123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541 |
- import os
- import sqlite3
- import time
- import types
- from . import common
- from . import exceptions
- from . import pushshift
- from voussoirkit import pathclass
- from voussoirkit import sqlhelpers
- from voussoirkit import vlogging
- log = vlogging.get_logger(__name__)
- # For backwards compatibility reasons, this list of format strings will help
- # timesearch find databases that are using the old filename style.
- # The final element will be used if none of the previous ones were found.
- '.\\{name}.db',
- '.\\subreddits\\{name}\\{name}.db',
- '.\\{name}\\{name}.db',
- '.\\databases\\{name}.db',
- '.\\subreddits\\{name}\\{name}.db',
- ]
- '.\\@{name}.db',
- '.\\users\\@{name}\\@{name}.db',
- '.\\@{name}\\@{name}.db',
- '.\\databases\\@{name}.db',
- '.\\users\\@{name}\\@{name}.db',
- ]
- PRAGMA user_version = {DATABASE_VERSION};
- '''
- DB_PRAGMAS = f'''
- '''
- DB_INIT = f'''
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- key TEXT,
- value TEXT
- );
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- idint INT,
- idstr TEXT,
- created INT,
- self INT,
- nsfw INT,
- author TEXT,
- title TEXT,
- url TEXT,
- selftext TEXT,
- score INT,
- subreddit TEXT,
- distinguish INT,
- textlen INT,
- num_comments INT,
- flair_text TEXT,
- flair_css_class TEXT,
- augmented_at INT,
- augmented_count INT
- );
- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS submission_index ON submissions(idstr);
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- idint INT,
- idstr TEXT,
- created INT,
- author TEXT,
- parent TEXT,
- submission TEXT,
- body TEXT,
- score INT,
- subreddit TEXT,
- distinguish TEXT,
- textlen INT
- );
- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS comment_index ON comments(idstr);
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS submission_edits(
- idstr TEXT,
- previous_selftext TEXT,
- replaced_at INT
- );
- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS submission_edits_index ON submission_edits(idstr);
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- idstr TEXT,
- previous_body TEXT,
- replaced_at INT
- );
- CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS comment_edits_index ON comment_edits(idstr);
- '''
- 'store_edits': True,
- }
- 'idint',
- 'idstr',
- 'created',
- 'self',
- 'nsfw',
- 'author',
- 'title',
- 'url',
- 'selftext',
- 'score',
- 'subreddit',
- 'distinguish',
- 'textlen',
- 'num_comments',
- 'flair_text',
- 'flair_css_class',
- 'augmented_at',
- 'augmented_count',
- ]
- 'idint',
- 'idstr',
- 'created',
- 'author',
- 'parent',
- 'submission',
- 'body',
- 'score',
- 'subreddit',
- 'distinguish',
- 'textlen',
- ]
- 'idstr',
- 'text',
- 'replaced_at',
- ]
- SQL_SUBMISSION = {key:index for (index, key) in enumerate(SQL_SUBMISSION_COLUMNS)}
- SQL_COMMENT = {key:index for (index, key) in enumerate(SQL_COMMENT_COLUMNS)}
- SUBMISSION_TYPES = (common.praw.models.Submission, pushshift.DummySubmission)
- COMMENT_TYPES = (common.praw.models.Comment, pushshift.DummyComment)
- class DBEntry:
- '''
- This class converts a tuple row from the database into an object so that
- you can access the attributes with dot notation.
- '''
- def __init__(self, dbrow):
- if dbrow[1].startswith('t3_'):
- self.object_type = 'submission'
- else:
- self.object_type = 'comment'
- self.id = None
- self.idstr = None
- for (index, attribute) in enumerate(columns):
- setattr(self, attribute, dbrow[index])
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'DBEntry(\'%s\')' % self.id
- class TSDB:
- def __init__(self, filepath, *, do_create=True, skip_version_check=False):
- self.filepath = pathclass.Path(filepath)
- if not self.filepath.is_file:
- if not do_create:
- raise exceptions.DatabaseNotFound(self.filepath)
- print('New database', self.filepath.relative_path)
- self.filepath.parent.makedirs(exist_ok=True)
- self.breakdown_dir = self.filepath.parent.with_child('breakdown')
- self.offline_reading_dir = self.filepath.parent.with_child('offline_reading')
- self.index_dir = self.filepath.parent.with_child('index')
- self.styles_dir = self.filepath.parent.with_child('styles')
- self.wiki_dir = self.filepath.parent.with_child('wiki')
- existing_database = self.filepath.exists
- self.sql = sqlite3.connect(self.filepath.absolute_path)
- self.cur = self.sql.cursor()
- if existing_database:
- if not skip_version_check:
- self._check_version()
- self._load_pragmas()
- else:
- self._first_time_setup()
- self.config = {}
- for (key, default_value) in DEFAULT_CONFIG.items():
- self.cur.execute('SELECT value FROM config WHERE key == ?', [key])
- existing_value = self.cur.fetchone()
- if existing_value is None:
- self.cur.execute('INSERT INTO config VALUES(?, ?)', [key, default_value])
- self.config[key] = default_value
- else:
- existing_value = existing_value[0]
- if isinstance(default_value, int):
- existing_value = int(existing_value)
- self.config[key] = existing_value
- def _check_version(self):
- '''
- Compare database's user_version against DATABASE_VERSION,
- raising exceptions.DatabaseOutOfDate if not correct.
