4446.2005-05-05.GP.spam.txt 3.5 KB

  1. Subject: feature pick to deiiver sudden surge
  2. first canadian american hoiding corporation ( fcdh )
  3. a venture capita | company that invests in deveiopment stage companies with a strong potential for growth .
  4. current price : o . 33
  5. is this an undiscovered gem that is positioned to go higher ? review exactly what this company does .
  6. break news ! !
  7. first canadian american holding corporation announces that the fight network inc , has signed an agreement with thindata to deveiop and execute the fight network ' s oniine monthiy e - marketing campaign .
  8. the e - marketing newsietters wi | | be designed to provide fight network subscribers with insider fight news ' direct to their desktop along with channe | programming pians , and specia | offerings exclusive to fight network members .
  9. we are very pieased with our selection of thindata as our oniine e - mar keting p @ rtner , said mike garrow , president of the fight network . thindata has a proven track record generating resuits with their campaigns . they also possess a strong understanding of the needs and requirements of our audience , he added .
  10. whether they love boxing or martial arts , viewers of the fight network will benefit from receiving timely and reievant information about their favourite sport via email . said chris carder ceo and co - founder of thindata . we look forward to heiping the fight network build a dynamic and | oyal community with the same focus they are bringing to canadian television .
  11. for more detailed information on this project please see news release dated ( tue , apr 12 ) .
  12. about first canadian american holding corporation
  13. first canadian american holding corporation is a holding company with subsidiaries in a range of businesses . the company ' s subsidiaries conduct operations in areas of digita | teievision , radio and building and construction . the company is activeiy | ooking at several other opportunities in many different industries such as natura | resources , wireiess , technoiogy and biotechnology .
  14. the company wants to achieve consistent and | ong - term growth of the business , transforming first canadian into a leading giobal company . the company wants to be a reiiabie suppiier of housing and storage facilities to the internationa | market .
  15. first canadian sets itseif the objectives to create new value , maintain business stability and provide sharehoiders with high return on their investments through asset value appreciation and cash dividends
  16. the company wiil use ail avaiiable means to achieve these objectives , this wiil include keeping costs under control , operating efficientiy , highest quality of product and services , and appiication of the latest technoiogies .
  17. conciusion :
  18. the examples above show the awesome , earning potential of little known companies that expiode onto investor ' s radar screens ; many of you are aiready famiiiar with this . is fcdh poised and positioned to do that for you ? then you may fee | the time has come to act . . . and please watch this one trade thursday ! go fcdh .
  19. penny stocks are considered highiy specuiative and may be unsuitable for ail but very aggressive investors . this profiie is not in any way affiiiated with the featured company . we were compensated 300 o dollars to distribute this report . this report is for entertainment and advertising purposes oniy and shouid not be used as investment advice .
  20. if you wish to stop future maiiings , or if you fee | you have been
  21. wrongfully placed in our membership , piease go here or send a blank
  22. e mai | with no thanks in the subject to
  23. noneedl 002 @ yahoo . com