123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671 |
- # Copyright (c) 2017–2018 crocoite contributors
- #
- # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- #
- # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- # all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- #
- """
- IRC bot “chromebot”
- """
- import asyncio, argparse, json, tempfile, time, random, os, shlex
- from datetime import datetime
- from urllib.parse import urlsplit
- from enum import IntEnum, unique
- from collections import defaultdict
- from abc import abstractmethod
- from functools import wraps
- import bottom
- import websockets
- from .util import StrJsonEncoder
- from .cli import cookie
- ### helper functions ###
- def prettyTimeDelta (seconds):
- """
- Pretty-print seconds to human readable string 1d 1h 1m 1s
- """
- seconds = int(seconds)
- days, seconds = divmod(seconds, 86400)
- hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, 3600)
- minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
- s = [(days, 'd'), (hours, 'h'), (minutes, 'm'), (seconds, 's')]
- s = filter (lambda x: x[0] != 0, s)
- return ' '.join (map (lambda x: '{}{}'.format (*x), s))
- def prettyBytes (b):
- """
- Pretty-print bytes
- """
- prefixes = ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB']
- while b >= 1024 and len (prefixes) > 1:
- b /= 1024
- prefixes.pop (0)
- return f'{b:.1f} {prefixes[0]}'
- def isValidUrl (s):
- url = urlsplit (s)
- if url.scheme and url.netloc and url.scheme in {'http', 'https'}:
- return s
- raise TypeError ()
- class NonExitingArgumentParser (argparse.ArgumentParser):
- """ Argument parser that does not call exit(), suitable for interactive use """
- def exit (self, status=0, message=None):
- # should never be called
- pass
- def error (self, message):
- # if we use subparsers it’s important to return self, so we can show
- # the correct help
- raise Exception (self, message)
- def format_usage (self):
- return super().format_usage ().replace ('\n', ' ')
- class Status(IntEnum):
- """ Job status """
- undefined = 0
- pending = 1
- running = 2
- aborted = 3
- finished = 4
- # see https://arxiv.org/html/0901.4016 on how to build proquints (human
- # pronouncable unique ids)
- toConsonant = 'bdfghjklmnprstvz'
- toVowel = 'aiou'
- def u16ToQuint (v):
- """ Transform a 16 bit unsigned integer into a single quint """
- assert 0 <= v < 2**16
- # quints are “big-endian”
- return ''.join ([
- toConsonant[(v>>(4+2+4+2))&0xf],
- toVowel[(v>>(4+2+4))&0x3],
- toConsonant[(v>>(4+2))&0xf],
- toVowel[(v>>4)&0x3],
- toConsonant[(v>>0)&0xf],
- ])
- def uintToQuint (v, length=2):
- """ Turn any integer into a proquint with fixed length """
- assert 0 <= v < 2**(length*16)
- return '-'.join (reversed ([u16ToQuint ((v>>(x*16))&0xffff) for x in range (length)]))
- def makeJobId ():
- """ Create job id from time and randomness source """
- # allocate 48 bits for the time (in milliseconds) and add 16 random bits
- # at the end (just to be sure) for a total of 64 bits. Should be enough to
- # avoid collisions.
- randbits = 16
- stamp = (int (time.time ()*1000) << randbits) | random.randint (0, 2**randbits-1)
- return uintToQuint (stamp, 4)
- class Job:
- """ Archival job """
- __slots__ = ('id', 'stats', 'rstats', 'started', 'finished', 'nick', 'status', 'process', 'url')
- def __init__ (self, url, nick):
- self.id = makeJobId ()
- self.stats = {}
- self.rstats = {}
- self.started = datetime.utcnow ()
- self.finished = None
- self.url = url
- # user who scheduled this job
- self.nick = nick
- self.status = Status.pending
- self.process = None
- def formatStatus (self):
- stats = self.stats
- rstats = self.rstats
- return (f"{self.url} ({self.id}) {self.status.name}. "
- f"{rstats.get ('have', 0)} pages finished, "
- f"{rstats.get ('pending', 0)} pending; "
- f"{stats.get ('crashed', 0)} crashed, "
- f"{stats.get ('requests', 0)} requests, "
- f"{stats.get ('failed', 0)} failed, "
- f"{prettyBytes (stats.get ('bytesRcv', 0))} received.")
