123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284 |
- import logging
- import numpy as np
- from collections import namedtuple
- import random
- # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
- import torch
- import torch.nn.functional as F
- from crest.helper.config_utils import change_config, get_prefix
- from crest.helper.utils import read_file, save2file
- from crest.helper.bootstrap_utils import CREST
- from crest.helper.nlp_utils import compact_text
- from crest.helper.generic import dict2list
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- import gym
- import gym_textworld # Register all textworld environments.
- from crest.agents.lstm_drqn.agent import RLAgent
- from crest.agents.lstm_drqn.test_agent import test
- def get_agent(config, env):
- word_vocab = dict2list(env.observation_space.id2w)
- word2id = {}
- for i, w in enumerate(word_vocab):
- word2id[w] = i
- if config['general']['exp_act']:
- verb_list = read_file("data/vocabs/trial_run_custom_tw/verb_vocab.txt")
- object_name_list = read_file("data/vocabs/common_nouns.txt")
- else:
- verb_list = ["go", "take", "unlock", "lock", "drop", "look", "insert", "open", "inventory", "close"]
- object_name_list = ["east", "west", "north", "south", "coin", "apple", "carrot", "textbook", "passkey", "keycard"]
- # Add missing words in word2id
- for w in verb_list:
- if w not in word2id.keys():
- word2id[w] = len(word2id)
- word_vocab += [w, ]
- for w in object_name_list:
- if w not in word2id.keys():
- word2id[w] = len(word2id)
- word_vocab += [w, ]
- verb_map = [word2id[w] for w in verb_list if w in word2id]
- noun_map = [word2id[w] for w in object_name_list if w in word2id]
- print('Loaded {} verbs'.format(len(verb_map)))
- print('Loaded {} nouns'.format(len(noun_map)))
- print('##' * 30)
- print('Missing verbs and objects:')
- print([w for w in verb_list if w not in word2id])
- print([w for w in object_name_list if w not in word2id])
- print('Loading DRQN agent')
- if config['general']['student']:
- agent = RLAgent(config, word_vocab, verb_map, noun_map, att=config['general']['use_attention'],
- bootstrap=config['general']['student'], embed=config['bootstrap']['embed'])
- else:
- agent = RLAgent(config, word_vocab, verb_map, noun_map, att=config['general']['use_attention'], bootstrap=config ['general']['student'],)
- return agent
- class Evaluator():
- def __init__(self, config, args, threshold=0.3):
- self.config = config
- self.args = args
- teacher_path = config['general']['teacher_model_path']
- print('Setting up TextWorld environment...')
- def load_valid_env(self, valid_env_name):
- test_batch_size = 1
- valid_env_id = gym_textworld.make_batch(env_id=valid_env_name, batch_size=test_batch_size, parallel=True)
- self.valid_env = gym.make(valid_env_id)
- self.valid_env.seed(config['general']['random_seed'])
- print('Loaded env name: ', valid_env_name)
- def load_agent(self):
- self.agent = get_agent(config, self.valid_env)
- model_checkpoint_path = config['training']['scheduling']['model_checkpoint_path']
- load_path = model_checkpoint_path.replace('.pt', '_best.pt')
- print('Loading model from : ', load_path)
- self.agent.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(load_path))
- self.hidden_size = config['model']['lstm_dqn']['action_scorer_hidden_dim']
- self.hash_features = {}
- def inference(self, agent, env, prune=False, action_dist=None):
- batch_size = 1
- assert batch_size == 1, "Batchsize should be 1 during inference"
- agent.model.eval()
- obs, infos = env.reset()
- agent.reset(infos)
- id_string_0 = agent.get_observation_strings(infos)[0]
- provide_prev_action = self.config['general']['provide_prev_action']
- dones = [False] * batch_size
- rewards = [0]
- prev_actions = ["" for _ in range(batch_size)] if provide_prev_action else None
- input_description, description_id_list, desc, _ =\
- agent.get_game_step_info(obs, infos, prev_actions, prune=prune,
- teacher_actions=action_dist, ret_desc=True,)
- curr_ras_hidden, curr_ras_cell = None, None # ras: recurrent action scorer
- if prune:
- desc_strings, desc_disc = agent.get_similarity_scores(obs, infos, prev_actions, prune=prune,
- teacher_actions=action_dist, ret_desc=True,)
- self.desc.append(list(desc_disc.keys()))
- self.desc_scores.append(list(desc_disc.values()))
- self.desc_strings.append(desc_strings)
- if id_string_0 in self.id_string_list:
- print('Already encountered this game. Skipping...')
