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- from aws_cdk import core
- import aws_cdk.aws_s3 as s3
- import aws_cdk.aws_dynamodb as ddb
- import aws_cdk.aws_sqs as sqs
- import aws_cdk.aws_ssm as ssm
- import json
- import aws_cdk.aws_s3_notifications as s3n
- import aws_cdk.aws_s3_deployment as s3d
- ssm_parameter_credentials = 's3_migration_credentials'
- class CdkResourceStack(core.Stack):
- def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, _id: str, bucket_para, **kwargs) -> None:
- super().__init__(scope, _id, **kwargs)
- self.ddb_file_list = ddb.Table(self, "s3_migrate_ddb",
- partition_key=ddb.Attribute(name="Key", type=ddb.AttributeType.STRING),
- billing_mode=ddb.BillingMode.PAY_PER_REQUEST)
- self.sqs_queue_DLQ = sqs.Queue(self, "s3_migrate_sqs_DLQ",
- visibility_timeout=core.Duration.hours(1),
- retention_period=core.Duration.days(14)
- )
- self.sqs_queue = sqs.Queue(self, "s3_migrate_sqs_queue",
- visibility_timeout=core.Duration.hours(1),
- retention_period=core.Duration.days(14),
- dead_letter_queue=sqs.DeadLetterQueue(
- max_receive_count=24,
- queue=self.sqs_queue_DLQ
- )
- )
- self.ssm_bucket_para = ssm.StringParameter(self, "s3_migrate_bucket_para",
- string_value=json.dumps(bucket_para, indent=4)
- )
- # You need to manually setup ssm_credential_para in SSM Parameter Store before deploy CDK
- # Here import ssm_credential_para, MIND THE VERSION NUMBER MUST BE EXACT THE SAME !!!
- # 你需要先手工配置了一个ssm_credential_para,然后在这里导入,注意版本号一致!!!
- self.ssm_credential_para = ssm.StringParameter.from_secure_string_parameter_attributes(
- self, "ssm_parameter_credentials",
- parameter_name=ssm_parameter_credentials,
- version=1
- )
- # New a S3 bucket, new object in this bucket will trigger SQS jobs
- # This is not for existing S3 bucket. Jobsender will scan the existing bucket and create sqs jobs.
- # 这里新建一个S3 bucket,里面新建Object就会触发SQS启动搬迁工作。
- # 对于现有的S3 bucket,不在这里配置,由jobsender进行扫描并生成SQS Job任务。
- self.s3bucket = s3.Bucket(self, "s3_migrate_bucket")
- self.s3bucket.add_event_notification(s3.EventType.OBJECT_CREATED,
- s3n.SqsDestination(self.sqs_queue))
- # Deploy code
- self.s3_deploy = s3.Bucket(self, "s3_migrate_deploybucket")
- s3d.BucketDeployment(self, "deploy_code",
- sources=[s3d.Source.asset("./code")],
- destination_bucket=self.s3_deploy)
- core.CfnOutput(self, 'NewS3Bucket_MigrateObjects', value=self.s3bucket.bucket_name)
- core.CfnOutput(self, 'NewS3Bucket_deploy_code', value=self.s3_deploy.bucket_name)