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  122. <h2 id="installation">Installation</h2>
  123. <p>AzureStorage is available as a conda package, so conda must be installed on your system.</p>
  124. <h3 id="conda">Conda</h3>
  125. <p>Skip this step if you have already installed conda</p>
  126. <pre><code>wget -O;
  127. bash -b -p $HOME/miniconda
  128. conda update -q conda
  129. </code></pre>
  130. <h3 id="azurestorage">AzureStorage</h3>
  131. <h4 id="create-new-conda-environment">Create new conda environment</h4>
  132. <p><code>conda create -n azure_storage -c olcbioinformatics azure_storage</code></p>
  133. <h4 id="install-in-existing-python-385-environment">Install in existing Python 3.8.5 environment</h4>
  134. <p>Install the AzureStorage package:</p>
  135. <p><code>conda install -c olcbioinformatics azure_storage</code></p>
  136. <h3 id="credentials">Credentials</h3>
  137. <p>You must enter your Azure storage connection string and account name into the system keyring before running any of the other scripts</p>
  138. <p><a href=",primary%20and%20secondary%20access%20keys.">Find your connection string</a></p>
  139. <p><a href="">Find your account key</a></p>
  140. <p>Once you know your account key and connection string, run:</p>
  141. <p><code>AzureCredentials store</code></p>
  142. <p>Your credentials will be securely stored in the system keyring</p>
  143. <h3 id="tests">Tests</h3>
  144. <p>If you encounter issues with the AzureStorage package, tests are available to ensure that the installation was successful and your credentials are valid.</p>
  145. <p>You will need to clone this repository and run the tests with pytest</p>
  146. <p><code>git clone</code></p>
  147. <p><code>cd AzureStorage</code></p>
  148. <p><code>python -m pytest tests/ --cov=azure_storage --cov-config=.coveragec</code></p>
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