- return
- self.id_string_list.append(id_string_0)
- self.game_num += 1
- while not all(dones):
- v_idx, n_idx, _, curr_ras_hidden, curr_ras_cell = agent.generate_one_command(input_description, curr_ras_hidden, curr_ras_cell,
- epsilon=0.0, return_att=args.use_attention)
- if args.use_attention:
- softmax_att = agent.get_softmax_attention()
- else:
- softmax_att = None
- qv, qn = agent.get_qvalues()
- _, v_idx_maxq, _, n_idx_maxq = agent.choose_maxQ_command(qv, qn)
- chosen_strings = agent.get_chosen_strings(v_idx_maxq.detach(), n_idx_maxq.detach())
- sorted_tokens=None
- sorted_atts=None
- obs, rewards, dones, infos = env.step(chosen_strings)
- if provide_prev_action:
- prev_actions = chosen_strings
- IR = [info["intermediate_reward"] for info in infos]
- if type(dones) is bool:
- dones = [dones] * batch_size
- agent.rewards.append(rewards)
- agent.dones.append(dones)
- agent.intermediate_rewards.append([info["intermediate_reward"] for info in infos])
- input_description, description_id_list, desc, _ =\
- agent.get_game_step_info(obs, infos, prev_actions, prune=prune, teacher_actions=action_dist, ret_desc=True,)
- if prune:
- desc_strings, desc_disc = agent.get_similarity_scores(obs, infos, prev_actions, prune=prune, teacher_actions=action_dist, ret_desc=True)
- self.desc.append(list(desc_disc.keys()))
- self.desc_scores.append(list(desc_disc.values()))
- self.desc_strings.append(desc_strings)
- _, _, orig_desc, _ = agent.get_game_step_info(obs, infos, prev_actions, prune=False, ret_desc=True,)
- for x, y in zip(orig_desc, desc):
- self.orig_data += [' '.join(x), ' '.join(y)]
- agent.finish()
- R = agent.final_rewards.mean()
- S = agent.step_used_before_done.mean()
- IR = agent.final_intermediate_rewards.mean()
- msg = '====EVAL==== R={:.3f}, IR={:.3f}, S={:.3f}'
- msg = msg.format(R, IR, S)
- print(msg)
- print("\n")
- self.result_logs['R'].append(R)
- self.result_logs['IR'].append(IR)
- self.result_logs['S'].append(S)
- def infer(self):
- numgames = self.args.num_test_games
- prune = self.args.prune
- save_dict = {}
- count = 0
- self.id_string_list = []
- self.result_logs = {'R': [], 'IR': [], 'S': []}
- if prune:
- self.prune_filename = config['training']['scheduling']['model_checkpoint_path'].replace('.pt', '_level_{}_logs.txt'.format(args.level)).replace('saved_models', 'prune_logs')
- self.score_filename = config['training']['scheduling']['model_checkpoint_path'].replace('.pt', '_level_{}_logs.npz'.format(args.level)).replace('saved_models', 'score_logs')
- self.orig_data = []
- self.desc = []
- self.desc_scores = []
- self.desc_strings = []
- if args.method=='drqn':
- if prune:
- prefix_name = get_prefix(self.args)
- filename = './data/teacher_data/{}.npz'.format(prefix_name)
- teacher_dict = np.load(filename, allow_pickle=True)
- global_action_set = set()
- for k in teacher_dict.keys():
- if k=='allow_pickle':
- continue
- action_dist = teacher_dict[k][-1]
- action_dist = [x for x in action_dist.keys()]
- global_action_set.update(action_dist)
- self.game_num = 0
- print('here')
- while (len(self.id_string_list)<int(numgames)):
- print('Game number : ', self.game_num)
- if prune:
- self.inference(self.agent, self.valid_env, prune=prune, action_dist=[list(global_action_set)])
- else:
- self.inference(self.agent, self.valid_env, prune=False)
- if prune:
- save2file(self.prune_filename, self.orig_data)
- np.savez(self.score_filename, desc=self.desc, desc_scores=self.desc_scores, desc_strings=self.desc_strings)
- return self.result_logs
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- import os, argparse, pickle
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="train network.")