- '''
- existing = self.cur.execute('PRAGMA user_version').fetchone()[0]
- if existing != DATABASE_VERSION:
- raise exceptions.DatabaseOutOfDate(
- current=existing,
- filepath=self.filepath,
- )
- def _first_time_setup(self):
- self.sql.executescript(DB_INIT)
- self.sql.commit()
- def _load_pragmas(self):
- self.sql.executescript(DB_PRAGMAS)
- self.sql.commit()
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'TSDB(%s)' % self.filepath
- @staticmethod
- def _pick_filepath(formats, name):
- '''
- Starting with the most specific and preferred filename format, check
- if there is an existing database that matches the name we're looking
- for, and return that path. If none of them exist, then use the most
- preferred filepath.
- '''
- for form in formats:
- path = form.format(name=name)
- if os.path.isfile(path):
- break
- return pathclass.Path(path)
- @classmethod
- def _for_object_helper(cls, name, path_formats, do_create=True, fix_name=False):
- if name != os.path.basename(name):
- filepath = pathclass.Path(name)
- else:
- filepath = cls._pick_filepath(formats=path_formats, name=name)
- database = cls(filepath=filepath, do_create=do_create)
- if fix_name:
- return (database, name_from_path(name))
- return database
- @classmethod
- def for_submission(cls, submission_id, fix_name=False, *args, **kwargs):
- subreddit = common.subreddit_for_submission(submission_id)
- database = cls.for_subreddit(subreddit, *args, **kwargs)
- if fix_name:
- return (database, subreddit.display_name)
- return database
- @classmethod
- def for_subreddit(cls, name, do_create=True, fix_name=False):
- if isinstance(name, common.praw.models.Subreddit):
- name = name.display_name
- elif not isinstance(name, str):
- raise TypeError(name, 'should be str or Subreddit.')
- return cls._for_object_helper(
- name,
- do_create=do_create,
- fix_name=fix_name,
- path_formats=DB_FORMATS_SUBREDDIT,
- )
- @classmethod
- def for_user(cls, name, do_create=True, fix_name=False):
- if isinstance(name, common.praw.models.Redditor):
- name = name.name
- elif not isinstance(name, str):
- raise TypeError(name, 'should be str or Redditor.')
- return cls._for_object_helper(
- name,
- do_create=do_create,
- fix_name=fix_name,
- path_formats=DB_FORMATS_USER,
- )
- def check_for_edits(self, obj, existing_entry):
- '''
- If the item's current text doesn't match the stored text, decide what
- to do.
- Firstly, make sure to ignore deleted comments.
- Then, if the database is configured to store edited text, do so.
- Finally, return the body that we want to store in the main table.
- '''
- if isinstance(obj, SUBMISSION_TYPES):
- existing_body = existing_entry[SQL_SUBMISSION['selftext']]
- body = obj.selftext
- else:
- existing_body = existing_entry[SQL_COMMENT['body']]
- body = obj.body
- if body != existing_body:
- if should_keep_existing_text(obj):
- body = existing_body
- elif self.config['store_edits']:
- self.insert_edited(obj, old_text=existing_body)
- return body
- def insert(self, objects, commit=True):
- if not isinstance(objects, (list, tuple, types.GeneratorType)):
- objects = [objects]
- log.debug('Trying to insert %d objects.', len(objects))
- new_values = {
- 'tsdb': self,
- 'new_submissions': 0,
- 'new_comments': 0,
- }
- methods = {
- common.praw.models.Submission: (self.insert_submission, 'new_submissions'),
- common.praw.models.Comment: (self.insert_comment, 'new_comments'),
- }
- methods[pushshift.DummySubmission] = methods[common.praw.models.Submission]
- methods[pushshift.DummyComment] = methods[common.praw.models.Comment]
- for obj in objects:
- (method, key) = methods.get(type(obj), (None, None))
- if method is None:
- raise TypeError('Unsupported', type(obj), obj)
- status = method(obj)
- new_values[key] += status
- if commit:
- log.debug('Committing insert.')
- self.sql.commit()
- log.debug('Done inserting.')
- return new_values
- def insert_edited(self, obj, old_text):
- '''
- Having already detected that the item has been edited, add a record to
- the appropriate *_edits table containing the text that is being
- replaced.
