1.1 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. import os, sys
  3. # -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
  4. project = 'crocoite'
  5. copyright = '2019 crocoite contributors'
  6. author = 'crocoite contributors'
  7. # -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
  8. sys.path.append(os.path.abspath("./_ext"))
  9. extensions = [
  10. 'sphinx.ext.viewcode',
  11. 'sphinx.ext.autodoc',
  12. 'clicklist',
  13. ]
  14. # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
  15. templates_path = ['_templates']
  16. source_suffix = '.rst'
  17. master_doc = 'index'
  18. language = 'en'
  19. exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
  20. pygments_style = 'tango'
  21. # -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------
  22. html_theme = 'alabaster'
  23. html_theme_options = {
  24. "description": "Preservation for the modern web",
  25. "github_user": "PromyLOPh",
  26. "github_repo": "crocoite",
  27. "travis_button": True,
  28. "github_button": True,
  29. "codecov_button": True,
  30. "fixed_sidebar": True,
  31. }
  32. #html_static_path = ['_static']
  33. html_sidebars = {
  34. '**': ['about.html', 'navigation.html', 'searchbox.html'],
  35. }