123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499 |
- """
- Task for generating Athena queries from glue catalog aka Query Planning
- """
- import json
- import os
- import boto3
- from operator import itemgetter
- from boto_utils import paginate, batch_sqs_msgs, deserialize_item, DecimalEncoder
- from decorators import with_logging
- ddb = boto3.resource("dynamodb")
- ddb_client = boto3.client("dynamodb")
- glue_client = boto3.client("glue")
- s3 = boto3.resource("s3")
- sqs = boto3.resource("sqs")
- queue = sqs.Queue(os.getenv("QueryQueue"))
- jobs_table = ddb.Table(os.getenv("JobTable", "S3F2_Jobs"))
- data_mapper_table_name = os.getenv("DataMapperTable", "S3F2_DataMappers")
- deletion_queue_table_name = os.getenv("DeletionQueueTable", "S3F2_DeletionQueue")
- manifests_bucket_name = os.getenv("ManifestsBucket", "S3F2-manifests-bucket")
- glue_db = os.getenv("GlueDatabase", "s3f2_manifests_database")
- glue_table = os.getenv("JobManifestsGlueTable", "s3f2_manifests_table")
- MANIFEST_KEY = "manifests/{job_id}/{data_mapper_id}/manifest.json"
- ARRAYSTRUCT = "array<struct>"
- ARRAYSTRUCT_PREFIX = "array<struct<"
- STRUCT = "struct"
- STRUCT_PREFIX = "struct<"
- SCHEMA_INVALID = "Column schema is not valid"
- "bigint",
- "char",
- "decimal",
- "double",
- "float",
- "int",
- "smallint",
- "string",
- "tinyint",
- "varchar",
- ]
- @with_logging
- def handler(event, context):
- job_id = event["ExecutionName"]
- deletion_items = get_deletion_queue()
- manifests_partitions = []
- data_mappers = get_data_mappers()
- total_queries = 0
- for data_mapper in data_mappers:
- query_executor = data_mapper["QueryExecutor"]
- if query_executor == "athena":
- queries = generate_athena_queries(data_mapper, deletion_items, job_id)
- if len(queries) > 0:
- manifests_partitions.append([job_id, data_mapper["DataMapperId"]])
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "Unsupported data mapper query executor: '{}'".format(query_executor)
- )
- batch_sqs_msgs(queue, queries)
- total_queries += len(queries)
- write_partitions(manifests_partitions)
- return {
- "GeneratedQueries": total_queries,
- "DeletionQueueSize": len(deletion_items),
- "Manifests": [
- "s3://{}/{}".format(
- manifests_bucket_name,
- MANIFEST_KEY.format(
- job_id=partition_tuple[0], data_mapper_id=partition_tuple[1]
- ),
- )
- for partition_tuple in manifests_partitions
- ],
- }
- def build_manifest_row(columns, match_id, item_id, item_createdat, is_composite):
- """
- Function for building each row of the manifest that will be written to S3.
- * What are 'queryablematchid' and 'queryablecolumns'?
- A convenience stringified value of match_id and its column when the match
- is simple, or a stringified joint value when composite (for instance,
- "John_S3F2COMP_Doe" and "first_name_S3F2COMP_last_name"). The purpose of
- these fields is optimise query execution by doing the SQL JOINs over strings only.
- * What are MatchId and Columns?
- Original values to be used by the ECS task instead.
- Note that the MatchId is declared as array<string> in the Glue Table as it's
- not possible to declare it as array of generic types and the design is for
- using a single table schema for each match/column tuple, despite
- the current column type.
- This means that using the "MatchId" field in Athena will always coherce its values
- to strings, for instance [1234] => ["1234"]. That's ok because when working with
- the manifest, the Fargate task will read and parse the JSON directly and therefore
- will use its original type (for instance, int over strings to do the comparison).
