刘凡 9ff4d1d109 add S3,archive,truncate 2 năm trước cách đây
README.md 9ff4d1d109 add S3,archive,truncate 2 năm trước cách đây
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s3grouper.py 9ff4d1d109 add S3,archive,truncate 2 năm trước cách đây
submitmanifest.py 9ff4d1d109 add S3,archive,truncate 2 năm trước cách đây



Takes S3 Inventory manifest file, split and group by either count or size of objects, upload the new manifest files to S3 bucket of choosing.

Input: s3://inventory-bucket/path/to/manifest.json Output: s3://BUCKET/PREFIX/path-to-manifest-KEY.N.index


usage: s3grouper.py [-h] -m s3://BUCKET/KEY -b BUCKET [-p PREFIX] [-k KEY]
                    [-s SIZE_THRESHOLD] [-c COUNT_THRESHOLD]
                    [-i INCLUDE_PREFIX] [-no-rr] [-r REGION] [-v] [-d] [-g]

Take inventory of objects, group into separate manifests

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m s3://BUCKET/KEY, --manifest s3://BUCKET/KEY
                        Manifest produced by S3 Inventory (s3 path to
  -b BUCKET, --bucket BUCKET
                        Target S3 bucket to write indices
  -p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        Target S3 prefix
  -k KEY, --key KEY     Target key name for indicies on S3
  -s SIZE_THRESHOLD, --size-threshold SIZE_THRESHOLD
                        Create bundle when over this size (bytes)
                        Create bundle when over this number of objects
                        Only include objects with specified prefix, skip
                        otherwise. (Defaults: include all)
  -no-rr, --no-reduced-redundancy
                        Do not use the default REDUCED_REDUNDANCY Storage
  -r REGION, --region REGION
                        Use regional endpoint (Example: us-west-2)
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose messages
  -d, --debug           Enable debug messages
  -g, --glacier         Glacier mode. Creates manifest only out of Glacier
  • note -no-rr flag is default on. REDUCED REDUNDANCY is not used.


  • 65,000 count_threshold
  • 4 GiB size_threshold
  • PREFIX = s3grouper-output
  • KEY = manifest

Exit codes

2 writing to file
3 reading from file
4 uploading
5 downloading
6 compression
7 other AWS API


$ s3grouper.py -m s3://path/to/inventory/date/manifest.json $ s3grouper.py -m s3://path/to/inventory/date/manifest.json -i just-this-prefix -b output-bucket -p output-prefix -k myKey -c 100000