click.yaml 4.7 KB

  1. # Configuration for
  2. # Example URLs are random. Believe me.
  3. match: ^www\.facebook\.com$
  4. selector:
  5. - description: Show comments and replies/nested comments on user pages.
  6. selector: form[action="/ajax/ufi/modify.php"] a[data-testid^="UFI2CommentsPagerRenderer/pager_depth_"]
  7. urls: [""]
  8. - description: Initially show comments below a single post/video, i.e. /user/post/123.
  9. selector: form[action="/ajax/ufi/modify.php"] a[data-testid="UFI2CommentsCount/root"]
  10. urls: [""]
  11. - description: Close the “register now” nag screen. For screenshots.
  12. selector: a#expanding_cta_close_button[role=button]
  13. urls: [""]
  14. ---
  15. match: ^twitter\.com$
  16. selector:
  17. - description: Expand threads.
  18. selector: a.ThreadedConversation-moreRepliesLink
  19. urls: [""]
  20. - description: Show hidden profiles.
  21. selector: button.ProfileWarningTimeline-button
  22. urls: [""]
  23. - description: Show hidden/sensitive media. For screen-/snapshots.
  24. selector: button.Tombstone-action.js-display-this-media
  25. urls: [""]
  26. - description: Show more replies.
  27. selector: button.ThreadedConversation-showMoreThreadsButton
  28. urls: [""]
  29. ---
  30. match: ^disqus\.com$
  31. selector:
  32. - description: Load more comments.
  33. selector: a.load-more__button
  34. multi: True
  35. ---
  36. # new layout
  37. match: ^www\.reddit\.com$
  38. selector:
  39. - description: Show more comments.
  40. selector: div[id^=moreComments-] > div > p
  41. # reddit’s javascript ignores events if too frequent
  42. throttle: 500
  43. urls: [""]
  44. ---
  45. # old layout
  46. match: ^(old|np)\.reddit\.com$
  47. selector:
  48. - description: Show more comments.
  49. selector: span.morecomments a
  50. # reddit’s javascript ignores events if too frequent
  51. throttle: 500
  52. urls: [""]
  53. ---
  54. match: ^www\.youtube\.com$
  55. selector:
  56. - description: Expand single comment.
  57. selector: ytd-comment-thread-renderer span[slot=more-button]
  58. urls: [""]
  59. - description: Show more comment thread replies.
  60. selector: div.ytd-comment-replies-renderer > yt-next-continuation > paper-button
  61. urls: [""]
  62. multi: True
  63. ---
  64. match: ^www\.patreon\.com$
  65. selector:
  66. - description: Load more comments.
  67. selector: div[data-tag=post-card] button[data-tag=loadMoreCommentsCta]
  68. urls: [""]
  69. ---
  70. match: ^(www\.)?gab\.com$
  71. selector:
  72. - description: Load more posts.
  73. selector: div.item-list[role=feed] button.load-more
  74. multi: True
  75. urls: [""]
  76. ---
  77. match: ^(www\.)?github\.com$
  78. selector:
  79. - description: Show hidden issue items.
  80. urls: [""]
  81. selector: div#discussion_bucket form.ajax-pagination-form button.ajax-pagination-btn
  82. ---
  83. match: ^www\.gamasutra\.com$
  84. selector:
  85. - description: Load more comments.
  86. urls: [""]
  87. selector: div#dynamiccomments div.viewTopCmts a
  88. ---
  89. match: ^(www\.)?steamcommunity\.com$
  90. selector:
  91. - description: Load more content.
  92. urls: [""]
  93. selector: "#GetMoreContentBtn a"
  94. multi: True
  95. ---
  96. match: ^imgur\.com$
  97. selector:
  98. - description: Load more images of an album.
  99. urls: [""]
  100. selector: div.js-post-truncated
  101. - description: Expand all comments. For snapshots.
  102. urls: [""]
  103. selector: div.comments-info span.comments-expand
  104. - description: Show bad replies. for snapshots.
  105. urls: [""]
  106. selector: div#comments div.bad-captions
  107. ---
  108. match: ^(www\.)?vimeo\.com$
  109. selector:
  110. - description: Load more videos on profile page.
  111. urls: [""]
  112. selector: div.profile_main div.profile-load-more__button--wrapper button
  113. # XXX: this works when using a non-headless browser, but does not otherwise
  114. # - description: Expand video comments
  115. # urls: [""]
  116. # selector: section#comments button.iris_comment-more
  117. # multi: True