- """
- iterable_match = match_id if is_composite else [match_id]
- queryable = COMPOSITE_JOIN_TOKEN.join(str(x) for x in iterable_match)
- queryable_cols = COMPOSITE_JOIN_TOKEN.join(str(x) for x in columns)
- return (
- json.dumps(
- {
- "Columns": columns,
- "MatchId": iterable_match,
- "DeletionQueueItemId": item_id,
- "CreatedAt": item_createdat,
- "QueryableColumns": queryable_cols,
- "QueryableMatchId": queryable,
- },
- cls=DecimalEncoder,
- )
- + "\n"
- )
- def generate_athena_queries(data_mapper, deletion_items, job_id):
- """
- For each Data Mapper, it generates a list of parameters needed for each
- query execution. The matches for the given column are saved in an external
- S3 object (aka manifest) to allow its size to grow into the thousands without
- incurring in DDB Document size limit, SQS message size limit, or Athena query
- size limit. The manifest S3 Path is finally referenced as part of the SQS message.
- """
- manifest_key = MANIFEST_KEY.format(
- job_id=job_id, data_mapper_id=data_mapper["DataMapperId"]
- )
- db = data_mapper["QueryExecutorParameters"]["Database"]
- table_name = data_mapper["QueryExecutorParameters"]["Table"]
- table = get_table(db, table_name)
- columns_tree = get_columns_tree(table)
- all_partition_keys = [p["Name"] for p in table.get("PartitionKeys", [])]
- partition_keys = data_mapper["QueryExecutorParameters"].get(
- "PartitionKeys", all_partition_keys
- )
- columns = [c for c in data_mapper["Columns"]]
- msg = {
- "DataMapperId": data_mapper["DataMapperId"],
- "QueryExecutor": data_mapper["QueryExecutor"],
- "Format": data_mapper["Format"],
- "Database": db,
- "Table": table_name,
- "Columns": columns,
- "PartitionKeys": [],
- "DeleteOldVersions": data_mapper.get("DeleteOldVersions", True),
- "IgnoreObjectNotFoundExceptions": data_mapper.get(
- "IgnoreObjectNotFoundExceptions", False
- ),
- }
- if data_mapper.get("RoleArn", None):
- msg["RoleArn"] = data_mapper["RoleArn"]
- # Workout which deletion items should be included in this query
- applicable_match_ids = [
- item
- for item in deletion_items
- if msg["DataMapperId"] in item.get("DataMappers", [])
- or len(item.get("DataMappers", [])) == 0
- ]
- if len(applicable_match_ids) == 0:
- return []
- # Compile a list of MatchIds grouped by Column
- columns_with_matches = {}
- manifest = ""
- for item in applicable_match_ids:
- mid, item_id, item_createdat = itemgetter(
- "MatchId", "DeletionQueueItemId", "CreatedAt"
- )(item)
- is_simple = not isinstance(mid, list)
- if is_simple:
- for column in msg["Columns"]:
- casted = cast_to_type(mid, column, table_name, columns_tree)
- if column not in columns_with_matches:
- columns_with_matches[column] = {
- "Column": column,
- "Type": "Simple",
- }
- manifest += build_manifest_row(
- [column], casted, item_id, item_createdat, False
- )
- else:
- sorted_mid = sorted(mid, key=lambda x: x["Column"])
- query_columns = list(map(lambda x: x["Column"], sorted_mid))
- column_key = COMPOSITE_JOIN_TOKEN.join(query_columns)
- composite_match = list(
- map(
- lambda x: cast_to_type(
- x["Value"], x["Column"], table_name, columns_tree
- ),
- sorted_mid,
- )
- )
- if column_key not in columns_with_matches:
- columns_with_matches[column_key] = {
- "Columns": query_columns,
- "Type": "Composite",
- }
- manifest += build_manifest_row(
- query_columns, composite_match, item_id, item_createdat, True
- )
- s3.Bucket(manifests_bucket_name).put_object(Body=manifest, Key=manifest_key)
- msg["Columns"] = list(columns_with_matches.values())
- msg["Manifest"] = "s3://{}/{}".format(manifests_bucket_name, manifest_key)
- if len(partition_keys) == 0:
- return [msg]
- # For every partition combo of every table, create a query
- partitions = set()
- for partition in get_partitions(db, table_name):
