3617.2001-02-21.farmer.ham.txt 1.1 KB

  1. Subject: re : meter 5892
  2. i spoke with karen lindley about volume not being allocated . she said that
  3. she passed it on to fred boas .
  4. daren j farmer
  5. 02 / 21 / 2001 04 : 46 pm
  6. to : charlene richmond / hou / ect @ ect
  7. cc : fred boas / hou / ees @ ees , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect , karen
  8. lindley / corp / enron @ enron
  9. subject : re : meter 5892
  10. i have done deals with john at this point . why are we not being allocated
  11. any volume ?
  12. d
  13. charlene richmond
  14. 02 / 21 / 2001 02 : 59 pm
  15. to : fred boas / hou / ees @ ees , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , melissa
  16. graves / hou / ect @ ect
  17. cc : karen lindley / corp / enron @ enron
  18. subject : meter 5892
  19. i am getting several phone calls from alpine resources demanding to be paid
  20. for meter 5892 and there is nothing there to be paid .
  21. the person name doing the requesting is john childers and he said that he
  22. spoke to daren farmer . he is looking for 859 mmbtu ' s for december , 2000 and
  23. 3 , 251 mmbtu ' s for january 2001 . this is on the katy gas unit . if anyone
  24. would like to talk to john his phone number is 281 - 646 - 0232
  25. charlene
  26. x 31539