3160.2000-12-21.farmer.ham.txt 651 B

  1. Subject: work assignments
  2. mike
  3. i see that you have alot of the things that are on the error report , some of
  4. which i am not sure that i have assigned to you . if anyone tells you that
  5. you are now doing something off of their desk , please refer them to me at
  6. this time . i don ' t want anyone to dump any the " crap " , or less savory work
  7. off of t heir desks onto you ( we all have things we would prefer not to have
  8. to do which still must be done , it just comes with the territory ) . also , let
  9. me know if you feel comfortable with any additional shipper accounts . i
  10. would like to see you crosstrain with sabrae after the holidays .
  11. thanks ,
  12. mary