- current = tuple(
- (
- all_partition_keys[i],
- cast_to_type(v, all_partition_keys[i], table_name, columns_tree),
- )
- for i, v in enumerate(partition["Values"])
- if all_partition_keys[i] in partition_keys
- )
- partitions.add(current)
- ret = []
- for current in partitions:
- current_dict = [{"Key": k, "Value": v} for k, v in current]
- ret.append({**msg, "PartitionKeys": current_dict})
- return ret
- def get_deletion_queue():
- results = paginate(
- ddb_client, ddb_client.scan, "Items", TableName=deletion_queue_table_name
- )
- return [deserialize_item(result) for result in results]
- def get_data_mappers():
- results = paginate(
- ddb_client, ddb_client.scan, "Items", TableName=data_mapper_table_name
- )
- for result in results:
- yield deserialize_item(result)
- def get_table(db, table_name):
- return glue_client.get_table(DatabaseName=db, Name=table_name)["Table"]
- def get_columns_tree(table):
- return list(
- map(
- column_mapper,
- table["StorageDescriptor"]["Columns"] + table.get("PartitionKeys", []),
- )
- )
- def get_partitions(db, table_name):
- return paginate(
- glue_client,
- glue_client.get_partitions,
- ["Partitions"],
- DatabaseName=db,
- TableName=table_name,
- ExcludeColumnSchema=True,
- )
- def write_partitions(partitions):
- """
- In order for the manifests to be used by Athena in a JOIN, we make them
- available as partitions with Job and DataMapperId tuple.
- """
- max_create_batch_size = 100
- for i in range(0, len(partitions), max_create_batch_size):
- glue_client.batch_create_partition(
- DatabaseName=glue_db,
- TableName=glue_table,
- PartitionInputList=[
- {
- "Values": partition_tuple,
- "StorageDescriptor": {
- "Columns": [
- {"Name": "columns", "Type": "array<string>"},
- {"Name": "matchid", "Type": "array<string>"},
- {"Name": "deletionqueueitemid", "Type": "string"},
- {"Name": "createdat", "Type": "int"},
- {"Name": "queryablecolumns", "Type": "string"},
- {"Name": "queryablematchid", "Type": "string"},
- ],
- "Location": "s3://{}/manifests/{}/{}/".format(
- manifests_bucket_name,
- partition_tuple[0],
- partition_tuple[1],
- ),
- "InputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat",
- "OutputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat",
- "Compressed": False,
- "SerdeInfo": {
- "SerializationLibrary": "org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe",
- },
- "StoredAsSubDirectories": False,
- },
- }
- for partition_tuple in partitions[i : i + max_create_batch_size]
- ],
- )
- def get_inner_children(str, prefix, suffix):
- """
- Function to get inner children from complex type string
- "struct<name:string,age:int>" => "name:string,age:int"
- """
- if not str.endswith(suffix):
- raise ValueError(SCHEMA_INVALID)
- return str[len(prefix) : -len(suffix)]
- def get_nested_children(str, nested_type):
- """
- Function to get next nested child type from a children string
- starting with a complex type such as struct or array
- "struct<name:string,age:int,s:struct<n:int>>,b:string" =>
- "struct<name:string,age:int,s:struct<n:int>>"
- """
- is_struct = nested_type == STRUCT
- prefix = STRUCT_PREFIX if is_struct else ARRAYSTRUCT_PREFIX
- suffix = STRUCT_SUFFIX if is_struct else ARRAYSTRUCT_SUFFIX
- n_opened_tags = len(suffix)
- end_index = -1
- to_parse = str[len(prefix) :]
- for i in range(len(to_parse)):
- char = to_parse[i : (i + 1)]
- if char == "<":
- n_opened_tags += 1
- if char == ">":
- n_opened_tags -= 1
- if n_opened_tags == 0:
- end_index = i
- break
- if end_index < 0:
- raise ValueError(SCHEMA_INVALID)
- return str[0 : (end_index + len(prefix) + 1)]
- def get_nested_type(str):
- """
- Function to get next nested child type from a children string
- starting with a non complex type
