3305.2001-01-10.farmer.ham.txt 766 B

  1. Subject: bob ,
  2. i want to thank you for your response time in getting cody a draft of the
  3. amendment for them to look at this morning . cody will be out of their
  4. current obligation for this gas on february 11 th , i will firm this date up
  5. here
  6. in the next couple of days . cody has requested that we strike the gas daily
  7. price for gas brought on any day other than the lst day of the month . this
  8. language is mentioned in article 2 . contract price . 2 . 1 price . i have called
  9. darren farmer on the texas desk and explained my situation to him . he
  10. passed on to me that this is not a problem since i will know the date and
  11. volume this package will start flowing to hplc . please e - mail a copy after
  12. these changes for approval to be sent overnight to cody . thanks !