0203.2000-01-16.farmer.ham.txt 959 B

  1. Subject: re : document
  2. samantha ,
  3. please schedule an interview with this candidate , mark mccoy 713 - 369 - 9281
  4. for monday january 24 th .
  5. i would like him to interview with daren farmer , gary hanks , and yourself . i
  6. have already met with him outside
  7. of the office . he will also need some sort of briefing on benefits if that
  8. is possible . please let me know if this
  9. is ok . also keep in mind that he is currently employed and has limited
  10. flexibility . i believe that the date , january
  11. 24 th is a good day for him . i will be out of the office on jury duty but i
  12. don ' t think that will be a problem . thanks ,
  13. pat clynes 35578
  14. resume is attached .
  15. mmccoy 3617 @ aol . com on 01 / 16 / 2000 07 : 29 : 52 pm
  16. to : pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron
  17. cc :
  18. subject : document
  19. mr . clynes :
  20. here is the document you requested . let me know if you have any questions or
  21. require any additional information .
  22. sincerely ,
  23. mark mccoy
  24. 713 / 369 - 9281
  25. - mresume . doc