- "string,a:int" => "string"
- """
- upper_index = str.find(",")
- return str[0:upper_index] if upper_index >= 0 else str
- def set_no_identifier_to_node_and_its_children(node):
- """
- Function to set canBeIdentifier=false to item and its children
- Example:
- {
- name: "arr",
- type: "array<struct>",
- canBeIdentifier: false,
- children: [
- { name: "field", type: "int", canBeIdentifier: true },
- { name: "n", type: "string", canBeIdentifier: true }
- ]
- } => {
- name: "arr",
- type: "array<struct>",
- canBeIdentifier: false,
- children: [
- { name: "field", type: "int", canBeIdentifier: false },
- { name: "n", type: "string", canBeIdentifier: false }
- ]
- }
- """
- node["CanBeIdentifier"] = False
- for child in node.get("Children", []):
- set_no_identifier_to_node_and_its_children(child)
- def column_mapper(col):
- """
- Function to map Columns from AWS Glue schema to tree
- Example 1:
- { Name: "Name", Type: "int" } =>
- { name: "Name", type: "int", canBeIdentifier: true }
- Example 2:
- { Name: "complex", Type: "struct<a:string,b:struct<c:int>>"} =>
- { name: "complex", type: "struct", children: [
- { name: "a", type: "string", canBeIdentifier: false},
- { name: "b", type: "struct", children: [
- { name: "c", type: "int", canBeIdentifier: false}
- ], canBeIdentifier: false}
- ], canBeIdentifier: false}
- """
- prefix = suffix = None
- result_type = col["Type"]
- has_children = False
- if result_type.startswith(ARRAYSTRUCT_PREFIX):
- result_type = ARRAYSTRUCT
- has_children = True
- elif result_type.startswith(STRUCT_PREFIX):
- result_type = STRUCT
- prefix = STRUCT_PREFIX
- suffix = STRUCT_SUFFIX
- has_children = True
- type_is_decimal_with_precision = result_type.startswith("decimal(")
- result = {
- "Name": col["Name"],
- "Type": result_type,
- "CanBeIdentifier": col["CanBeIdentifier"]
- if "CanBeIdentifier" in col
- else result_type in ALLOWED_TYPES or type_is_decimal_with_precision,
- }
- if has_children:
- result["Children"] = []
- children_to_parse = get_inner_children(col["Type"], prefix, suffix)
- while len(children_to_parse) > 0:
- sep = ":"
- name = children_to_parse[0 : children_to_parse.index(sep)]
- rest = children_to_parse[len(name) + len(sep) :]
- nested_type = "other"
- if rest.startswith(STRUCT_PREFIX):
- nested_type = STRUCT
- elif rest.startswith(ARRAYSTRUCT_PREFIX):
- nested_type = ARRAYSTRUCT
- c_type = (
- get_nested_type(rest)
- if nested_type == "other"
- else get_nested_children(rest, nested_type)
- )
- result["Children"].append(
- column_mapper(
- {
- "Name": name,
- "Type": c_type,
- "CanBeIdentifier": c_type in ALLOWED_TYPES,
- }
- )
- )
- children_to_parse = children_to_parse[len(name) + len(sep) + len(c_type) :]
- if children_to_parse.startswith(","):
- children_to_parse = children_to_parse[1:]
- if result_type != STRUCT:
- set_no_identifier_to_node_and_its_children(result)
- return result
- def get_column_info(col, columns_tree):
- current = columns_tree
- col_array = col.split(".")
- found = None
- for col_segment in col_array:
- found = next((x for x in current if x["Name"] == col_segment), None)
- if not found:
- return None, False
- current = found["Children"] if "Children" in found else []
- return found["Type"], found["CanBeIdentifier"]
- def cast_to_type(val, col, table_name, columns_tree):
- col_type, can_be_identifier = get_column_info(col, columns_tree)
- if not col_type:
- raise ValueError("Column {} not found at table {}".format(col, table_name))
- elif not can_be_identifier:
- raise ValueError(
- "Column {} at table {} is not a supported column type for querying".format(
- col, table_name
- )
- )
- if col_type in ("bigint", "int", "smallint", "tinyint"):
- return int(val)
- if col_type in ("double", "float"):
- return float(val)
- return str(val)