123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186 |
- r"""
- # DecompressingBufferedReader Tests
- #=================================================================
- # decompress with on the fly compression, default gzip compression
- >>> print_str(DecompressingBufferedReader(BytesIO(compress('ABC\n1234\n'))).read())
- 'ABC\n1234\n'
- # decompress with on the fly compression, default 'inflate' compression
- >>> print_str(DecompressingBufferedReader(BytesIO(compress_alt('ABC\n1234\n')), decomp_type='deflate').read())
- 'ABC\n1234\n'
- # error: invalid compress type
- >>> DecompressingBufferedReader(BytesIO(compress('ABC')), decomp_type = 'bzip2').read()
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- Exception: Decompression type not supported: bzip2
- # invalid output when reading compressed data as not compressed
- >>> DecompressingBufferedReader(BytesIO(compress('ABC')), decomp_type = None).read() != b'ABC'
- True
- # test very small block size
- >>> dbr = DecompressingBufferedReader(BytesIO(b'ABCDEFG\nHIJKLMN\nOPQR\nXYZ'), block_size = 3)
- >>> print_str(dbr.readline()); print_str(dbr.readline(4)); print_str(dbr.readline()); print_str(dbr.readline()); print_str(dbr.readline(2)); print_str(dbr.readline()); print_str(dbr.readline())
- 'HIJK'
- 'LMN\n'
- 'OPQR\n'
- 'XY'
- 'Z'
- ''
- # test zero length reads
- >>> x = DecompressingBufferedReader(LimitReader(BytesIO(b'\r\n'), 1))
- >>> print_str(x.readline(0)); print_str(x.read(0))
- ''
- ''
- # Chunk-Decoding Buffered Reader Tests
- #=================================================================
- Properly formatted chunked data:
- >>> c = ChunkedDataReader(BytesIO(b"4\r\n1234\r\n0\r\n\r\n"));
- >>> print_str(c.read() + c.read(1) + c.read() + c.read())
- '1234'
- Non-chunked data:
- >>> print_str(ChunkedDataReader(BytesIO(b"xyz123!@#")).read())
- 'xyz123!@#'
- Non-chunked data, numbers only:
- >>> print_str(ChunkedDataReader(BytesIO(b"ABCDE" * 10)).read())
- Non-chunked data, numbers new line, large:
- >>> print_str(ChunkedDataReader(BytesIO(b"ABCDE" * 10 + b'\r\n')).read())
- Non-chunked, compressed data, specify decomp_type
- >>> print_str(ChunkedDataReader(BytesIO(compress('ABCDEF')), decomp_type='gzip').read())
- Non-chunked, compressed data, specifiy compression seperately
- >>> c = ChunkedDataReader(BytesIO(compress('ABCDEF'))); c.set_decomp('gzip'); print_str(c.read())
- Non-chunked, compressed data, wrap in DecompressingBufferedReader
- >>> print_str(DecompressingBufferedReader(ChunkedDataReader(BytesIO(compress('\nABCDEF\nGHIJ')))).read())
- Chunked compressed data
- Split compressed stream into 10-byte chunk and a remainder chunk
- >>> b = compress('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP')
- >>> l = len(b)
- >>> in_ = format(10, 'x').encode('utf-8') + b"\r\n" + b[:10] + b"\r\n" + format(l - 10, 'x').encode('utf-8') + b"\r\n" + b[10:] + b"\r\n0\r\n\r\n"
- >>> c = ChunkedDataReader(BytesIO(in_), decomp_type='gzip')
- >>> print_str(c.read())
- Starts like chunked data, but isn't:
- >>> c = ChunkedDataReader(BytesIO(b"1\r\nxyz123!@#"));
- >>> print_str(c.read() + c.read())
- '1\r\nx123!@#'
- Chunked data cut off part way through:
- >>> c = ChunkedDataReader(BytesIO(b"4\r\n1234\r\n4\r\n12"));
- >>> print_str(c.read() + c.read())
- '123412'
- Zero-Length chunk:
- >>> print_str(ChunkedDataReader(BytesIO(b"0\r\n\r\n")).read())
- ''
- """
- from io import BytesIO
- from warcio.bufferedreaders import ChunkedDataReader, ChunkedDataException
- from warcio.bufferedreaders import DecompressingBufferedReader
- from warcio.limitreader import LimitReader
- from contextlib import closing
- import six
- import zlib
- import pytest
- def compress(buff):
- buff = buff.encode('utf-8')
- compressobj = zlib.compressobj(6, zlib.DEFLATED, zlib.MAX_WBITS + 16)
- compressed = compressobj.compress(buff)
- compressed += compressobj.flush()
- return compressed
- # plain "inflate"
- def compress_alt(buff):
- buff = buff.encode('utf-8')
- compressobj = zlib.compressobj(6, zlib.DEFLATED)
- compressed = compressobj.compress(buff)
- compressed += compressobj.flush()
- # drop gzip headers/tail
- compressed = compressed[2:-4]
- return compressed
- # Brotli
- @pytest.mark.skipif('br' not in DecompressingBufferedReader.DECOMPRESSORS, reason='brotli not available')
- def test_brotli():
- brotli_buff = b'[\xff\xaf\x02\xc0"y\\\xfbZ\x8cB;\xf4%U\x19Z\x92\x99\xb15\xc8\x19\x9e\x9e\n{K\x90\xb9<\x98\xc8\t@\xf3\xe6\xd9M\xe4me\x1b\'\x87\x13_\xa6\xe90\x96{<\x15\xd8S\x1c'
- with closing(DecompressingBufferedReader(BytesIO(brotli_buff), decomp_type='br')) as x:
- assert x.read() == b'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' * 4096
- @pytest.mark.skipif('br' not in DecompressingBufferedReader.DECOMPRESSORS, reason='brotli not available')
- def test_brotli_very_small_chunk():
- brotli_buff = b'[\xff\xaf\x02\xc0"y\\\xfbZ\x8cB;\xf4%U\x19Z\x92\x99\xb15\xc8\x19\x9e\x9e\n{K\x90\xb9<\x98\xc8\t@\xf3\xe6\xd9M\xe4me\x1b\'\x87\x13_\xa6\xe90\x96{<\x15\xd8S\x1c'
- # read 3 bytes at time, will need to read() multiple types before decompressor has enough to return something
- with closing(DecompressingBufferedReader(BytesIO(brotli_buff), decomp_type='br', block_size=3)) as x:
- assert x.read() == b'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' * 4096
- # Compression
- def test_compress_mix():
- x = DecompressingBufferedReader(BytesIO(compress('ABC') + b'123'), decomp_type = 'gzip')
- b = x.read()
- assert b == b'ABC'
- x.read_next_member()
- assert x.read() == b'123'
- # Errors
- def test_compress_invalid():
- result = compress('ABCDEFG' * 1)
- # cut-off part of the block
- result = result[:-2] + b'xyz'
- x = DecompressingBufferedReader(BytesIO(result), block_size=16)
- b = x.read(3)
- assert b == b'ABC'
- assert b'DE' == x.read()
- def test_err_chunk_cut_off():
- # Chunked data cut off with exceptions
- c = ChunkedDataReader(BytesIO(b"4\r\n1234\r\n4\r\n12"), raise_exceptions=True)
- with pytest.raises(ChunkedDataException):
- c.read() + c.read()
- #ChunkedDataException: Ran out of data before end of chunk
- def print_str(string):
- return string.decode('utf-8') if six.PY3 else string
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- import doctest
- doctest.testmod()