- @unique
- class NickMode(IntEnum):
- # the actual numbers don’t matter, but their order must be strictly
- # increasing (with priviledge level)
- operator = 100
- voice = 10
- @classmethod
- def fromMode (cls, mode):
- return {'v': cls.voice, 'o': cls.operator}[mode]
- @classmethod
- def fromNickPrefix (cls, mode):
- return {'@': cls.operator, '+': cls.voice}[mode]
- @property
- def human (self):
- return {self.operator: 'operator', self.voice: 'voice'}[self]
- class User:
- """ IRC user """
- __slots__ = ('name', 'modes')
- def __init__ (self, name, modes=None):
- self.name = name
- self.modes = modes or set ()
- def __eq__ (self, b):
- return self.name == b.name
- def __hash__ (self):
- return hash (self.name)
- def __repr__ (self):
- return f'<User {self.name} {self.modes}>'
- def hasPriv (self, p):
- if p is None:
- return True
- else:
- return self.modes and max (self.modes) >= p
- @classmethod
- def fromName (cls, name):
- """ Get mode and name from NAMES command """
- try:
- modes = {NickMode.fromNickPrefix (name[0])}
- name = name[1:]
- except KeyError:
- modes = set ()
- return cls (name, modes)
- class ReplyContext:
- __slots__ = ('client', 'target', 'user')
- def __init__ (self, client, target, user):
- self.client = client
- self.target = target
- self.user = user
- def __call__ (self, message):
- self.client.send ('PRIVMSG', target=self.target,
- message=f'{self.user.name}: {message}')
- class RefCountEvent:
- """
- Ref-counted event that triggers if a) armed and b) refcount drops to zero.
- Must be used as a context manager.
- """
- __slots__ = ('count', 'event', 'armed')
- def __init__ (self):
- self.armed = False
- self.count = 0
- self.event = asyncio.Event ()
- def __enter__ (self):
- self.count += 1
- self.event.clear ()
- def __exit__ (self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
- self.count -= 1
- if self.armed and self.count == 0:
- self.event.set ()
- async def wait (self):
- await self.event.wait ()
- def arm (self):
- self.armed = True
- if self.count == 0:
- self.event.set ()
- class ArgparseBot (bottom.Client):
- """
- Simple IRC bot using argparse
- Tracks user’s modes, reconnects on disconnect
- """
- __slots__ = ('channels', 'nick', 'parser', 'users', '_quit')
- def __init__ (self, host, port, ssl, nick, logger, channels=None, loop=None):
- super().__init__ (host=host, port=port, ssl=ssl, loop=loop)
- self.channels = channels or []
- self.nick = nick
- # map channel -> nick -> user
- self.users = defaultdict (dict)
- self.logger = logger.bind (context=type (self).__name__)
- self.parser = self.getParser ()
- # bot does not accept new queries in shutdown mode, unless explicitly
- # permitted by the parser
- self._quit = RefCountEvent ()
- # register bottom event handler
- self.on('CLIENT_CONNECT', self.onConnect)
- self.on('PING', self.onKeepalive)
- self.on('PRIVMSG', self.onMessage)
- self.on('CLIENT_DISCONNECT', self.onDisconnect)
- self.on('RPL_NAMREPLY', self.onNameReply)
- self.on('CHANNELMODE', self.onMode)
- self.on('PART', self.onPart)
- self.on('JOIN', self.onJoin)
- # XXX: we would like to handle KICK, but bottom does not support that at the moment
- @abstractmethod
- def getParser (self):
- pass
- def cancel (self):
- self.logger.info ('cancel', uuid='1eb34aea-a854-4fec-90b2-7f8a3812a9cd')
- self._quit.arm ()
- async def run (self):
- await self.connect ()
- await self._quit.wait ()
- self.send ('QUIT', message='Bye.')
- await self.disconnect ()
- async def onConnect (self, **kwargs):
- self.logger.info ('connect', nick=self.nick, uuid='01f7b138-ea53-4609-88e9-61f3eca3e7e7')
- self.send('NICK', nick=self.nick)
- self.send('USER', user=self.nick, realname='https://github.com/PromyLOPh/crocoite')
- # Don't try to join channels until the server has
- # sent the MOTD, or signaled that there's no MOTD.
