123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748 |
- def geneplot_ma(df, geneid, lfc, lfc_thr, genenames, gfont, gstyle):
- if genenames is not None and genenames == "deg":
- for i in df[geneid].unique():
- if df.loc[df[geneid] == i, lfc].iloc[0] >= lfc_thr[0] or \
- df.loc[df[geneid] == i, lfc].iloc[0] <= -lfc_thr[1]:
- if gstyle == 1:
- plt.text(df.loc[df[geneid] == i, 'A_add_axy'].iloc[0], df.loc[df[geneid] == i, lfc].iloc[0], i,
- fontsize=gfont)
- elif gstyle == 2:
- plt.annotate(i, xy=(df.loc[df[geneid] == i, 'A_add_axy'].iloc[0],
- df.loc[df[geneid] == i, lfc].iloc[0]),
- xycoords='data', xytext=(5, -15), textcoords='offset points', size=6,
- bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", alpha=0.1),
- arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="wedge,tail_width=0.5", alpha=0.1, relpos=(0, 0)))
- else:
- print("Error: invalid gstyle choice")
- sys.exit(1)
- elif genenames is not None and type(genenames) is tuple:
- for i in df[geneid].unique():
- if i in genenames:
- if gstyle == 1:
- plt.text(df.loc[df[geneid] == i, 'A_add_axy'].iloc[0], df.loc[df[geneid] == i, lfc].iloc[0], i,
- fontsize=gfont)
- elif gstyle == 2:
- plt.annotate(i, xy=(df.loc[df[geneid] == i, 'A_add_axy'].iloc[0],
- df.loc[df[geneid] == i, lfc].iloc[0]),
- xycoords='data', xytext=(5, -15), textcoords='offset points', size=6,
- bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", alpha=0.1),
- arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="wedge,tail_width=0.5", alpha=0.1, relpos=(0, 0)))
- else:
- print("Error: invalid gstyle choice")
- sys.exit(1)
- elif genenames is not None and type(genenames) is dict:
- for i in df[geneid].unique():
- if i in genenames:
- if gstyle == 1:
- plt.text(df.loc[df[geneid] == i, 'A_add_axy'].iloc[0], df.loc[df[geneid] == i, lfc].iloc[0],
- genenames[i], fontsize=gfont)
- elif gstyle == 2:
- plt.annotate(genenames[i], xy=(df.loc[df[geneid] == i, 'A_add_axy'].iloc[0],
- df.loc[df[geneid] == i, lfc].iloc[0]),
- xycoords='data', xytext=(5, -15), textcoords='offset points', size=6,
- bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", alpha=0.1),
- arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="wedge,tail_width=0.5", alpha=0.1, relpos=(0, 0)))
- else:
- print("Error: invalid gstyle choice")
- sys.exit(1)