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- Subject: transport on koch , beginning wednesday
- christina ,
- the indian springs plant delivery into hpl will be taken out of service for
- repiping work effective wednesday morning the 15 th . ena will be moving
- texas desk purchases via koch gateway from teco polk co . plant ( 12780 ) to
- midcon needville ( 6350 ) . i have confirmed available capacity with koch and
- made sure that the it agreement is evergreen and will work for these
- purposes .
- please let me know what i can do to ensure that the nomination process works
- as smoothly as possible . i will work with daren and liz to make sure that
- the purchase and sales tickets are moved to koch . please let me know who is
- responsible for the transport usage ticket on koch , if necessary , i will put
- the ticket in this afternoon . we will be responsible for a $ . 02 commodity
- fee , aca of $ . 0022 and 1 . 6 % fuel ( monetizes to $ . 09 approximately ) to move
- these volumes .
- ena will be receiving 84 , 987 dth at the plant and delivering 83 , 627 into
- midcon texas . we also have the option to deliver by displacement into midcon
- at goodrich or edna , or displace deliveries to koch bayside .
- please let me know if you have any questions or need anything further from
- me .
- mary
- ext . 35251