- done, pending = await asyncio.wait(
- [self.wait('RPL_ENDOFMOTD'), self.wait('ERR_NOMOTD')],
- loop=self.loop, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
- # Cancel whichever waiter's event didn't come in.
- for future in pending:
- future.cancel()
- for c in self.channels:
- self.logger.info ('join', channel=c, uuid='367063a5-9069-4025-907c-65ba88af8593')
- self.send ('JOIN', channel=c)
- # no need for NAMES here, server sends this automatically
- async def onNameReply (self, channel, users, **kwargs):
- # channels may be too big for a single message
- addusers = dict (map (lambda x: (x.name, x), map (User.fromName, users)))
- if channel not in self.users:
- self.users[channel] = addusers
- else:
- self.users[channel].update (addusers)
- @staticmethod
- def parseMode (mode):
- """ Parse mode strings like +a, -b, +a-b, -b+a, … """
- action = '+'
- ret = []
- for c in mode:
- if c in {'+', '-'}:
- action = c
- else:
- ret.append ((action, c))
- return ret
- async def onMode (self, channel, modes, params, **kwargs):
- if channel not in self.channels:
- return
- for (action, mode), nick in zip (self.parseMode (modes), params):
- try:
- m = NickMode.fromMode (mode)
- u = self.users[channel].get (nick, User (nick))
- if action == '+':
- u.modes.add (m)
- elif action == '-':
- u.modes.remove (m)
- except KeyError:
- # unknown mode, ignore
- pass
- async def onPart (self, nick, channel, **kwargs):
- if channel not in self.channels:
- return
- try:
- self.users[channel].pop (nick)
- except KeyError:
- # gone already
- pass
- async def onJoin (self, nick, channel, **kwargs):
- if channel not in self.channels:
- return
- self.users[channel][nick] = User (nick)
- async def onKeepalive (self, message, **kwargs):
- """ Ping received """
- self.send('PONG', message=message)
- async def onMessage (self, nick, target, message, **kwargs):
- """ Message received """
- msgPrefix = self.nick + ':'
- if target in self.channels and message.startswith (msgPrefix):
- user = self.users[target].get (nick, User (nick))
- reply = ReplyContext (client=self, target=target, user=user)
- # shlex.split supports quoting arguments, which str.split() does not
- command = shlex.split (message[len (msgPrefix):])
- try:
- args = self.parser.parse_args (command)
- except Exception as e:
- reply (f'{e.args[1]} -- {e.args[0].format_usage ()}')
- return
- if not args or not hasattr (args, 'func'):
- reply (f'Sorry, I don’t understand {command}')
- return
- minPriv = getattr (args, 'minPriv', None)
- if self._quit.armed and not getattr (args, 'allowOnShutdown', False):
- reply ('Sorry, I’m shutting down and cannot accept your request right now.')
- elif not user.hasPriv (minPriv):
- reply (f'Sorry, you need the privilege {minPriv.human} to use this command.')
- else:
- with self._quit:
- await args.func (user=user, args=args, reply=reply)
- async def onDisconnect (self, **kwargs):
- """ Auto-reconnect """
- self.logger.info ('disconnect', uuid='4c74b2c8-2403-4921-879d-2279ad85db72')
- while True:
- if not self._quit.armed:
- await asyncio.sleep (10, loop=self.loop)
- self.logger.info ('reconnect', uuid='c53555cb-e1a4-4b69-b1c9-3320269c19d7')
- try:
- await self.connect ()
- finally:
- break
- def jobExists (func):
- """ Chromebot job exists """
- @wraps (func)
- async def inner (self, **kwargs):
- # XXX: not sure why it works with **kwargs, but not (user, args, reply)
- args = kwargs.get ('args')
- reply = kwargs.get ('reply')
- j = self.jobs.get (args.id, None)
- if not j:
- reply (f'Job {args.id} is unknown')
- else:
- ret = await func (self, job=j, **kwargs)
- return ret
- return inner
- class Chromebot (ArgparseBot):
- __slots__ = ('jobs', 'tempdir', 'destdir', 'processLimit', 'blacklist', 'needVoice')
- def __init__ (self, host, port, ssl, nick, logger, channels=None,
- tempdir=None, destdir='.', processLimit=1,
- blacklist={}, needVoice=False, loop=None):
- self.needVoice = needVoice
- super().__init__ (host=host, port=port, ssl=ssl, nick=nick,
- logger=logger, channels=channels, loop=loop)
- self.jobs = {}
- self.tempdir = tempdir or tempfile.gettempdir()
- self.destdir = destdir
- self.processLimit = asyncio.Semaphore (processLimit)
- self.blacklist = blacklist
- def getParser (self):
- parser = NonExitingArgumentParser (prog=self.nick + ': ', add_help=False)
- subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='Sub-commands')
- archiveparser = subparsers.add_parser('a', help='Archive a site', add_help=False)
- archiveparser.add_argument('--concurrency', '-j', default=1, type=int, help='Parallel workers for this job', choices=range (1, 5))
- archiveparser.add_argument('--recursive', '-r', help='Enable recursion', choices=['0', '1', 'prefix'], default='0')
- archiveparser.add_argument('--insecure', '-k',
- help='Disable certificate checking', action='store_true')
- # parsing the cookie here, so we can give an early feedback without
- # waiting for the job to crash on invalid arguments.
