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- import os
- import requests
- from . import common
- from . import tsdb
- session = requests.Session()
- def get_styles(subreddit):
- (database, subreddit) = tsdb.TSDB.for_subreddit(subreddit, fix_name=True)
- print('Getting styles for /r/%s' % subreddit)
- subreddit = common.r.subreddit(subreddit)
- styles = subreddit.stylesheet()
- database.styles_dir.makedirs(exist_ok=True)
- stylesheet_filepath = database.styles_dir.with_child('stylesheet.css')
- print('Downloading %s' % stylesheet_filepath.relative_path)
- with stylesheet_filepath.open('w', encoding='utf-8') as stylesheet:
- stylesheet.write(styles.stylesheet)
- for image in styles.images:
- image_basename = image['name'] + '.' + image['url'].split('.')[-1]
- image_filepath = database.styles_dir.with_child(image_basename)
- print('Downloading %s' % image_filepath.relative_path)
- with image_filepath.open('wb') as image_file:
- response = session.get(image['url'])
- image_file.write(response.content)
- def get_styles_argparse(args):
- return get_styles(args.subreddit)