1644.2000-07-14.farmer.ham.txt 1.3 KB

  1. Subject: new storage flag
  2. we are going to add a new drop down flag to storage in sitara to
  3. differentiate the difference between physical and synthetic storage - as each
  4. are
  5. treated differently for inventory accounting purposes . a change will also
  6. be made to global contracts and unify , and is intended to assist with oa
  7. variances
  8. on storage .
  9. on the next release ( mid august ) we will add a drop down on the storage deal
  10. type which will be a required field .
  11. someone will need to edit the existing deals to add the flag - as it will be
  12. a required field - physical facility or synthetic .
  13. ( we can create queries to work with you on identifying deals that need to be
  14. converted - as well as results for global conversion )
  15. global contracts uses the flags from sitara to set up new contracts - so
  16. sitara will add the flag on the deal .
  17. the flag will be stored in global contracts - which will feed the flag to
  18. unify .
  19. once the existing deals are converted in sitara , global contracts can add the
  20. appropriate flag to their system .
  21. once this is complete and unify is ready , unify can begin to feed in the
  22. information from global contracts , and we will then
  23. be able to differentiate the two in the accounting system .
  24. in the interim time , you may want to identify your synthetic vs . physical
  25. storage deals .
  26. let me know if you have any questions .