123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162 |
- import networkx as nx
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import sys
- # A utility function that return the smallest unprocessed edge
- def getMin(G, mstFlag):
- min = sys.maxsize # assigning largest numeric value to min
- for i in [(u, v, edata['length']) for u, v, edata in G.edges( data = True) if 'length' in edata ]:
- if mstFlag[i] == False and i[2] < min:
- min = i[2]
- min_edge = i
- return min_edge
- # A utility function to find root or origin of the node i in MST
- def findRoot(parent, i):
- if parent[i] == i:
- return i
- return findRoot(parent, parent[i])
- # A function that does union of set x and y based on the order
- def union(parent, order, x, y):
- xRoot = findRoot(parent, x)
- yRoot = findRoot(parent, y)
- # Attach smaller order tree under root of high order tree
- if order[xRoot] < order[yRoot]:
- parent[xRoot] = yRoot
- elif order[xRoot] > order[yRoot]:
- parent[yRoot] = xRoot
- # If orders are same, then make any one as root and increment its order by one
- else :
- parent[yRoot] = xRoot
- order[xRoot] += 1
- #function that performs kruskals algorithm on the graph G
- def genMinimumSpanningTree(G):
- MST = nx.Graph()
- eLen = len(G.edges()) # eLen denotes the number of edges in G
- vLen = len(G.nodes()) # vLen denotes the number of vertices in G
- mst = [] # mst contains the MST edges
- mstFlag = {} # mstFlag[i] will hold true if the edge i has been processed for MST
- for i in [ (u, v, edata['length']) for u, v, edata in G.edges(data = True) if 'length' in edata ]:
- mstFlag[i] = False
- parent = [None] * vLen # parent[i] will hold the vertex connected to i, in the MST
- order = [None] * vLen # order[i] will hold the order of appearance of the node in the MST
- for v in range(vLen):
- parent[v] = v
- order[v] = 0
- while len(mst) < vLen - 1 :
- curr_edge = getMin(G, mstFlag) # pick the smallest egde from the set of edges
- mstFlag[curr_edge] = True # update the flag for the current edge
- y = findRoot(parent, curr_edge[1])
- x = findRoot(parent, curr_edge[0])
- # adds the edge to MST, if including it doesn't form a cycle
- if x != y:
- mst.append(curr_edge)
- union(parent, order, x, y)
- # Else discard the edge
- for X in mst:
- if (X[0], X[1]) in G.edges():
- MST.add_edge(X[0], X[1], length = G[X[0]][X[1]]['length'])
- return MST
- #utility function that adds minimum weight matching edges to MST
- def minimumWeightedMatching(MST, G, odd_vert):
- while odd_vert:
- v = odd_vert.pop()
- length = float("inf")
- u = 1
- closest = 0
- for u in odd_vert:
- if G[v][u]['length'] < length :
- length = G[v][u]['length']
- closest = u
- MST.add_edge(v, closest, length = length)
- odd_vert.remove(closest)
- def christofedes(G ,pos):
- opGraph=nx.DiGraph()
- #optimal_dist = 0
- MST = genMinimumSpanningTree(G) # generates minimum spanning tree of graph G, using Prim's algo
- odd_vert = [] #list containing vertices with odd degree
- for i in MST.nodes():
- if MST.degree(i)%2 != 0:
- odd_vert.append(i) #if the degree of the vertex is odd, then append it to odd_vert list
- minimumWeightedMatching(MST, G, odd_vert) #adds minimum weight matching edges to MST
- # now MST has the Eulerian circuit
- start = MST.nodes()[0]
- visited = [False] * len(MST.nodes())
- # finds the hamiltonian circuit
- curr = start
- visited[curr] = True
- for nd in MST.neighbors(curr):
- if visited[nd] == False or nd == start:
- next = nd
- break
- while next != start:
- visited[next]=True
- opGraph.add_edge(curr,next,length = G[curr][next]['length'])
- nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, arrows = True, edgelist = [(curr, next)], width = 2.5, alpha = 0.6, edge_color = 'r')
- # optimal_dist = optimal_dist + G[curr][next]['length']
- # finding the shortest Eulerian path from MST
- curr = next
- for nd in MST.neighbors(curr):
- if visited[nd] == False:
- next = nd
- break
- if next == curr:
- for nd in G.neighbors(curr):
- if visited[nd] == False:
- next = nd
- break
- if next == curr:
- next = start
- opGraph.add_edge(curr,next,length = G[curr][next]['length'])
- nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist = [(curr, next)], width = 2.5, alpha = 0.6, edge_color = 'r')
- # optimal_dist = optimal_dist + G[curr][next]['length']
- # print optimal_dist
- return opGraph
- #takes input from the file and creates a weighted undirected graph
- def CreateGraph():
- G = nx.Graph()
- f = open('input.txt')
- n = int(f.readline())
- wtMatrix = []
- for i in range(n):
- list1 = map(int, (f.readline()).split())
- wtMatrix.append(list1)
- #Adds egdes along with their weights to the graph
- for i in range(n) :
- for j in range(n)[i:] :
- if wtMatrix[i][j] > 0 :
- G.add_edge(i, j, length = wtMatrix[i][j])
- return G
- def DrawGraph(G,color):
- pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
- nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels = True, edge_color = color) #with_labels=true is to show the node number in the output graph
- edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G,'length')
- nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels = edge_labels, font_size = 11) #prints weight on all the edges
- return pos
- #main function
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- G = CreateGraph()
- plt.figure(1)
- pos = DrawGraph(G,'black')
- opGraph = christofedes(G, pos)
- plt.figure(2)
- pos1 = DrawGraph(opGraph,'r')
- plt.show()