123456789101112131415 |
- def corr_mat(df="dataframe", corm="pearson", cmap="seismic", r=300, show=False, dim=(6, 5), axtickfontname="Arial",
- axtickfontsize=7, ar=90, figtype='png', theme=None):
- if theme == 'dark':
- general.dark_bg()
- d_corr = df.corr(method=corm)
- plt.subplots(figsize=dim)
- plt.matshow(d_corr, vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=cmap)
- plt.colorbar()
- cols = list(df)
- ticks = list(range(0, len(list(df))))
- plt.xticks(ticks, cols, fontsize=axtickfontsize, fontname=axtickfontname, rotation=ar)
- plt.yticks(ticks, cols, fontsize=axtickfontsize, fontname=axtickfontname)
- general.get_figure(show, r, figtype, 'corr_mat', theme)
- # for data with pre-calculated mean and SE