. having headaches , so i was concerned . they probably have been from her blood
  6. sugars being out of control . she is doing so much better now . i have
  7. stopped waking her up to check it in the night & the levels are so much
  8. better . she ' s acting a lot more like her old self now . a lot nicer to me . i
  9. guess her sugars out of control & all the stress of tiger dolls was what was
  10. wrong with her . she doesn ' t say the cruel things to me that she used to . i
  11. knew something had to be wrong with her . i thought surely i had not raised a
  12. child with such a mean spirit . anyway things are a lot better .
  13. tell cole that mimi hopes his eye appointment goes as well as lacy ' s . let
  14. him call to tell me about it . i hope he gets his teary eye " fixed " .
  15. lacy ' s eye doctor talked more about her teeth almost than he did her eyes .
  16. he couldn ' t believe her teeth are so perfect without braces . and she is so
  17. tanned , you can see her a mile away with those white teeth shining when she
  18. smiles . she has a dentist appointment for cleaning at the first part of next
  19. week . we ' ll talk later about when we are coming to your house . i ' m going to
  20. longview to a singles retreat sat . in case you call & i ' m not there . will be
  21. home sat . night . love ya , maw