- '''
- if isinstance(obj, SUBMISSION_TYPES):
- table = 'submission_edits'
- key = 'previous_selftext'
- else:
- table = 'comment_edits'
- key = 'previous_body'
- if obj.edited is False:
- replaced_at = int(time.time())
- else:
- replaced_at = int(obj.edited)
- postdata = {
- 'idstr': obj.fullname,
- key: old_text,
- 'replaced_at': replaced_at,
- }
- cur = self.sql.cursor()
- (qmarks, bindings) = sqlhelpers.insert_filler(postdata)
- query = f'INSERT INTO {table} {qmarks}'
- cur.execute(query, bindings)
- def insert_submission(self, submission):
- cur = self.sql.cursor()
- cur.execute('SELECT * FROM submissions WHERE idstr == ?', [submission.fullname])
- existing_entry = cur.fetchone()
- if submission.author is None:
- author = '[DELETED]'
- else:
- author = submission.author.name
- if not existing_entry:
- if submission.is_self:
- # Selfpost's URL leads back to itself, so just ignore it.
- url = None
- elif hasattr(submission, 'crosspost_parent') and getattr(submission, 'crosspost_parent_list'):
- url = submission.crosspost_parent_list[0]['permalink']
- else:
- url = getattr(submission, 'url', None)
- if url and url.startswith('/r/'):
- url = 'https://reddit.com' + url
- postdata = {
- 'idint': common.b36(submission.id),
- 'idstr': submission.fullname,
- 'created': submission.created_utc,
- 'self': submission.is_self,
- 'nsfw': submission.over_18,
- 'author': author,
- 'title': submission.title,
- 'url': url,
- 'selftext': submission.selftext,
- 'score': submission.score,
- 'subreddit': submission.subreddit.display_name,
- 'distinguish': submission.distinguished,
- 'textlen': len(submission.selftext),
- 'num_comments': submission.num_comments,
- 'flair_text': submission.link_flair_text,
- 'flair_css_class': submission.link_flair_css_class,
- 'augmented_at': None,
- 'augmented_count': None,
- }
- (qmarks, bindings) = sqlhelpers.insert_filler(postdata)
- query = f'INSERT INTO submissions {qmarks}'
- cur.execute(query, bindings)
- else:
- selftext = self.check_for_edits(submission, existing_entry=existing_entry)
- query = '''
- UPDATE submissions SET
- nsfw = coalesce(?, nsfw),
- score = coalesce(?, score),
- selftext = coalesce(?, selftext),
- distinguish = coalesce(?, distinguish),
- num_comments = coalesce(?, num_comments),
- flair_text = coalesce(?, flair_text),
- flair_css_class = coalesce(?, flair_css_class)
- WHERE idstr == ?
- '''
- bindings = [
- submission.over_18,
- submission.score,
- selftext,
- submission.distinguished,
- submission.num_comments,
- submission.link_flair_text,
- submission.link_flair_css_class,
- submission.fullname
- ]
- cur.execute(query, bindings)
- return existing_entry is None
- def insert_comment(self, comment):
- cur = self.sql.cursor()
- cur.execute('SELECT * FROM comments WHERE idstr == ?', [comment.fullname])
- existing_entry = cur.fetchone()
- if comment.author is None:
- author = '[DELETED]'
- else:
- author = comment.author.name
- if not existing_entry:
- postdata = {
- 'idint': common.b36(comment.id),
- 'idstr': comment.fullname,
- 'created': comment.created_utc,
- 'author': author,
- 'parent': comment.parent_id,
- 'submission': comment.link_id,
- 'body': comment.body,
- 'score': comment.score,
- 'subreddit': comment.subreddit.display_name,
- 'distinguish': comment.distinguished,
- 'textlen': len(comment.body),
- }
- (qmarks, bindings) = sqlhelpers.insert_filler(postdata)
- query = f'INSERT INTO comments {qmarks}'
- cur.execute(query, bindings)
- else:
- body = self.check_for_edits(comment, existing_entry=existing_entry)
- query = '''
- UPDATE comments SET
- score = coalesce(?, score),
- body = coalesce(?, body),
- distinguish = coalesce(?, distinguish)
- WHERE idstr == ?
- '''
- bindings = [
- comment.score,
- body,
- comment.distinguished,
- comment.fullname
- ]
- cur.execute(query, bindings)
- return existing_entry is None
- def name_from_path(filepath):
- '''
- In order to support usage like
- > timesearch livestream -r D:\\some\\other\\filepath\\learnpython.db
- this function extracts the subreddit name / username based on the given
- path, so that we can pass it into `r.subreddit` / `r.redditor` properly.
- '''
- if isinstance(filepath, pathclass.Path):
- filepath = filepath.basename
- else:
- filepath = os.path.basename(filepath)
- name = os.path.splitext(filepath)[0]
- name = name.strip('@')
- return name
- def should_keep_existing_text(obj):
- '''
- Under certain conditions we do not want to update the entry in the db
- with the most recent copy of the text. For example, if the post has
- been deleted and the text now shows '[deleted]' we would prefer to
- keep whatever we already have.
- This function puts away the work I would otherwise have to duplicate
- for both submissions and comments.
- '''
- body = obj.selftext if isinstance(obj, SUBMISSION_TYPES) else obj.body
- if obj.author is None and body in ['[removed]', '[deleted]']:
- return True
- greasy = ['has been overwritten', 'pastebin.com/64GuVi2F']
- if any(grease in body for grease in greasy):
- return True
- return False