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- Subject: meter 1428 - brandywine / dupont and beamont methanol
- my contact at beaumont methanol asked me to tell everybody in our shop the
- following : to clarify whom to contact about the nomination and scheduling
- for beaumont methanol at meter # 1428 .
- first some background : we feed beaumont methanol through a meter station
- that we own and control , but which also feeds brandywine / dupont . in fact ,
- the gas goes through a dupont pipeline header downstream of our meter station
- before it gets to beamont methanol . sometimes we are doing business with
- both beaumont methanol and brandywine / dupont . . . . . but sometime we only do
- business with one of them .
- whom to call for any nominations and scheduling issues for beaumont methanol :
- bob dorcheus - brandywine / dupont - 281 - 293 - 1789
- chyral hankins - beaumont methanol ( terra ) - 712 - 233 - 6558
- please do not call the beaumont methanol control room at the plant with
- regard to scheduling and nomination issues . they are out of the loop on
- these issues . if we call the beaumont methanol control room at the plant
- with regard to scheduling and nominations issues , it will cause confusion of
- the type we had yesterday and today .
- obviously , it is of course ok for hpl gas control to call the beaumont
- methanol plant control room on any emergency operational issues .
- thanks . . . and have a great weekend .
- lee