- archiveparser.add_argument('--cookie', '-b', type=cookie,
- help='Add a cookie', action='append', default=[])
- archiveparser.add_argument('url', help='Website URL', type=isValidUrl, metavar='URL')
- archiveparser.set_defaults (func=self.handleArchive,
- minPriv=NickMode.voice if self.needVoice else None)
- statusparser = subparsers.add_parser ('s', help='Get job status', add_help=False)
- statusparser.add_argument('id', help='Job id', metavar='UUID')
- statusparser.set_defaults (func=self.handleStatus, allowOnShutdown=True)
- abortparser = subparsers.add_parser ('r', help='Revoke/abort job', add_help=False)
- abortparser.add_argument('id', help='Job id', metavar='UUID')
- abortparser.set_defaults (func=self.handleAbort, allowOnShutdown=True,
- minPriv=NickMode.voice if self.needVoice else None)
- return parser
- def isBlacklisted (self, url):
- for k, v in self.blacklist.items():
- if k.match (url):
- return v
- return False
- async def handleArchive (self, user, args, reply):
- """ Handle the archive command """
- msg = self.isBlacklisted (args.url)
- if msg:
- reply (f'{args.url} cannot be queued: {msg}')
- return
- # make sure the job id is unique. Since ids are time-based we can just
- # wait.
- while True:
- j = Job (args.url, user.name)
- if j.id not in self.jobs:
- break
- time.sleep (0.01)
- self.jobs[j.id] = j
- logger = self.logger.bind (job=j.id)
- showargs = {
- 'recursive': args.recursive,
- 'concurrency': args.concurrency,
- }
- if args.insecure:
- showargs['insecure'] = args.insecure
- warcinfo = {'chromebot': {
- 'jobid': j.id,
- 'user': user.name,
- 'queued': j.started,
- 'url': args.url,
- 'recursive': args.recursive,
- 'concurrency': args.concurrency,
- }}
- grabCmd = ['crocoite-single']
- # prefix warcinfo with !, so it won’t get expanded
- grabCmd.extend (['--warcinfo',
- '!' + json.dumps (warcinfo, cls=StrJsonEncoder)])
- for v in args.cookie:
- grabCmd.extend (['--cookie', v.OutputString ()])
- if args.insecure:
- grabCmd.append ('--insecure')
- grabCmd.extend (['{url}', '{dest}'])
- cmdline = ['crocoite',
- '--tempdir', self.tempdir,
- '--recursion', args.recursive,
- '--concurrency', str (args.concurrency),
- args.url,
- os.path.join (self.destdir,
- j.id + '-{host}-{date}-{seqnum}.warc.gz'),
- '--'] + grabCmd
- strargs = ', '.join (map (lambda x: '{}={}'.format (*x), showargs.items ()))
- reply (f'{args.url} has been queued as {j.id} with {strargs}')
- logger.info ('queue', user=user.name, url=args.url, cmdline=cmdline,
- uuid='36cc34a6-061b-4cc5-84a9-4ab6552c8d75')
- async with self.processLimit:
- if j.status == Status.pending:
- # job was not aborted
- j.process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec (*cmdline,
- stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=asyncio.subprocess.DEVNULL,
- stdin=asyncio.subprocess.DEVNULL,
- start_new_session=True, limit=100*1024*1024)
- while True:
- data = await j.process.stdout.readline ()
- if not data:
- break
- # job is marked running after the first message is received from it
- if j.status == Status.pending:
- logger.info ('start', uuid='46e62d60-f498-4ab0-90e1-d08a073b10fb')
- j.status = Status.running
- data = json.loads (data)
- msgid = data.get ('uuid')
- if msgid == '24d92d16-770e-4088-b769-4020e127a7ff':