- parser.add_argument("-c", "--config_dir", default='config', help="the default config directory")
- parser.add_argument("-type", "--type", default=None, help="easy | medium | hard")
- parser.add_argument("-ng", "--num_games", default=None, help="easy | medium | hard")
- parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-vv", "--very-verbose", help="print out warnings", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-fr", "--force-remove", help="remove experiments directory to start new", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-att", "--use_attention", help="Use attention in the encoder model", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-th", "--threshold", help="Filter threshold value for cosine similarity", default=0.3, type=float)
- parser.add_argument("-ea", "--exp_act", help="Use expanded vocab list for actions", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-prune", "--prune", help="Use pruning or not", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-level", "--level", help="how many levels in the game to test", type=int, default=15)
- parser.add_argument("-m", "--method", help="What method to use DRQN/DQN", type=str, default="drqn")
- parser.add_argument("-emb", "--embed", default='cnet', type=str) # 'cnet' | 'glove' | 'word2vec' | 'bert'
- parser.add_argument("-drop", "--dropout", default=0, type=float)
- parser.add_argument("-student", "--student", help="Whether Teacher or Student model", action="store_true")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- assert not args.force_remove
- config = change_config(args, method=args.method, test=True)
- args.num_test_games = 20
- true_valid_name = config['general']['valid_env_id']
- evaluator = Evaluator(config, args, threshold=args.threshold)
- evaluator.load_valid_env(true_valid_name)
- evaluator.load_agent()
- filename = config['training']['scheduling']['model_checkpoint_path'].replace('.pt', '_level_{}_logs.txt'.format(args.level)).replace('saved_models', 'emnlp_logs/logs_{}_{}'.format(args.type, args.num_games))
- dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
- os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
- fp = open(filename, 'w')
- results = []
- for k in range(3):
- config['general']['valid_env_id'] = true_valid_name
- config['general']['valid_env_id'] = config['general']['valid_env_id'].replace('gamesize10', 'gamesize20')
- config['general']['valid_env_id'] = config['general']['valid_env_id'].replace('_validation', '_test')
- config['general']['valid_env_id'] = config['general']['valid_env_id'].replace('_step50', '_step100').replace('_step75', '_step100')
- config['general']['valid_env_id'] = config['general']['valid_env_id'].replace('_level15', '_level{}'.format(args.level))
- config['general']['valid_env_id'] = config['general']['valid_env_id'].replace('_seed9', '_seed{}'.format(k+1))
- fp.writelines('##'*30)
- fp.writelines('\n')
- fp.writelines(config['general']['valid_env_id'])
- fp.writelines('\n')
- fp.writelines('##'*30)
- fp.writelines('\n')
- evaluator.load_valid_env(config['general']['valid_env_id'])
- result_logs = evaluator.infer()
- R = np.mean(result_logs['R'])
- IR = np.mean(result_logs['IR'])
- S = np.mean(result_logs['S'])
- results.append([R, IR, S])
- msg = '====FINAL EVAL==== R={:.3f}, IR={:.3f}, S={:.3f}'.format(R, IR, S)
- fp.writelines(msg)
- fp.writelines('\n')
- mean_res = np.mean(results, axis=0)
- std_res = np.std(results, axis=0)
- fp.writelines('##' * 30)
- fp.writelines('\n')
- fp.writelines(' Final seeded results : R={}/{}, IR={}/{}, S={}/{}'.format(mean_res[0], std_res[0], mean_res[1], std_res[1], mean_res[2], std_res[2]))
- fp.writelines('\n')
- fp.writelines('##' * 30)
- fp.writelines('\n')
- fp.close()
- pid = os.getpid()
- os.system('kill -9 {}'.format(pid))