- j.stats = data
- elif msgid == '5b8498e4-868d-413c-a67e-004516b8452c':
- j.rstats = data
- # forward message, so the dashboard can use it
- logger.info ('message',
- uuid='5c0f9a11-dcd8-4182-a60f-54f4d3ab3687',
- data=data)
- code = await j.process.wait ()
- if j.status == Status.running:
- logger.info ('finish', uuid='7b40ffbb-faab-4224-90ed-cd4febd8f7ec')
- j.status = Status.finished
- j.finished = datetime.utcnow ()
- stats = j.stats
- rstats = j.rstats
- reply (j.formatStatus ())
- @jobExists
- async def handleStatus (self, user, args, reply, job):
- """ Handle status command """
- rstats = job.rstats
- reply (job.formatStatus ())
- @jobExists
- async def handleAbort (self, user, args, reply, job):
- """ Handle abort command """
- if job.status not in {Status.pending, Status.running}:
- reply ('This job is not running.')
- return
- job.status = Status.aborted
- self.logger.info ('abort', job=job.id, user=user.name,
- uuid='865b3b3e-a54a-4a56-a545-f38a37bac295')
- if job.process and job.process.returncode is None:
- job.process.terminate ()
- class Dashboard:
- __slots__ = ('fd', 'clients', 'loop', 'log', 'maxLog', 'pingInterval', 'pingTimeout')
- # these messages will not be forwarded to the browser
- ignoreMsgid = {
- # connect
- '01f7b138-ea53-4609-88e9-61f3eca3e7e7',
- # join
- '367063a5-9069-4025-907c-65ba88af8593',
- # disconnect
- '4c74b2c8-2403-4921-879d-2279ad85db72',
- # reconnect
- 'c53555cb-e1a4-4b69-b1c9-3320269c19d7',
- }
- def __init__ (self, fd, loop, maxLog=1000, pingInterval=30, pingTimeout=10):
- self.fd = fd
- self.clients = set ()
- self.loop = loop
- # log buffer
- self.log = []
- self.maxLog = maxLog
- self.pingInterval = pingInterval
- self.pingTimeout = pingTimeout
- async def client (self, websocket, path):
- self.clients.add (websocket)
- try:
- for l in self.log:
- buf = json.dumps (l)
- await websocket.send (buf)
- while True:
- try:
- msg = await asyncio.wait_for (websocket.recv(), timeout=self.pingInterval)
- except asyncio.TimeoutError:
- try:
- pong = await websocket.ping()
- await asyncio.wait_for (pong, timeout=self.pingTimeout)
- except asyncio.TimeoutError:
- break
- except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed:
- break
- finally:
- self.clients.remove (websocket)
- def handleStdin (self):
- buf = self.fd.readline ()
- if not buf:
- return
- try:
- data = json.loads (buf)
- except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
- # ignore invalid
- return
- msgid = data['uuid']
- if msgid in self.ignoreMsgid:
- return
- # a few messages may contain sensitive information that we want to hide
- if msgid == '36cc34a6-061b-4cc5-84a9-4ab6552c8d75':
- # queue
- del data['cmdline']
- elif msgid == '5c0f9a11-dcd8-4182-a60f-54f4d3ab3687':
- nesteddata = data['data']
- nestedmsgid = nesteddata['uuid']
- if nestedmsgid == 'd1288fbe-8bae-42c8-af8c-f2fa8b41794f':
- del nesteddata['command']
- buf = json.dumps (data)
- for c in self.clients:
- # XXX can’t await here
- asyncio.ensure_future (c.send (buf))
- self.log.append (data)
- while len (self.log) > self.maxLog:
- self.log.pop (0)
- def run (self, host='localhost', port=6789):
- self.loop.add_reader (self.fd, self.handleStdin)
- return websockets.serve(self.client, host, port)